Monday, September 27, 2010

HI Y'all! There have been a few of you that are making the five inch blocks, Soot and Ashes, designed by Cheri. I asked my friend Lori of Humble Quilts if she thought that orange might be OK instead...I have no black or dark fabrics to really speak of. She suggested cheddar! I loved that idea...and thought, really, what are the colors of Autumn, here, where I am now? I went outside in our backyard and looked at the leaves...some reds, brown, yellows, cheddars (Lori was right on!) ...and this combination of fabrics most closely represents what I saw. This is a line of fabric ( shocked aren't you...I never use anything in a line...hardly ever!). It is Spice Chest by Jo Morton. I like her style!! I have a few more blocks to go, then I will be caught up with this project for now. Please go over and see Cheri's blog, if you would like to join in!!
Aren't these gorgeous? These nine patches are from Jill, for the nine patch swap...lovely, aren't they? I love them, and Jill also sent a chicken note pad, magnet and fabric...Thank you so much, Jill! She is a BUSY mom...and farm girl! I felt so at home reading her letter...thank you again, Jill!
These lovely nine patches are all the way from Australia! I bet if I counted all the miles...we would thousands and thousands of miles on our nine patches! These pretty ones are from Linda...I just love them! Thank you, Linda, for participating!! Please click on her name and give her a visit at her will love it! Linda also sent some really pretty it!
These wonderful nine patches are from Victoria, all the way from Pennsylvania...aren't they so pretty? Gorgeous in every way! thank you so much, Victoria!! Don't you love the colors she chose?? Help me out, I have you under another name?? Are you Tori?? Thank you!! Can you tell I am getting lost in the nine patches??
These amazing nine patches are from gorgeous, aren't they? I love them so much...and she sent a wonderful piece of fabric too. Thank you so much, Cecelia! I love the yellow ribbons around the blocks...just so bright and pretty. Please treat yourself to a visit to her blog!

****************The COLD from you know where!!*****************

What is going on with many of us? I have blogged with no less than 5 ladies...who all have this dreadful end of Summer/beginning of fall cold/flu. Yuckola, I say to it!! I am done with you, dreaded gone!!! If it were only that easy, I guess I will just suffer through for the normal 10-14 days.


Have a wonderful day!


Friday, September 24, 2010


You know...the little Rosie Posie Poodle?

I sing this to her: "Rosie Posie Pudding Pie, Chased all the big dogs and made them all cry!" Hmmm, sometimes she covers her ears with her paws and runs away...wonder why?? Anyway!!

Our sweet little stray is such a love bug! She wants to have her paws on anything I am doing...including all the quilts. She just would not let go of this little scrappy quilt...and so, it will be hers. I will finish it for her, and she can have it all to herself, to enjoy and snuggle with. The bottom is not that crooked, just laying a bit wrinkled up. This is from the 2.5 and 1.5 inch scrap bins. I love those bins! It just takes a few minutes to cut up my scraps and replenish the bins, after I have finished a project, and it is great fun to rummage through and see what I can make! This is Bonnie Hunter's idea- her scrap users system.
Look! This is what I mean by avalanche!! These gorgeous nine patch bundles came here, all the way from Australia, for the swap...and I mean just so pretty! thank you so much, Peg!! I love them, and I know all of the swappers will too! Please see her blog here.
These nine patches came here from Georgia, from Amy...aren't they just so yummy? And speaking of Yummy...take a look at that chocolate Amy included! Isn't that just so good...wait a minute, my mouth is full...hmipohphph,m,!! OK, now I can talk!! She also included plaids...I love every one!! thank you, Amy!! Please visit Amy here.
And look!! This wonderful bath of nine patches...3 inchers...are from Linda ( no blog...yet!) in Washington. And look! I was shocked and delighted...she made a quilt too! Isn't it wonderful?? I love it, and thank you so much, Linda!! Wow!
Julie S from Utah sent these gorgeous nine patches...aren't they wonderful? They just are so pretty! She also included some background fabric...and I love it! I have a story to tell you...Julie is a really wonderful lady...I will tell you this after all the nine patches arrive...she is just a super lady! Thank you, Julie! ( no blog...yet!)
More, more, more! These nine patches are from Annie from California...aren't they gorgeous too? I love them...and a quilt too! I am just speechless, you is gorgeous!! I put a label on the quilt...I love it, and thank you, dear Annie! Please see Annie here.

These nine patches are from Annett from Oregon...both large and small...and plaids (she knows me well), and patterns!! Wow, you all...I am surely the most spoiled human on the planet. Thank you, dear Annett!! Thank you all!! Please visit Annett here.

I think that as a group, quilters are one of the most giving and charitable groups. I see quilt after quilt donated to charity...quilters stepping up and helping other quilters and fellow humans in need...prayers and positives thoughts flowing around the net and through our lives. How fun it is for me to get to know you all better through this blog! I am grateful!


Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Hi, everyone!!! Just worked yesterday, then off today. We took a whirlwind trip to the farm and worked the weekend too, putting up gates. I have a lovely sunburn, sore muscles...and really enjoyed it so much! The gates are really nice, going into the farm, and will be more secure.

The big news is...I finished row five of the Dear Jane Quilt! Do you hear that, Jane!!? Only eight more rows to go on the center. Jane...I had to alter a couple of your wonderful blocks...after 5 tries and ripping it out (something I do rarely anyway)...I decided, hey this is supposed to be a treat, not a TREATMENT, so I made a little different block than in your quilt, Jane...I know you won't mind!! Quilting is supposed to be fun, after all...and finishing row five was certainly a treat. Thanks, Jane! Modeling done free of charge by our lovely Rosie...who will not get out of the middle of whatever I am doing. I love that Rosie baby dog!!
Look, look!!! More nine patches are coming all the time...these are from Caryl, at These are the most gorgeous reds ever!! And Christmas charm mind is already whirling about how I can enjoy those...and the cutest card, all about nurses! Thank you, Caryl! Please go and say hi on her will enjoy her work!
Shari!!of Mumsyblossom....sent the most gorgeous pink and brown nine patches ever! I love that color pretty...and she laid down a challenge too! she included this gorgeous fabric and said..."use it in your Dear Jane"! so...drumroll please....I did!! See below...

Threads and is my block, Shari!! I love, love this fabric...and will use it again in the quilt too. Thank you so very much!!!

*****************************Weight loss Wednesday******************

Hey, really, y'all...I am a Yo-yo! I am up and down, up and down on the scale...a pound or two this way and that...One day I am really on track and doing well, eating right...and the next? Someone brings donuts to the nursing station...and I am sunk!! Sigh...any advice for me except to get off my fannie and do better with my willpower?? Hard, isn't it.....

***********************Nurse's notes*********************

At work, at the hospital...I heard a voice..."Hey Nurse!" I went to investigate, he was not my patient, but he obviously needed help. The gentleman asked me to change the TV channel, which of course I did...then I noticed... he was paralyzed from the neck down. He had a very strange looking dot in the middle of his forehead...and being the forward, friendly type I am, I asked him what the silver dot was. He said "It is because of my religion" I immediately apologized...then he busted out laughing and said, "Not really, the dot controls my computer mouse when I move my head, so I can work and continue my job and support my family." Wow...You know, I just really admire someone faced with great adversity who keeps on...keeping on!! You Go, Fellow!!!!

************************and...a request!*******************

My friend Joyce, a quilter in Arizona, took her husband Buck in for emergency heart cath and possible bypass surgery, depending on what they find...she is so upset, poor lady...would you remember her in your thought and prayers???

Have a great day,


Monday, September 20, 2010

Go winner!!! and nine patches!!

Just look at these!!! I am still receiving lots of nine patches for the Great Celebration Nine Patch Exchange! These are Aussie Gold...pure gold to me...lovely in every way! These are from Chookyblue...she also included some of her art...she makes the most lovely cards and pads from her original pictures...they are gorgeous!! Thank you, Chooky!!
Aren't these so pretty?? I love this color combination....these wonderful nine patches are from Monica, who is a computer genius too...she designed our Nine patch exchange logo!! Please visit her blog...for a special treat! Thank you so very much, Monica!! We found out we are neighbors too...isn't that so cool?
Just look at what Sylvia sent!!! she sent the most wonderful nine patches...and hand crocheted dish clothes...and such gorgeous fabric too! Including some Batiks....I don't have many, so this was such a treat. Thank you so very much, Sylvia!! Please visit her at her blog!
And just look at these! all the way across the gorgeous are these nine patches from May Kristin!! Her fabric choices are so pretty...and she sent fabric too. Thank you so much, dear May Kristin! Her blog is here. Her pictures are much, much better...enjoy her blog!!

And now a big drum roll....the winner of the Go cutter is...wait for it...aren't I annoying....

By random number drawing....

Debi!! of
Congratulations, Debi!!! Please contact me so we can get you your Go! cutter and your choice of dies!!!

Have a super week,


Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Hi Y'all!!

I just wanted to say...WOW! I can't believe all the comments on last post, the one about giving away the GO!! Please forgive me, I tried to start answering everyone individually, and about 15 responses in, I about lost my little mind...may I just respond this way and say "Thank you!" to everyone who entered!? Thank you!!

Above is my finished plaid little quilt...hand quilted and bound, with leaves growing out of the sides...hmmm....I do like it though, even though it was not planned AT ALL!! I do love my plaids...aren't they so fun and wonky? These were just the littlest of scraps, most less than 1 inch in width, many of them given to me by people who don't like plaids as much as I do.
And more gorgeous nine patches arrived today! Just take a look at these! Crystal sent these all the way from Canada!! Aren't they just so pretty? And she sent plaids...PLAIDS too! How cool is that? Thank you, Crystal!! I just want to let each of you nine patch swappers have made this swap a great success with all your hard work...good for all of you!!!

Back to work...again...tomorrow. Wish me luck, we are super swamped at work!! That is good! Job security!!

************************Nurse's Notes*****************************

We have a new computer charting/order entry system at work, as some of you know...and we are taking great care of the computers!! Honestly, it is overwhelming at times, but getting better...I feel so sorry for those poor patients who were in the hospital the first few days of the new computer!! Some of the older doctors had never been on the computer in their life...and now they have to do all their own orders in the computer. Now I want you to know, I think we have some absolutely wonderful doctors...but they are so frustrated!! I really feel so sorry for them, and we are helping them as much as we can... One stately old extremely frustrated doctor stormed up and told us...he was going to PEE on the computer keyboard, and how would administration like that! SNORT!! We held in our giggles until he left... He must be 70 years old, and wears a suit and bow tie every day....hee, hee!! Just the thought is hilarious...poor guy is about driven over the edge!!! Not that it is a laughing matter...but it was hilarious to hear about the older, dignified gentleman in that state.

On that water works note.....

Have a great day!!!


Monday, September 13, 2010

GO! cutter giveaway!! and look at these nine patches too!

Guess what!? I get to give one of these Go! Accuquilt cutters and dies away! So...what do you think...want a chance? Just leave me a comment on this post, and you are in the drawing!! The drawing closes 9-20-10 at 3 please comment! I have debated about doing the dies separately, and decided to draw for everything together, so whomever wins can start cutting right away. That was a hard call!! If you already have a cutter, you could keep your choice of dies and give away the cutter again. Anyway, leave a comment and a random number will be picked for the winner.

Nine patches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have received the loveliest mail lately...just look at these nine patches sent in for the swap!!!
These are from Susan, from North Carolina...aren't they just gorgeous? She is such a talented quilter...wish she had a blog so we could enjoy all her work!! Thank you so much, Susan!! She also did 3 inch nine patches too...And fabric too...yummy!
Dear Subee...just look at what she sent!! Gorgeous nine patches, fabric...and let me tell you, these were made in a big hurry! She spent three solid days working on these, just to fill in for someone who had to drop out of the swap...thank you so much Subee! And pretty red fabric that goes immediately into the dear Jane quilt I am working on. Please go and visit her at
And look some more...these were sent by Elyte, all the way from Australia. These are just the cutest little three inch nine patches ever! And....she sent chocolate!! and fabric!! Weight watchers...please look away just so I can enjoy this chocolate...thank you , Elyte!!
These gorgeous nine patches were sent by Laurie in Ohio...aren't they just so pretty!? Guess what? She sent me my first Schnibbles pattern! How cool is that, and a card and it! Thank you, Laurie!!
Now, just look at fun and wonderful are these nine's!!? They are scrappy and wonderful, and just the most fun! Fabric too...thank you to Vicki in Connecticut!! Now that scrappy girl is after my own heart!!

Everyone, please remember to comment on this post for a chance on the Go! cutter and dies....


Thursday, September 9, 2010

Accuquilt GO cutter Demo....

Hi Y'all!! As you may have heard, I received an Accuquilt Go much fun is that!! I have been looking at these cutters for a while, with my main interest being the rounded know, the ones that are impossible to cut with a rotary cutter, and time consuming to cut by hand. So, I ordered the double wedding ring, the apple core, and the winding ways dies. The curvier the better!!
Many of you know about this antique I finished; the top being made by a masterful quilter. Gorgeous to me...and I have always wanted to reproduce it, so this one could be preserved and not grabbed up and used as a couch cuddler know what I mean! The model is just extra, gratis...she charges only doggie treats to be our model today. She believes her profile is her best view...
Hmmmm, I knew I had a stash of polka dots...I don't know why, but I just love the whimsy of polka dots!! Just the thing for Apple Core blocks.
So, first thing you do is put the apple core die down on the cutter, foam side up.
Then I placed my fabrics in a pile (I even pressed them...aren't you so impressed?), on top of the die.
Then the cutting board on top, making a fabric sandwich.
Then you place the sandwich close to the roller, and crank away. The crank was easy...I was careful not to go too fast, so as not to disturb the sandwich. (peanut butter and jelly?) Oh, no, I remember...fabric!
Can you see the faint outline of the cut apple core blocks?? Here is the purple one...
Cool, huh?? I am going to love putting this together!! I will wait until I have enough for a quilt cut out...I bet I can do it all this afternoon. Not too much waste, probably not more than I would waste if I were cutting out by hand...and so much, much faster and more accurate by far.
Do you see the notches? Remember when we were garment sewing, we used to use patterns with notches, at least I did....this sure helps with sewing placement on these curves!

So, that is my demo....

Good points:

1. Accuracy
2. Notches on the blocks, engineered in
3. Faster, faster, faster!!
4. Kind of fun, too!!
5. Exceptional customer service.

Other points:

1. You have to prep your fabrics as for any magical things happen here...
2. A little more fabric waste...but I cut the rest into blocks for my strip drawers, so it was OK. I could have gone skimpier, but wanted plenty for the demo. Hey, we have lots too much fabric anyway....

Now, soon....I will be able to give one of these away!! Please stay tuned!!! It will come from the company right to you, not from me, so as soon as I know, you will know too.
Dear Jane:

Hope you have been well...your quilt has been languishing on the TV curio, so I can see it every day. Kind of lonely really, as I bet you were lonely in the Civil war, making your fabulous quilt, waiting for your sweetheart to return. This block was fun, fun to make, Jane! It is not really as crooked as it appears on the photo. Now, Jane, really....that many pieces in a 4.5 inch finished block? What were you thinking, dear??? Thank you for this one, though!!!

Everyone have a wonderful day!!


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Hi Y'all! Guess what? There was a big box on the porch last Friday...and that meant I received a Go Accuquilt cutter!! Cool huh??? I know these have been all over blog land, and I the the lucky one now... I will try it out soon, this week, and give you all the info I can about it and a project idea too...and I also get to give one away in the near future!! Stay tuned!!
Just can't leave well enough alone, can I...these leaves in the border sprouted overnight, and will get stitched down...they are plaid too...Hmmmmm, still don't know about this one!! LOL, I love quilting by the seat of my plaid britches!!
Nine patches!! Aren't these just so pretty? My photography isn't pretty, but these nine patches are wonderful! They are from Barb, of Please take a minute and treat yourself to their blog...these two ladies have such a wonderful blog!!!

On one, off one working this week...all week long! Saturday is the American Heart Walk, and I am the coordinator for our that should be fun! It is a 5 K walk. I helped raise funds for the American Heart Association this year, and donated a quilt for raised a little bit, and every little bit helps!!!

Everyone...hope you are doing great!!!


Wednesday, September 1, 2010


I had intended just to straighten up the plaids strings...and then decided to piece a little quilt, just for fun. I tried plaid borders, and did not like it, so I tried this...not sure yet! I like the design that is made by the plaids, they look like they are under the cream fabric.
Aren't these gorgeous? All the way from the Netherlands!!! These gorgeous nine patch swap blocks were made by Erika...thank you so much, and please y'all, go see her blog at
These are all the cream/taupe type strings I had...I got 35 blocks out of it, and someday...will put them together.

Back to work again for me soon...I am precepting a new nurse right now, and the one thing I try to emphasize is the human aspect...I think a nurse can be technically excellent, but if they have all the knowledge and skills and are just cold and uninvolved...they are not as effective. It is hard to teach love though, isn't it...but I try anyway!!

Have a great day,


Hand quilting on the plane!

Greetings!!  I have been on a journey!  I got to go visit my grand babies, and had a lovely time. I wanted to have something to sew on the p...