TADA!! The trees have closed in, and are a forest now. This is the center, all hemmed in by a brown inner border...just one billion little squares in the outer border, and it will be done! This is
Bonnie Hunter's pattern Crabapples from her book Leaders and Enders.
The Yankee Quilter sent these wonderful leftovers from her quilt of the same pattern...I love them! I have already trimmed them up and have started the border with these lovely fabrics...thank you so much!!
Finn sent me some of her precious 1.5 inch squares, and I was able to piece 4 tree blocks from them, with a lot left over for the border. Subee and I swapped some fabric for some of her squares too..they are all in there! Why is this underlined all of the sudden?? Hmmmm...gremlins??
Peg from Australia sent the most wonderful surprise! She hand stitched this gorgeous table runner...wow, it is absolutely perfect and just so gorgeous in every way! Thank you so much, Peg, I love it!!

Can you see all that gorgeous stitching? It is just wonderful!
***********************Other happenings******************
I got to meet a blogger in real life!
Debi and I met at a local quilt shop...she is just as precious in real life as on her blog...and I got to explore the quilt shop! Too many ideas...I am in overload! How about you? I loved getting to meet Debi!!
************************Good news!!*******************************
I want some good news for a change...no politics, bad economy, wars, crime...I want a good news channel! Here is a little positive news for you!
Julie S...a nine patch swapper...is just the most wonderful person! I received her 3 inch blocks early in the nine patch swap...but the package had been opened and was empty (by intent or by mistake, we do not know.) I contacted Julie with a heavy heart...can you imagine how angry you might be if all your hard work was just gone? She was just the most gracious you can imagine, and I told her I would remake them...and to my great surprise and delight...she remade the nine patches and sent them again!! Wow...what a wonderful lady...so there is so much good in the world too, and she is one of the good 'uns!!!
**********************Nurse's notes************************
We as nurses have all been informed by the state boards that we may not discuss patients on social media...so I will not...but just have to share a story. Details are changed, times are changed...so privacy is protected at all costs. But this is MY diary...and I want to remember this one! A man underwent a huge surgery...and the first thing he said to me was "please help me get better soon, so I can go home and take care of my wife...she has ovarian cancer." This was the first night they had spent apart in 50 years! You bet...I will do everything in my power to make you well, sir!!!
Everyone, have a great day!