Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Making progress!

Allrighty, then!!!  (That is a word, right?)  I finished all of these blocks, for my quilt of valor that has been going on for a lot of last year.  Hurrah!  I just need to sew the row together, so I am counting it as great progress.

The Daybreak quilt is a top!  I had no border, and found a purple at Joann's,  and someone will love this purplish quilt.  So there!

My favorite!  Pink kitties!!  This will also go to the patient/chemo quilt ladies.  I love it!  I saw one with brown, gray and black kitties...hmmmm.  Must do that one!

Trimmings from cutting up fabric become these little potholders.  Waste not, want not, right?




Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Sewing...putting the pedal to the metal!


Hello!!  I recently had some days off...and used this time to work on ufo's.  I finished all the pink kitty blocks that I started a few years ago!  Hurrah!!!  I am trying to be ruthless...finish it or donate each project!

I used my leftover half square triangles to make this small quilt.  Now what?  Leave it small?  Or grown the quilt larger!!!??

I used a couple of leftover yarn bits to make dishcloths.  
I hand sewed the binding on this quilt!

I am making progress on this quilt, too.

On we go, friends!  Hope each of you is doing well.  I got to zoom call with Chooky and the ladies for a few minutes, which made my whole week!!

Cobblestone Bridge Quilts n Things: Happy National Quilt Day from our house to yours

Please click on the blog is Lyn's birthday!  Actually, it was yesterday, because she is in Australia...but please wish her a happy birthday!

Off to work again tomorrow...sigh....


Wednesday, March 15, 2023

All together now!!!

 I sewed all the blocks together, and now I am searching for the perfect border.  This is destined to be a chemo quilt.

Hope each of you has a wonderful day!

Sunday, March 5, 2023

Number next!

Well, it all started with a jelly roll.  They are so pretty, but I never know what to do with them, honestly. The jelly roll I used is all polka dots!   Above is a perfect jelly roll pattern.  It is called Daybreak, by Georgette Dell'Orco; a Cozy Quilt design.  I am making a patient quilt, and it is going quickly.  Half of the blocks are pictured; half are still in the works!  I must say the 2.5-inch strips feel big after the mystery quilt with tiny pieces.  My friend Annie and I are enjoying making this quilt together.  

 I made a new bag for that was fun.  The most time-consuming thing about it was making the quilted fabric.  I think the pattern would work well with pre-quilted fabric, too.  

Here is the free pattern...many thanks to the designer, Lynn!

*****************Nurse's notes*************************

I floated to oncology the other day.  I had six patients under my care.  All medical patients, no cancer...overflowing medical patients onto the cancer floor.  One pancreatitis, one pneumonia, one failure to thrive, one drug overdose, one septic urinary tract infection, and one deep vein thrombosis.  People became diagnoses, as I just noticed how I spoke about my patients. But I take time to know them, too, as much as I can...are they married, children, what did they do for a living... I must say, all my time on medical floor as a new nurse really has helped me be a generalist and take care of anything that comes through the door.  I ran all day long...19000 steps.  I really enjoyed it.  I charted standing up, ate in five minutes in the hallway, and away I went. Nurses everywhere will relate to days like this!


I am reading about Hitler, and his rise to power, which actually started in the 1930's.  Very interesting how one man could control a population, and lay waste to another.  What a horrible war, involving so many, many countries, and the whole world was involved economically.  I am reading such books as Sophie's Choice, and Sarah's Key.  Alos, I am reading about the woman going to the workforce (think Rosie the riveter), and how woman stepped up to make a living for themselves as their men were off to war, and the grandparents stepping up to care for children.  Such interesting reading about this "Greatest Generation!"  Tell me if you were alive during this time and have remembrances, please???

Hope you have a great day, each of you!

Hand quilting on the plane!

Greetings!!  I have been on a journey!  I got to go visit my grand babies, and had a lovely time. I wanted to have something to sew on the p...