The above quilt is one my neighbor just gave me. She is a darling lady, 83 years old, and her father was a doctor. A patient of the good doctor gave him this quilt instead of payment sometime in the 1950's. (Can you imagine trying this with your doctor these days?) Does anyone have an idea how old this quilt is? Or the pattern name? I believe it maybe 1930's? What do you think, all you quilt historians out there? My neighbor lady is in the process of worrying about her estate. Her son (only child) does not want any of that (old stuff) she has in her house. Her home is completed furnished in antiques from France and Germany. She has more amazing old quilts, but she does not quilt herself...she is a needle pointer. She just knew I love quilts and said she wanted to give me this one. Wow!

This is the block. Hand appliqued and hand quilted.

A close up of the border quilting...the lines are very dark where the quilter marked them. The quilt had never been washed until today, and she said she washed it so she could give the quilt to me. Wish she hadn't, but it is so sweet and soft.

More spools...my basket is getting about 1/2 full, and you know when the basket is full, that is how big the quilt will be!
Skip the next part if you are not interested...not quilting stuff.
****************************Nursing Notes*************
Thanks for reading the nurse's notes...I love my patients, and this was I can remember some of them better in the future.
Have a terrific day! I so enjoy talking to you all!!