Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Patchalot Christmas quilt!

Hi all!

Hope everyone is recovering suitably from Christmas! We had a peaceful, uneventful day here. We started watching two movies and could not get into either one of them. And in between running around a little, I pieced the quilt I have been eyeing for the entire month of December. I could only get my Christmas quilt done...after Christmas!! It was lots of fun to piece, and went together like a dream, and I actually got a little better at piecing with this one! I think my seam allowance was a little more true on this one...

This quilt is a free pattern from Marcie Patch at Patchalot patterns. I don't know how to link to her yet, but she is easy to find. Fun patterns! Thank you so much, Marcie!!


Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas to you!!!

We had a wonderful Christmas celebration! Our son was home, with his new dog Bella, and it was just so much fun!! I hope you all are having a wonderful holiday too. We of course ate too much, and just had a wonderful time together, and were spoiled quite rotten. Our son is on his way home, because he plays in one of the Bowl games coming up, so we already miss him of course!

Hope you are having a wonderful Christmas day too!!


Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Christmas is coming!!

Hi all:

Hope you are having a busy, fun time gettng ready for Christmas. I sure am!

I have been working the last 4 days, and today, my day off,is the last push to get ready for the big birthday celebration (Christmas). So I have lots to do, nothing new about that, everyone does at this time of year.

I have bad news, too... I was in a horrendous automobile accident on the 13th and my vehicle was totalled. The person who ran into me did not have insurance, did not have a driver's license or any ID, non-English speaking,and tried to leave the scene, but his vehicle was too banged up to go very my car is a total loss!

But, I am alive!! Banged up and sore all over, but at least I am here and kickin'!! Ok, this is my "public service" message for everyone: Wear those seat belts!! Mine save my life for sure. I am sure I would be "roadkill" if I had not had mine fastened. So you do it too!!

On the quilting front, I have been working on Bonnies' mystery..and am about to run out of background fabrics!! Isn't that a nice way to stash bust?? I love it! and can't wait to see the finished product. I am enjoying the journey so much.

This is a picture of my drunkard's pathway quilt. I actually got to liking the curved piecing! The anticipation is much worse than the actually doing of it, it got to be pretty easy. It is hand-quilted, hand stippled in the borders. Fun!!

Hope everyone is having a blessed, warm holiday time.

Have a wonderful day all!!


Monday, December 10, 2007

work day today...


Today I was at work at our hospital. I had (as my patients) one drug addict and a psycho person. Not that I don't have sympathy, but I am tired out... One wanted drugs, and called every 10 minutes (no kidding) for them, and one wanted the people in her head to stop talking, she needed to sleep!! Me, too...a nap would have been great... I cherish my days with my little old sweet ladies! I am talking 90 years plus old ladies, sweetest ever! They are my big time favorite patients.

So I came in and took a picture of my littlest quilt!! Remember that vine I made for my brown quilt border that didn't work? Well, there were the littlest of green pieces left over, and they became DH is holding it in his hands. I love the tiniest pieces of throw away, they hold great charm for me.

Are you ready for Christmas?? I will be soon!

Happy December 10th!


Sunday, December 9, 2007


These borders are very red....wonder why they look hot pink in the pictures? Oh,well, on with the hand-quilting!


Done! again!!

Hi everyone:

Ok, here it is version 2. I can't take it apart anymore and redo it, and anyway, I like this version! The red border made it a red quilt! I learned lots about color and other lessons as well with this quilt, the chief one being to take time to audition fabrics before sewing them down! I had a great time ripping off the borders, let me tell you! (not) But I like it now, and although I never imagined it with red borders, they sparkle for me and I like that.

I also made cookies for DH and no-sugar raspberry jam from scratch for us. And all the jars sealed! Yahoo!

Ok, off to go out to eat...I hope it's Mexican...


Saturday, December 8, 2007

Mysterious...part 2

Hi all!

Thank you all so very much for your input, help , and honest opinions about the log cabin quilt in my previous post. I really appreciate all of you so much!! So round two is coming up!

Part 2 is done of Bonnie's mystery quilt! plus a few extra pieces for good measure. I have lots of strips left too. Hope we need 1.5 inch strips again...I pinned them in tens like Bonnie and Keryn suggested, that makes it easier to count them later. They are little fellas, these nine patches, aren't they??

I also bagged up 17 bags of leaves today!! and they are still falling fast. I know I will be sore tomarrow. Off to clean house, quick dinner, then relax for a while. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!


Wednesday, December 5, 2007

ripping it out...sigh

Ok, I just can't stand the dark brown! Seems to dampen the lively colors in this quilt, so off this border comes!! Oh, well, I guess this is the way you learn what you like, right?


Tuesday, December 4, 2007

more on the log cabin quilt

Hi everyone!

I am looking forward do completing part two of Bonnies' mystery quilt! The first part was fun and fast and I made a glorious mess of strips. How many are doing this mystery quilt, does anyone know?

I put borders on the log cabin quilt. And I just can't stand it at all. So in the spirit of going forward, I put the green vines on two corners... So the name of the quilt is "Vines on my Log Cabin". But I am trying to bust stash, and the biggest piece of fabric I had was the brown, and someone mentioned to put a darker border as to not stand out, and so I did. Is it so terrible??? Would love opinions, please.

It is going to be in a real log cabin some day, so maybe it is OK.

Hope everyone is having a great and wonderful Wednesday!!Back to work with me tomarrow...


It's December 4th...

Hi all:

I have three days off in a TADA! I am finishing some things up! I have had this log cabin quilt top cut out for five years. It is about 56" by 64 ", so with borders, it will be a nice cuddle quilt size. Now was the time to giterdun!! I just need to add borders, and I haven't decided yet...opinions please??

I received my cutest Santa in the mail from Finn!! I still need to finish him up and decorate him a little...but isn't he the cutest? Thank you so much Finn!!

And the funnest (never mind my use of the English language) thing is...I am doing Bonnie Hunter at Quiltville mystery quilt!! and I made a delightful mess yesterday cutting strips and then cutting segments. I think I ended up with a lot more of these 3.5 inch segments than Bonnie said to make. Maybe I will make a little quilt with them!!! It is just the right time to join and do this mystery quilt if you want to, we just started.

Now, I just have to vacuum and dust and clean the mirrors, and... finish decorating the house....But I sure had fun yesterday!!

Our little Rusty poodle wandered in to one of the pictures. He is getting very old, and just wants to be held and loved all the time, so we accommodate that. He sure is a great sweetheart of a companion. He weighs about 11 pounds, so is pretty tiny.

Hope you all have a wonderful day and everything goes just the way you like it.


Saturday, December 1, 2007

Ok, more more post

Well, this is the way it seems to go. I am off for a day and get lots done, then work for several days, then back to blogging. So...I wanted you to see what I finished up today!! Yahoo!! I finally finished my Log Cabin quilt blocks that have been languishing for over 5 years!! 54 of them done. That is a pretty odd number, so I will figure out what to do to fill in the holes. The poodle is ensuring quality control.

So color me happy!!


Off work today!

Hi everyone:

I am off work today!  Yahoo!  I worked 65 hours this week, and it was pretty grueling at the hospital.  I had a gentleman yesterday with a huge MI, and his two sons were doctors.  Pretty tense times in the CCU!  I hope he recovers OK...he is super critical and unstable at this time.  I called several times back to the hospital to check on him, in my insomnia moments...

I wanted to share some pictures of some work completed.  I love new techniques (at least new to me), and the little Sunbonett Sue is colored!!  Not fabric!!  and hand quilted.  Such fun to do.  The other little much wrinkled quilt is hand applique of the Columbine flower, the state flower of Colorado, where I was born. There is some Indian Paintbrush as well. Of course, it needs to be quilted and bound. These are my favorite flowers, and I was so tickled to find the pattern in the quilt shop in Durango, Animas Quilts.  That is a fun shop if you ever get to go!!  and is on the main drag through town.

I have been enjoying all of your blogs, it sure is fun it cuts into my quilting time!  or was that housekeeping time? Judy L has a new pink quilt I am dying to make, and Bonnie at Quiltville is making a mystery quilt.  How can a girl resist?  :) Is anyone else doing Bonnie's mystery quilt? and in what colors??

 I hope you all have a wonderful Saturday and upcoming week!! 


Tuesday, November 27, 2007

candle mat

Ok, a second quick post.

I made a little quilt mat for a candle my son's girlfriend Lara sent to us. The candle is peppermint and smells soooo good! The mat is wool and easy to sew and make. The pictures don't show the pink hearts and maroon flowers very well, but it was a lot of fun to make!

Bye all!

Ok, frog stitching!

Hi y'all:

I first made this little quilt top several years ago. I thought that to put borders on, you just lined up the fabric and sewed it on!! NO measuring, etc. Well, I have learned better than that now. So, I have taken the borders off ,actually measured, and reattached. Only Three inches taken off the outside border, that's not bad, right? (grins) I did have a before picture, but it has disappeared somewhere in the computer...

Now I am hand quilting it in baptist fans, and should be finished soon. Just a finish, not a new little quilt, and about 3 yards used from the stash. It is square and true, just a bit rumpled from being in my lap. You can see the baptist fans on the right hand side.

I have been following Judy L's blog and all of your stash busting efforts, and I am doing the same. I have used around 9 yards in the last 2 weeks. Pretty good, I think!! Everyone is doing great. I also gave away some yarn and 5 yards of border fabric to a friend who needed it for a finish.

Have a wonderful day, JulieQ

Saturday, November 24, 2007


Hi y'all!

I hope all of you had a marvelous Thanksgiving!! I actually was off from the hospital this year, so cooked up a storm. A very traditional meal of Turkey, stuffing, potatoes, gravy, cranberry, rolls, pumpkin pie, and cheesecake. And my son was here!! and it was good!! Ssshhhhh, don't tell anybody, but I am off Christmas as well!! The first time in 16 years that I have been off both major holidays. Fun, fun...

I want to show you a quilt I purchased from the local antique store a couple years ago. It was on the discount rack, so of course I had to look. It is beautifully quilted by hand, about 12 stitches per inch. Probably 1930'S or 1940's? What is your guess? I love it. Notice that the some person attached a border to make the quilt to make it bigger, but she attached it by machine right over the scalloped edge, and the rest of the quilt is hand-worked. Just needed more quilt to cover the bed, I guess. I don't think it was the same person, because the quilting on the border is the same fine, precise stitches, but the attachment is pretty crude. I have thought about taking it off, but kind of like the story of it, in a way. It is not signed or dated....a pity. I would so love to know who this old quiltmaker was!!

Many quilter's are talking about stash reduction right now on their blogs. I have been working diligently to reduce and use up my own stash. I sometimes receive bundles of old, old fabrics from acquantances. Do you get gifted with these sometimes? When people find out I am a quilter, they seem to give me these old bags and boxes. I used to save them all, but now donate most of the fabric to making pillows for patients, or other donation places. I also have started sending e-mails throughout the hospital quilting group (the Remnants)offering fabrics if they have a specific project, and have given away lots that way. Like pinks, or calicoes, or blues, or whatever they need. Works great!! and helps another quilter.

I am grateful for our little poodle today!! He is such a little sweetheart, and keeps me company all the time. 14 years old!!!Quiltingly yours, JulieQ

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

leftovers for supper

Hi y'all!

Well, not leftovers for supper, at least not before Thanksgiving...but here are some leftovers I made something out of. This is the very last step on the fabric/fiber food chain. I save the threads, the tiniest cuttings, and throw-aways from projects. Then I slap down a piece of backing, 2 pieces of batting, then the clippings, threads, smallest pieces of fabric. I then spray the whole thing with spray starch, press it well, then quilt over the top of all on my little brother machine.

Hurrah!! I have a great hot pad. Now that is just sick, don't you think? Why can't I just put this stuff in the garbage?

Smiles, JulieQ

quilt for an hour

Hi all!

Especially Judy Laquidara, because I got my quilt for an hour quilt done!!  Of course, it from many months past, but it is done!!  I changed it too; I left lots of borders off and I added hand quilting in the outside border.  It is words, and I don't think you can read them, but it is a favorite bible verse.  "Love is patient, Love is kind" know the one?  I Cor 13: 4-8...This is my favorite, and I got the bright idea to quilt it into the border of this quilt!!  I also turned my blocks differently, too.  And used only stash, and in colors that I would never normally uses together.  So I like it!!

and I hope you like it too.

Quiltingly yours, JulieQ

Friday, November 16, 2007

I got my quilt back!! Big excitement!!

Hi y'all!I received my quilt back from the famous Bonnie Hunter in Quiltville. It is gorgeous!! She took a plain quilt top and made it really so pretty with all her quilting. I am so pleased with it...

Also, I wanted to mention that my Mom's quilt (the one with the swallow block in the middle) was pieced from her old fabrics and aprons. So it is doubley about her...Have a wonderul night, all!


Wednesday, November 14, 2007

For my Mom...

Hi all:

Ok, I made a BIGGGGGGGGG quilt top!! The green one is 85x85 at this time and has one more border to be put on.

The other quilt is one I made in honor of my Mom, and is a swallow block, which travels to the flying geese, who fly around the quilt to fade out of sight, just like my Mom did. It is entirehand hand-pieced and hand quilted and hand appliqued.

May I tell you a story? Once upon a time there lived a beautiful lady, who was talented and kind as well, and the best of all mothers. I was fortunate enough to be her daughter. She was courageous and lovely, but most of all loved her family fiercely, especially her children..She had five, and each one was made to feel special and loved each day.This special lady died of Lou Gerig's disease, after an exhaustive fight. She died so young, but in her shortened life, imparted such great knowledge and wisdom to her kids. She taught me how to quilt, and can, and many other things. She passed away when I was twelve.

We used to piece at her old ( and I'm talking old) Pfaff machine, and she would watch out the window to see her children play. I would help her to tie quilts, draping and layering them over the old freezer in her room. Home was a tiny house, and yes, the freezer was in her bedroom. She even had a stash, just like we do today!! In an old plyboard cupboard, she kept her fabric treasures. Lots of double knit, and some precious scraps of cotton. One of my favorite things was to play in her button tin, and she save all of them let me tell you!!

You know all those little quilts I have made? This is my plan for them: I am going to auction them off and donate all the proceeds to Lou Gerig's research for a cure. Seems fitting to do this to honor my Mom. After all, she taught me to quilt...

It probably will be after the first of the year before I have time to do this, but done it will be.JulieQ

Friday, November 9, 2007

too many little quilts!!!!

Hi all:

I went through every little quilt I had tucked away in my mom's trunk. THIS IS WHY I SHOULD NOT MAKE ANY MORE SMALL WALL QUILTS!!!!!!!!!! So I am concentrating my efforts on my larger quilts, bed size....except what I just need to finish up.

But it sure was fun making all those little babies. This does not count the scores I have given away to friends and donated to American Heart Association....



Happy Autumn!! or the fourth of July???

Hi all! I just can't believe that THANKSGIVING is nearly here!! It is such nice weather here, just mild and so nice for long walks...or just a walk to the car!!(haha)

Our little dog Rusty is pretty darn old, 14 to be exact, and his birthday is on Halloween. On this day, he, being nearly deaf and blind, just couldn't figure out what all the commotion was about when we answered the door for trick-or-treaters. On other years, he would have been jumping out the door to love the children to death!! Good thing we aren't aging a bit................GRIN!!

Ok, ready to see some quilts?? Well, since the pictures are on top I guess you already have!!Maybe someday I will learn how to make my blog a little prettier...

The first one is a little kitty quilt wall hanging I made. I quilted it from the back, using the star printed backing fabric as my quilting guide. It took exactly forever to finish!! but I got so much pleasure from the effort! It hung in our hall for years, but all my wall quilts are down now. Maybe a "just quilts" wall someday!! The walls need painting first!!

The next one is a little heartie quilt, red, white and blue. Told you I make a lot of heartie quilts. It was made when I was feeling very sad about our young soldiers in Iraq, and it is to honor them. I just pray for all those young kid's safety!! They are someone's babies. The next red, white and blue one is the 1/2 square triangles leftover from my table runner project. Just got caught up in the snibbles!!

The green quilt top in progress is one I am doing to use up the stash!!! I am just adding pieces as I go willy-nilly. Fun!!! It is funny to think I have made three green quilts, and green is not my favorite color. Pink is my mostest favoritest color! and I have not made a quilt from all pink for our bed. So go figure that one out!!

I love the gratitudes that many of you share, and I would like to share mine. I am grateful for my wonderful son, my wonderful husband, and all the blessings we take for granted each day. I hope you have a wonderful day and a peaceful night.

Quiltingly yours, JulieQ

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!!

Happy Halloween to everyone!

We usually have lots of trick-or-treaters in our neighborhood. It is great fun to watch them all having a great time. Our count was around 100 children last year. Out home is all decorated and ready.

OK, I get caught up in the schnibbles! I made all these mug mats from other project left-overs. Does anyone else make these small pieces? I just love to have something portable to work on with my hands, at appointments, etc. Fun!

I saw this green quilt in one issue of Quilter's Newsletter Magazine. It was a series quilt over several months, but the trouble was, I only had the one issue. So I drafted it myself. I love the outcome. There are exactly one zillion tiny 1/2 square triangles, finishing at 1 inch. Of course, it still needs to be quilted...
It comes complete with unclipped threads. :)

The small table runner is just for the Fourth of July. Wrong season, huh!! But it has been cut out a long time, and I decided it needed to be put together. I machine quilted it. The pattern is from Bonnie at Quiltville, which I just love.

Hope you all enjoy this day!!


Saturday, October 27, 2007

Saturday house cleaning

Howdy y'all!! (after all, I am in the south, so must speak like the natives, right?):)

I have been whirling around here cleaning house and just took a break for some quilting time. You know, it is clean enough to eat on the floors, (sometimes), but still looks cluttery!! Too much stuff!! but I am working on that, too.

I would like to show you some pictures of old quilts. The lavender Irish chain is from the 1930's. I bought it from the Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum. I guess
they sell some of their donated quilts for income for the museum. It is just so well done, it is amazing. Tiny little stitches, and feathered wreaths in every white square. Thousands of hours of work into this one for sure!! It has a prominent fold across the middle, from when I purchased it. I try to not fold quilts the same way twice, so hopefully it will soften. I just love it...

The string pieced one is from my mother-in law's house. It was found in a trunk, and looks to be seldom if ever used. Maybe 1940's? What is your best guess, all you quilters out there?? It has been washed, though. It is string pieced, hand quilted, and the backing turned to the front for a running stitch turned binding. Every kind of fabric in the world is in this quilt.

The little kaleidoscope quilt is one I did in 2005. I call it wheel of mystery. Do do you the big glaring error I made in the piecing?? Funny thing is, I just noticed the error recently!! I like it anyway.

The other quilt is a mystery quilt completed in 1997. I had no idea what I would end up with, and the pattern pieced did not fit together as prescribed. But I persevered anyway. I don't think there is one corner visible on the whole quilt (all cut off)!! We have just about used this one up! I sure busted some stash with this one.

Hope you all are having a glorious fall day. I like being home today!!

Quiltingly yours,


Hand quilting on the plane!

Greetings!!  I have been on a journey!  I got to go visit my grand babies, and had a lovely time. I wanted to have something to sew on the p...