Thursday, July 18, 2019

Rows are together

The rows are sewn together for this quilt.  I have run out of the plaid sashing fabric, so I will have to find it or a close substitute to continue putting this one together.  Or come up with something original!!

What are you working on?

************************Nurse's notes***************************

A dichotomy of patients were at the hospital today.

 I had one fellow, a lung infection patient, that had to have a portion of his lung taken out, (empyema).   He was flat out the nicest man, ever.  Just a doll, and you know he had to be hurting, bless him!  He did everything we asked of him, walking and doing his breathing exercises and was just kind to everyone he met.

Another lady was flat mean.  She had the same surgery, was the same age as the other patient.    Refused all therapy we tried, no walking...cussed us out at any whim.   She said to her husband, "Well, you are just a librarian.  I guess everyone can't be a king of industry, certainly not you!"  He looked so downtrodden. I just winced... I told him I loved librarians and that the library was a super fun place and one of my favorites!  Poor guy....he was just so sad.

I made it my mission to see what I could do to turn her around, at least for today....if not for her, for her husband.


I went and got her bacon and eggs for breakfast, a good sandwich and salad for lunch, and a hot plate for dinner.  She was happy as a clam!  So...for today, I made a difference, at least for her, and for him. I got him food too...bless his heart!!

Such is the life of a nurse!!

Have a great day, y'all!



Katie said...

That plaid really sets those stars off. I hope you can find something that works. And thank you for sharing your nurse notes. Last week I was in the hospital for an outpatient procedure and, having read your blog for a while now, I had a slightly different perspective of my experience. Where I might have been impatient or frustrated before, I just let things roll this time. The doc is an hour behind? Okay, make sure those he is with now get what they need, safely. I'll be here until then and know he'll give me my time when it's my turn. Only one nurse doing discharge? I can wait a bit. And honestly? It made my time less stressful! Me. Not the nurses. Me! (Though I'm sure it helped them a little, too...)

---"Love" said...

Those are my favorite star, and with as many plaids as you have there, you should be able to find another plaid that will work hopefully. As I run my curser across the horizontal 'sashings', and then down like the ones that will join the rows, I can see something like a step-down zig-zag, except of course, on the straight set. I think it will be pretty.

You've proved it again today that you are one very special nurse, no matter what the situation! Again, as I've said before, if and when I have to have surgery, I hope I have a nurse as caring as you! ---"Love"

Julierose said...

Just a lovely plaid sashing--i hate when you run out in the middle..hoping you can find
something close...hugs, Julierose

Suzanne said...

Julie, thee are a blessing. Suzanne

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

If you can't find that plaid, then maybe another plaid will do, with something different for cornerstones. Sorry about the patient lady. Her poor hubby. At least the food helped them both.

Kyle said...

You have a ❤ full of love and compassion

Loris said...

Wonderful new star quilt with the perfect plaid too. I love where this is going :-)
I have felt that satisfaction before...achieving the impossible with an impossible patient thought often short lived :-( My heart goes out to that husband who endures so much. You are a dear one to find the way to lift the day a bit at least. And prayers for both her, the husband and for the first gentleman working so hard to recover strong. He is a dear one too!

Loris said...

P.S. And I'm still sewing those triangles. HA!

Karen said...

I like the idea of rows of plaid stars with just simple horizontal sashing between the rows. What is your plan for the quilt once it is finished?

Janet O. said...

Your plaid stars and sashing make me giddy. Just love all that plaid!!
Oh, that all nurses could see beyond the meanness to the person underneath and make it their goal to help them find joy. We have had some really good nurses over the past several years as our parents have been in and out of hospitals and care facilities, but you always seem to go above and beyond. Not many people (nurse or not) would have gone out of their way like you did for someone who was unkind. Always impressed with the kind of human being you are, Julie!

Ellie said...

If only all patients could be like Katie and all nurses like you!

KaHolly said...

Julie, you are truly an angel! And your quilt is darling, too. Can’t you just leave it in rows like pictured? It’s awfully pretty.

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

Number 1 - you are such a sweet caring person! And how nice and sweet that you saw what would help the woman feel better. But my heart goes out to the man! She must be a miserable person to live with! If I have to ever have surgery again, I will schedule you to come down here to take care of me! I always do what they want me to do after a surgery - otherwise one will never recoup!!!!

Now to the Star quilt - I love it! And the plaid's do set it off! Great work Julie!HUgs

Karrin Hurd said...

Great quilt! I thought I might have something similar to what you a3 liking for but can’t see it well enough. You are so sweet and caring with your patients. Poor husband that has to live with mean lady!

Lori said...

You are such a sweet nurse!! I love you to pieces!
Do you have an idea of what kind of fabric you want to use? Maybe I can help!

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