Monday, July 15, 2019

Dearest Boy update

This is my Dearest Boy block for this week.  I appliqued all the pieces, as Karen suggested.  I love it!!!  I wish my points were a tiny bit "pointier", but on the whole, I spent a ton of time on it and did ok.

Please see these bloggers various stages of working on this quilt.

Cathy:  Big Lake Quilter
Julie:  Juliekquilts (me)
Carole: Wheels on the Warrandyte bus
Doreen:  Aunt Reen's Place

Have a super day!!!



Cathy said...

Nice job.

Teresa said...

Looks great to me!

Karen said...

Julie, your compass block turned out so very nice. I don't mind the somewhat rounded points the applique gives it. And, to me, it was easier than piecing.

Loris said...

Lovely! Yes, these are a bit of work but it is going to be so worth it. A treasured quilt in the making!

Nancy said...

Your block looks great, Julie. I keep reading about the challenging pattern and instructions for the blocks of this quilt. It is a great accomplishment to overcome those to create such beautiful blocks.

Robin said...

Nice fabric choices. I bet it feels good to have this one done.

Sue SA said...

Pretty fabric choices, such a good idea to applique rather then piece!

Janet O. said...

Looks good to me, Julie. If I tried to applique something like that you would probably not even be able to tell that there were supposed to be points!

KaHolly said...

It came out just fine! Not more pointy makes it more organic 😉

Little Penpen said...

Very nice! I enjoy seeing your progress on this one.

Randy D. said...

Sure looks good; and the points look pointy enough for me!~!
Nice job!

Kyle said...

Your block turned out great. The points seem quite perky.

Lori said...

It looks great!! Nice job!!

Carole said...

Nice block Julie!

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

Looking good Julie!

Mystery quilt and more

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