Hi everyone! As you may have guessed, I have been at work...a lot! Many times, the hospital calls and needs nurses...and that overtime pay is a good thing! Now I am enjoying a little time off...yahoo! Above is the current Primitive Gatherings block of the week. Working with these wools is just heavenly...I love the blocks so far! This is the second one....and still needs lots of stitching and pieces and parts added; that is the fun part!!

I have been sorting through my gifted scraps, and I made this block. I have a bunch more cut out, as you can see. I was going to make a big quilt, but now have reconsidered. I am going to make a 12 block quilt and gift it to one of our sick patients...somehow, these patients tug at my heartstrings, and I feel I must help them more than I do. Every bit of love can't hurt, can it, when a person is critically ill?

Lookie, lookie!! Lyn sent me the most gorgeous fabrics...I have been admiring them...they are so pretty, I just want to keep them just like they are!! Thank you so much, Lyn...these are going into my Dear Jane quilt!!

Another thank you...plaids!!! Thank you so very much for these...one of our lovely pink fabric quilters sent me some plaids too!! I love them...I really love them a lot!!

And blues too!! I thought I was almost finished using up all my blues...and look, here are more!! I love them, and will definitely enjoy them so much...thank you so much, and you know who you are!!

OK....so what else has been going on? I have been cutting...wait for it...batiks!! I am going to make a batik quilt!! I know, I know, this is far from what I usually use, but I could not resist the pretty pattern, and the prettier fabrics!! Stay tuned...I will show you what I am making next post.
**********A thought for the day*************************
Out neighboring nursing unit always posts a thought for the day...I loved this one!
"Fear less, hope more.
Eat less, chew more.
Whine less, sing more.
Hate less, Love more,
and all good things will be yours. "
Attributed to a Swedish Proverb.
A Nurse's Note
This is a theoretical story...may or may not have actually happened, but just see if you can catch the flavor of this nursing story.
There was a Marine...from long ago, married 50+ years to his beautiful bride. Bouncing around the whole world, they made a life of love and happiness and service. This man was the nurse's patient. He had had some chest pain....wrote it off as being "heartburn". Finally, he went to his doctor's office...the office nurse placed him on the EKG machine...and promptly called an ambulance. The EKG showed an acute MI...heart attack! 5 stents later, he was doing fine...until..."Code Blue" was heard, a couple days later! He was in V-tach, a fatal dysrhythmia, if not treated stat. With in 60 seconds, the patient was shocked back into a normal rhythm, and regained consciousness...and said "What happened?" Three times this happened within a few minutes...and off to the cath lab the patient went again. NO blockage was found...so this dysrhythmia was caused from the scarring on the heat from the first heart attack. Meanwhile...a crying wife clung to the nurse...terrified. The patient got a defibillator too...and all was well with the Marine and his bride.
Meanwhile, as all this was going on, another patient's family came out and put loving arms around the wife and comforted her. Got her a drink, stayed with her, loved her...as the staff was all crazy busy saving her husband. (This is representational of 99% plus of all families)
All this is very loud, and causes a tremendous loud commotion is the nursing unit!
Contrast this to another family...whose spouse stood at the door, watching the nurses and doctors run in and out, trying desperately to save the patient...and yelled" My husband needs his lunch tray...now!!!" She very well knew what was at stake, and what was going on....(less than 1% have this kind of behaviors...)
So the point is...what makes people so different? What is the magical thing that makes one family loving...and another cold and snooty? Just askin'......
Remember this is all just a story, something to ponder, all in a day's work for a nurse...just something to think about.
Have a great day!!