Saturday, October 29, 2022

Disappearing four patch, and a mysterious quilt.

I am making progress on my disappearing four patch. Plaids!  What can be better?

Oops!  I see some misplaced blocks.  I will have to be very careful with this one.

This quilt is a whole cloth quilt, hand embroidered.  

It is yellowed and the top edge is frayed, from someone pulling the quilt up to their chin, I imagine.

 See the fraying?  It has some small bulges in the very thin batting, which I believe are cotton seeds.  The quilting is absolutely amazing.  The tiniest quilting stiches are throughout and the edge was turned to face and stitched together.

Any idea of the age or provenance?

Have a great day!


Friday, October 28, 2022

Good afternoon!!

Hello to all!!  I have been busily hand quilting on this quilt.  I have nearly all of the border done!  I have quilted around each square, on both sides of the tiny green sashing.  Hand quilting is addicting!!  So, the whole thing is stabilized, enough that I could apply the binding.  By the way, I used 2 inch strips for the binding on this one.  It turned quite well. Very tight and full, just like the quilt judges told me I needed to work on.  So, maybe I will use that width of binding strip from now on. What do you use, pray tell?   Such a lot of stitches! I wonder how many stitches are in a hand quilted piece!

I finished the above binding as well.  Dear Janet sent out some tumblers, and what fun they are!!  Thank you, Janet! I love the pink tumblers best.  This one is hand quilted, and the binding done.  Hurrah!!!  It even has a label.  Gasp!

Bonnie Hunter has a quilt along going on, as a leader and ender.  I made a different kind of quilt.  This one will be a quilt of valor.  Good progress on this one.  But borders are needed!

 I finished hand quilting this mini, too.  It lacks binding, so I will get on that job.  I added some spiral embroidery to a couple of the circles.  Just a thing to add some interest!

Please see Wendy, here, to take a peek at all the lovely mini quilts in the works!!

The Constant Quilter

********************Nurse's notes********************

Have any of you had a loved one with dementia?  I find this frequently, dealing with my patients as a nurse, but I am wondering about family dynamics and how it affects your world.  Just exploring how to help my patients best.


Have a lovely day!  Big thanks to Kathy and Cindy for checking up on me.  I did not mean to be absent so

 long from the blog!


Friday, October 7, 2022


Good afternoon!  I sewed a border on this quilt.  Hurrah!!  All from my stash, which feels great.  

Scrappy blocks rule!!  LOL!

I found this little block in the quilt closet and wondered why I did not do anything with it?  Hmmmm!!!

I found a purse pattern and made it.  It is a really good pattern!  Here it is:

Honestly, it is purse sized, not library tote sized.  I guess I check out too many books!  It is not quite big enough for that purpose, for me, but the PERFECT purse size, and I love it!!

I am making more of these blocks.  They are so fast, honestly!

 Here is the block.  Nice and graphic when put together.

Hope you are having a lovely day!

Julie K

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Scrappy goodness!!

Good morning to all!!!  I have been enjoying working on whittling down my 2.5-inch-wide strip bin.  I selected some strips, kitted up these blocks, and here is where I am.  I did have a humility block in the middle of the quilt, where a black piece was turned around, but I correct that.  Now I see another one!  It is staying!  It seems that the black nine patches make the brighter colors that much more vivid. 

I tried to put the bright blocks in the center, and the duller, darker colors toward the outside of the quilt.  Now I am faced with the border dilemma, as usual!  I am not sure what to do for a border!

This is my mini of the month for September.  It is displayed under a small collection of Halloween goodies.  Great fun!

 I bought a couple of mums from Home Depot and will decorate my front porch with these things.  I love fall time!

How are you doing, each of you??


Hand quilting on the plane!

Greetings!!  I have been on a journey!  I got to go visit my grand babies, and had a lovely time. I wanted to have something to sew on the p...