Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Going my own way...or maybe a little bit of rebel!!!

Good morning...happy Monday, or happy Tuesday, if you are from down under!! Above is my angel quilt.  I bordered it in orphan blocks, and a few new ones, too.  All three inches, finished, so hey, it worked!!!    I still have a bit of applique to go, and of course quilting it and binding it. And adding some crazy fun hair to these angels!

I have been thinking...(oh no!  LOL!)  I guess I have a really hard time adhering to a pattern, doing it EXACTLY how the pattern designer made it, using her same fabric choices, etc.  That is why the above quilt is just my cup of tea!  There was no plan, just a dream...and fun designing, or not designing...just adding whatever came to mind.  I love this!!  I planned to have a formal row of somber angels, wings all the same, keeping watch....but maybe these angels are a joyous bunch, dancing and singing, wings wild!   The added hearts are just part of me.  I guess they are my talisman, if there is such a thing.  I seem to be drawn to them.  

So!  I love to see patterns, and buy patterns and books and enjoy them, and most always change them up to my fancy, whenever I have the urge.  REBEL!!!!  Hahahaha!!

ON the other hand, I greatly respect and love our quilt designers...tons of love and time go into making patterns for all of us!  Putting it all out there, you know?  Thank you so much for doing this!

It is hard for me to keep up with quilt alongs, I am finding,  because it is not my vision, you know?  I am looking for a little discipline in that, LOL, because I always love the outcome and am sorry I didn't keep up.

There is no right or wrong...we are all quilters of the cloth and all have our own vision.  Following a pattern is an art and talent in itself, I think.  Maybe I am just impatient and want to create things my way?!  

Hugs to all from Julie


Lilac Joan said...

My angles could not be straight in a long line. I keep them jumping because I am so erratic!

Robin said...

I like what you said about following a pattern being an "art". Following some are certainly easier than others. The only reason to follow a pattern exactly is if someone is going to grade you on how well you copied the original. Since that is never going to happen I'm glad you are enjoying your time with needle and thread. I look forward to seeing what you do with the angel's hair.

Katie said...

Your angels are adorable and I love the border. I think most pattern designers are excited to see their designs tweaked to the makers taste. They probably go through a lot of the same things you do - tweaking and rearranging - until they have a finished idea, too. And then they write up how to do it...so maybe it seems more organized than your system, but I bet it's not...at least not for some of them! But I'm with you on making things my own. Often I make a quilt larger or different colors or something (quilt along or not) because I don't want all my quilts to be cookie cutter copies of the original. (But sometimes I do...)

Lori said...

I'd say you are likely a rebel! LOL

Tired Teacher said...

Be an individual! Who wants to see the same quilt over and over again? ❤️ the rejoicing angels.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

I don't do quilt alongs usually, or mystery quilts since I need to 'see' the quilt to know if I'll like it or want to change it up to fit me. I seldom follow a pattern as the designer saw it. It's more fun to make it my own.

---"Love" said...

From beginning to end, it is your quilt! So even if you are using a pattern, or merely borrowing a few ideas from someone else, do yours the way you want to. Never forget the quilt you are making is yours alone! ---"Love"

KaHolly said...

Aren’t you the clever one, bordering your angels with all those little blocks! Great way to use them up and such an appealing result. My take on most designers is that the thrill for them is to inspire.

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

I love your little angels - and creativity is flowing with you now! That is good.

I have decided - no freebies - too many patterns that I want to make and then change!

Have a great day!

Loris said...

I love seeing what you come up with :-) I tend to follow patterns and enjoy seeing how the fabric plays out. Not much of a rebel here ;-) but admire the extra thought you put into your quilts. I'm on a mission of 1000 HST's at the moment for my Bonnie quilt. These steps take awhile but they are fun!

cspoonquilt said...

Very cute! I love the use of the various blocks in the border. Creates a lot more interesting composition!!!

Quilter Kathy said...

I think you are very creative, and your ideas pop up for variations that make you happy!
This is an awesome angel quilt!

Janet O. said...

Those joyous angels are from your heart (and the fact that they wear plaid is so Julie)! I like to put my own twist on most things, too (unless I am testing a pattern for someone, and then I have to be very firm with myself).
I don't do many SALs anymore--especially if it is a mystery. Quilting time is too rare and precious to spend it on something I don't know if I will love.
I love how you follow your heart and do what calls to you!

Karen said...

Nothing wrong with changing a pattern to suit yourself. Years ago, I made an angel quilt. The angels heads were just plain circles. No facial features and no hair. I added some curly sort of hair like fibers from the craft section of a store. It was a cute finish.

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...