Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Dearest Boy update!

Here is my block for this time, for the Dearest Boy quilt.  I like the star created in the negative space!!!

Please see these quilters...we are on the home stretch, finishing blocks for this quilt!

Hope you are having some quilting time today.


Thursday, April 25, 2019

Finishing some things!

 I recently had some time to hand quilt these, and bind them.  Except the rail fence quilt...that was quilted by my friend Kristy!!  It is a gift for a patient.  The quilting made it so pretty that it is hard to give up, LOL!  The table runner was made from orphan blocks gifted to me...and the red work quilt is made from embroidered blocks that are at least ten years old.  Hurrah for some finishes!!
 This itty-bitty flower quilt is one of several flower quilts that I have made...I love flowers so, so much, and this is just made up of pieces and parts.  In fact...the whole quilt was made because I had a little piece of stem leftover...and I made the whole rest of the little quilt was fashioned around that stem, so I could use it up!
I have a fun, lovely friend, Audrey, of Quilty folk blog fame.  She recently posted about a friend who posted all her projects, perfect or not.  I immediately thought she must be posting about me...HAHAHAHAHA!! Of course she probably wasn't.....but...this quiltlet is just the best example of non perfection.  It is just about 6 inches wide...but one side is a whole half inch longer than the other!  Bwwahahahaha!  I have no idea how I did that, or how is fits together.




Sunday, April 21, 2019


See the source image

Happy Easter to everyone!

This quilt along is started!  This is from Gay, our friend at Sentimental Stitches.  She is offering the patterns freely each month.  I have made a start, as you see!!!!    It is a pretty cool old, old quilt, and the fun thing is that the backing with a solid piece of cheddar fabric!!  Super fun!

The little swastika block will be replaced in my quilt...I think the original name of the block was "fly foot", at least that is what I remember from Momma.

Please see here for the current pattern!  Each month it is free, but then you have to pay five dollars for the prior months...but we are only one month behind!!   LOL!



Friday, April 19, 2019

A very quick chemo quilt in the works

My friend is going to have to start chemo and radiation treatments immediately for her cancer.  She likes reds and blacks, so I was given these blocks and told to "piece them today without fail!"  and send them back immediately, and all the separate pieces sewed by separate friends will all be put together into a whole quilt for her to take to her chemo by next Wednesday.  


And I mowed the lawn...and that was today!!!

Hugs to all, 


Thursday, April 18, 2019

Just a few blocks

 So....I have figured a system of getting things done!  Whoop!  Every day is assigned a particular quilt along.  Wednesday is the Temecula blocks quilt along...see above.  I am doing these in rainbow colors, and teal is the color for April.
 Monday is for the Meeting House quilt along...caught up on these blocks!!!
Tuesday is for Tiny Tuesday, with Rainbow quilts. (Angel at So Scrappy)  These are the most current blocks...so I am cheering right now...not caught up with all these projects but getting closer.

So there!  System-ness wins!!!  or something like that...hahaha!

************************Just a note************************

I am sorry about the death of Gwen Marston.  I felt like I knew her...what a lovely quilter...she will be very missed.

My very good friend from work has been diagnosed with metastatic cancer...from breast to lung mets.  Very difficult insurance problems are being worked through to get her treatment.  Just makes me so sad and a bit angry, actually.

My friend Lyn in Australia lost her daddy...and that is so sad too.

So I am praying for all and for peace, too!!



Monday, April 15, 2019

Bee in my Bonnet update

Just a few blocks for this  quilt along...great fun to make, and pretty accurate, due to great instructions!!!  It makes quilting lots  of fun!!

Have a great day,


Dearest Boy update!

HI everyone!  These are not the original trees for this quilt...I tried and tried to make those trees, and finally decided that I would make these instead!  LOL!!!  So here you are...the end is getting closer!!!

Have a super day!

Please see these quilters below to see their blocks.


Sunday, April 14, 2019

Blessed day!!

 I have been working. working....working!  But today, I am off.  I finished the above blocks, for a quilt along at Bee in my bonnet.  These patterns are free....check her blog out here, and scroll backward to see the blocks.  She has a couple different quilt alongs going on, but this one is fun, because it gives the patterns right along...and they are GREAT patterns.


Here is the latest block from Pat Sloan website...it is a Space themed quilt, named "Out of this World"    I have no spacey fabrics, so I am using my scraps as usual.  All the blocks are still up...free!!  By the way, her website has dozens of free patterns...so much fun!

  This is just some cut off points, sew together.

FREE!!   Hahaha!!!!

*************************Nurse's Notes***************************

I have had the most lovely and precious patients!!!

One family feeds me every day...brought me a shirt, and a jacket when I mentioned I was cool...just are the sweetest and nicest people.  They are from an ultra religious family, and cannot cut their hair or wear pants or pierce their ears. Oh the glorious heads of hair on those girls!  Down to their knees!   It is so interesting to see their expressions of faith and family togetherness....just so kind and nice, under very stressful circumstances.

One patient had short term memory loss...it was fun to introduce myself a few times a day!  She was so sweet...her long term memory was totally intact, and she told me that she was a tatter in her day.  Super fun...and a knitter, too.

It was very gratifying to take a "nervous Nelly"  sort of man in his 50's through heart surgery, encouraging him when he thought he could not get up to the chair the day after surgery (which the doctors encourage), to walking right out the front door!  HURRAH!  for him!!!

Loved my week...hope you had a lovely one too, with whatever you do!



Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Tiny Tuesday

 Today, I added the tiny blocks above, to the owl...little bitty blocks but big fun!
I am finishing this quilt top...needs a border and then quilting.  All plaids...all flying geese...all flying north!  I still have not decided what to put in the streak of "plain" blocks I added as a lark...some ideas, perhaps, friends?

Have a super day!


Monday, April 8, 2019

A wee little owl!

 Angela, at So Scrappy, does rainbow quilts, as many of you know.  This little owl pattern was presented as one of the patterns.  Isn't it just the absolutely cutest thing ever?  I could not make the beak just perfectly match...but I love that part too.

Please see her blog here..lots of green and aqua blocks showing on her blog!  I am linking to her.
 These are my Meeting House quilt along blocks, so far...I think I may have missed one along the way, but I am calling it caught up!  LOL!  On Facebook, just look up Meeting house quilts, if you are interested.
Hey, guess what?  I thought to myself, why DON'T you have any cheddar fabric?  So, I went to the fat quarter shop on line and they had this fabric on sale.  The rest is history!!!

Have a great day, everyone!


Wednesday, April 3, 2019

String quilts!!

 I have shown this quilt top before, but I was just thinking...oh watch out!  Thinking again!!!  I truly love strings, and this is a string quilt....
 I wish I had made it bigger, bigger!!!!
If you would like to make some string basket blocks...here you go!  I made these last night.


Please see this link, to Lizzie's blog!!!  I love her blocks, and they reminded me that I made the quilt top above, some years ago.  Lizzie is using Cheddar for her handles, and I am using Yellow...because that is what I have...so in it goes!!!

Lori at Humble quilts is having a string quilt along this year, so go over here to see what everyone is up to.


Scraps rule...and strings...

and by the way?  Lovely new yardage does too!!  Any fabric is wonderful in my book!!!!!!

Hugs from Julie!!

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Days off are just the ticket!!!

 Hi everyone!  I finished all the stars, and so now I am working on the outer border of this quilt, Monterrey Medallion, by Atkinson Designs.  My local quilting group members are making this quilt...five of us, in total.
 It is pretty big!!  and it is fun to see the progress, making one block a day.
 Just blocks are just some mindless sewing...green was the Rainbow color of March, so there you go!!  That red one snuck in there...cheeky little quilt block!
These look a bit like a Christmas cactus to me...but they were on sale at Home Depot, named "Spring cactus.".  I missed a picture when all the blooms were open, but I love the color, don't you??

************************Nurse's notes**********************

Thank you for all your sweet notes and support of my WHINING of last post!  LOL!  I was just super tired...but it got me to thinking and set me to action!

Short term strategies for this type of patient:

1.  Male nurses assigned to the patient, if possible.
2.  Don't go in alone to room, to perform care...take a friend.
3. De-brief ASAP, when coming out of room and when shift is over

Long term strategies to take up with management and unit council:

1.  Did we assess alcohol abuse before consenting for cardiac surgery (in this case, we did...charted it)
2.  Have a plan in place for limit setting for his behavior.
3.  Enlist family, if possible, if safe for them
4.  Have a no tolerance policy for abuse.
5.  Partner with the docs for meds, as needed and appropriate.

THERE!  That feels much better!!  A plan is good...


Quilting is healing and therapeutic for me...so on I go, no pressure, just the sheer joy of it!!!  Thank you dear friends, for your support!!



Hand quilting on the plane!

Greetings!!  I have been on a journey!  I got to go visit my grand babies, and had a lovely time. I wanted to have something to sew on the p...