Friday, December 29, 2017

Just some miscellaneous stuff!

 This froggie is well worn and loved, and probably twenty years old. All the seams are strained...and maybe I will fix him up! I found him today and he said he wanted up on the there you go.
 More frogs, from the same time frame.  These are dish towels, also froggies!!  These are made using fabric paints.
 The whole lot of them!!  I need to use these up...
 These are the finished stockings.  Rosie (the poodle) did not get her stocking completed, so I will do that for her before next year!
 There was a visitor of one of my patients in the hospital, and she was a needlepoint lady.  We all got to talking, and she found out I was a quilter...and the next day she brought me this!  It is the start of a needlepoint pillow and the design is hand painted.  She brought needles and scissors and yarn and the canvas!  I was blown away...she said I needed to do needlepoint too!  So I am learning.  What a nice thing to do!  I brought her friend, the patient, a quilt to help her heal faster.
 My friend Lyn from Australia sent a wonderful box of goodies!!  Just a sampling above; Lyn also sent a quilt, with all kinds of small quilted pieces to attach to form a beautiful crèche.  I did not get a picture of it, dang it!  Such fun and thank you so much!
This ornament was made by Marcie, of Patchalot quilt patterns fame.  I just love cute!!!  Thank you, Marcie!

I also received soap and chocolate from my friend Janet, but they are already in use and consumed, LOL!  Thank you, Janet!

I am working on that list of what quilts to work on in 2018...stay tuned!

Hugs to all!!


Thursday, December 28, 2017

Taking stock of projects for the coming year

 I am trying to figure out what I am going to focus on during this coming year. While I was rooting  around in the unfinished projects, I found the above postage stamp quilt that I began maybe two years ago.  The finished project will be 80 inches x 100 inches, and here is where I am on it.  So that is 8000 pieces, if I were counting...
I have all the one inch pieces cut is a long sewing process for this one.  I was inspired by a patient's family member as she brought in her own postage stamp quilt for her mom.

I just love this quilt!  Maybe it will be one of the projects for this year!!


Monday, December 25, 2017

Christmas evening

 Poor, poor neglected Blockheads blocks!!  Only 15 blocks into this quilt along, and 39 blocks are released.  I laid them all out so I can figure out where I am, and printed out the patterns so I can get this one going!!
 This is a rail fence variation that is cooking in my wee brain...
 The blocks are 8 inches, 7.5 inch finished.  What a weird size!  Next time, I will make them 8 inch finished!  I used one inch red strips and 2 inch white and aqua strips.

Surprise!  Santa brought me a 1/4 guided foot!  I can't imagine how I did without this gadget...thank you, Santa!!!

Hope each of you had a lovely Christmas!!


Sunday, December 24, 2017

Merry Christmas!!

 A few more bow tie blocks came off the machine today.  I still have almost an entire cut out box full of pieces!!  This may take a bit...
I had a request for chocolate walnut pie.  So this is what came out of the oven.  I sure hope it tastes good!  Whipped cream will disguise a lot of evils, I am hoping, LOL!!

Merry Christmas to each of you!  I wish you peace and great joy this holiday season. Thank you for being part of my are very important to me, and I am grateful for your friendship!


Thursday, December 21, 2017

As finished as it is gonna get!

This top is a wrap!  I finished the last blocks today and put the last row on.  Whoop!  I have no plans for a border, and have a scrappy binding all ready to go.  I need a lovely place to take pictures of quilts, LOL!

Happy day!!


Sunday, December 17, 2017

Just a few thoughts

 I have been working all weekend, and so have just taken a breath!!  whew...and said...what now?  Of course, I am working on the mystery quilt, and so many other UFOs...and these are a couple more.  Above are some 3 inch finished bow ties...I have a zillion more cut out, and would like to get these done and into a scrappy quilt for someone.
And above?  I was going to make the red and white quilt that so many people made last year...or was it the year before last?  When the big red and white quilt exhibit was at Houston.  I made a start, but working with just the one color kind of got to me, so I ended it here.  I am hand quilting this one at night, while DH watches the news.

Some thoughts:  I really love hand quilting.  It just soothes my soul, somehow, and yet I rarely make time for it at home. All the bustle of working and keeping house and laundry and just seems so important to keep it all done and up to date...and yet?  What will it matter in 50 years how clean a home I kept?  Or will it make more difference that I made some quilts, with my own hand stitches, to endure for maybe a generation or two more?  I need those stitches...really do.  So, I am going to hand quilt a bit each day, and enjoy that comfort and zen that comes from the repetitive stitches and the needle going in and out of fabric.

Have a great day, each of you!


Friday, December 15, 2017

Working on step four of the mystery quilt and some other stuff

Surprise!  I have made more than one of this plaid quilt that was in my header forever!  Here is my latest, which is not very new, actually.
 I am going to sandwich it and hand quilt this one. I am feeling some time pressure to get these quilts all completed.   I just love this pattern...see my big mistake! LOL!  It is all will sleep someone warm and cozy anyway!!  PLAIDS RULE, by the way...and I have been saving plaid strings and pieces to make more of these quilts.  The pattern is by Evelyn Sloppy.
 I am working on Bonnie Hunter's mystery quilt, and here is where I am.  All of step one done, some of step 2, 3, and 4 done...and most of all the pieces are cut out.  This is my project box...thrown away plastic bins from the hospital.  I love these for organizing pieces and parts!
 This is what the step four unit looks like....
Unless you do it like this!  WHOOPS!!!  Hahaha!!!

Have a lovely day, everyone!!!


Monday, December 11, 2017

Quiltville mystery linkup part three!

 I worked all weekend, so here is the sum total of my efforts toward part three of Bonnie Hunter's Mystery quilt, "On Ringo Lake".

Please see Bonnie's part three link-up, here!!!

 But I got lots of pieces cut out, so that was good!!!

 I don't carry a purse anymore to work, really, unless it is home made string purse, but I need something to tuck in my pocket, to carry my ID and I made this.
I am a little in love with it.  Strings, scraps...what could be more fun!!!!!!!!!!?  It is just big enough for my driver's license to fit.

Have a great day, everyone!!


Wednesday, December 6, 2017


 I have been, as you may know, trying to use up all my scraps.  Here is one of my latest efforts.
These blocks are 6 inches finished, and I need five more blocks to make a fair sized quilt.

1 Corinthians 13:13

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love."

I just love this bible verse, and it seemed so right to put these affirming words in this quilt, especially with some of the mayhem going on in the world!

Maybe I need to put the Love block on the top of the quilt somewhere???

Hope each of you is having a great day!!


Sunday, December 3, 2017

Mystery quilt! Part two!

 Here is where I am, so far, on Bonnie Hunter's mystery quilt, "On Ringo Lake".  I have all of part one done, and 42 of the 200 flying geese for part two.  This is my project box for this quilt.

Please see Bonnie's post about part two, here!  Lots of quilters are joining in!!
 So far, it looks pretty pastel...but that is fine with me!
I have been saving the corner method triangles to play with too.

Hope each of you has a great day!!


Friday, December 1, 2017

What to do with the rainbow projects!!?

 I made nine of these rainbow themed flower blocks, then did not make anymore.  I need three more for a pretty assortment, like the rainbow!
 Here is a closer look.
 OK, so here are 10 of these blocks...need two more for a little quilt!!!
 And then I have only made pink, orange and brown of these need a lot more of these.
and one of this kind of block!!

Additionally, I am working on the birds, from the previous post...

SO!!!?  I have a lot of starts, and not a lot of finishes.  At least I have them all sorted out and sort of a plan of attack to finish some of these.  Tell me I am not the only one who does this!!!

******************************Rosie Posie Pudding Pie: a poodle story**************

Rosie, my poodle, on the last walk of the evening, got ran over by a bike, last night.  She is pretty hurt...I don't think she has internal injuries but is pretty beat up and hurts so much.  The vet gave her antibiotics and also heavy duty pain meds.  I would love your prayers and good wishes for her...she is such a darling girl and I just hate to see her in any distress.  Thank you!


Have a super day!!

Hand quilting on the plane!

Greetings!!  I have been on a journey!  I got to go visit my grand babies, and had a lovely time. I wanted to have something to sew on the p...