Sunday, July 7, 2019

Dear Jane update

 My goal,  for every Sunday, is to add a Dear Jane block to my quilt.  Before I know it...the center will be done!!!  I made the brown block, last on the right bottom row, and then sewed it to the row.
 Here it is in all wonderful imperfection!!  It is darn cute in person.  In studying the Dear Jane (Stickle) quilt, her blocks were not at all perfect.  Yet, in the whole, it is such a fun and perfect quilt!!!
 I sewed a star block every morning before work this week.  The blue one with brown points on the  bottom center is actually a pocket from a shirt, from the thrift store.  I love it, and will leave a secret message in the pocket for whomever gets this quilt!!
Not everything has to be complex for me to love it.  These blocks are just lickety split fast to make...I love them, and am using up lots of scraps.

About the Dear Jane...if you can let me know everyone who is interested in working on theirs, I will link to you each week, and you can link to me we can encourage each other!!!



Karrin Hurd said...

I love your Dear Jane. It took me 7 years to finish mine but I love it. I joined the Dear Jane group on a Yahoo Groups and got lots of good info on making the blocks and triangles

Carole~Quilter on the hill said...

I would love to join you in working on my DJ so count me in. Love your little brown block, looks perfect to me!

KaHolly said...

You sew like I do! It’s surprising how quickly blocks accumulate! Dear Jane is coming along beautifully. You always have such clever ideas, and a pocket block with a note enclosed is genius! I’m quilting up my last scrap quilt finish, but it’s not as pretty as any of yours turn out. Have a good week!

Rose Marie said...

You are making great progress on your projects! That pocket is such a neat idea.

Lori said...

Your DJ block look great to me!!
I'm a fan of stars and that little pocket is so cute!! 4 patches are perfect too!!

Lcrrkhs said...

I'm in for DJ!

Chantal said...

A quilt with a secret message? Wonderful idea! Much better than a bottle in the ocean if you ask me. :^D Love your DJ blocks. Do you sew the blocks together as you go? Why?
Take care. ;^)

julieQ said...

HI Chantal! I sew the blocks together, because it is easier for me to keep it all in one place, and I am sewing them in order.

Tired Teacher said...

The pocket block is fun: the recipient of the quilt will love it AND the note tucked inside.

Binsa said...

Hello Julie I will join you each week with Dear Jane just 5he motivation I need

Quilter Kathy said...

That is a very cool block you just made! So many pieces in each of the Dear Jane blocks!
What a fun idea to put a surprise message in a pocket!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Cute how you incorporated the pocket in the block. Have fun making the Dear Jane blocks. I've never thought much about making such small blocks.

Nancy said...

I was thinking Cheddarback was hard but now that I see Dear Jane it looks like some of those blocks must be really, really challenging. Yours looks great!

Randy D. said...

What a great plan to sew a block each morning or every Sunday Before you know it, you'll have enough blocks for a quilt!
Your Dear Jane is looking fabulous. I think I made 3 or 4 blocks and gave up because they were SO imperfect
Yours are inspiring!

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