Monday, January 30, 2012

Trying to wrap some things last!

Well, I kicked myself in the fannie, got straight up from bed very early this morning, went to the machine and got those last rows put together! Yippee!! I put the inner border on too...the outer border is a pieced one, and has lots more work to the hard part for me is done! Yippee!!

In the spirit of finishing up some are my crazy cats from last year. I got five blocks made, and used four of them in this wall hanging. This will be a hand quilting project for on the go...I have two of them ready for the next road trip.

And lastly, I have been sewing on the Snail's Trails...these are so much fun to make!! A huge thanks to Vicki of LA Quilter, I won a giveaway from her and am using some of the fabrics in this...and loving them!! She is a wonderful quilter, go check out her blog!


Natasha, you won the lavender fat quarters...please let me know your snail mail address!!!

Coonie update!! OUr raccoon stuck in the chimney successfully climbed up our rope ladder to hurrah for that, and hurrah for no more critters in the chimney! I think we are going to have to have a custom cover made...our cover was good, but not coon proof!!

My cold is trudging along...I am ready for it to be done with me!!

Have a great day, all!!


Friday, January 27, 2012

Coonie alert!! In the chimney again!!

See those eyes glowing at you? Click on the picture, that is the inside of our chimney. OK, here is the story...

A few years back, we had a mother raccoon in our chimney... We rescued her, and she left one baby behind, which we raised to adulthood, then rehabbed the baby to the wild. This morning, Rosie the poodle alerted to our chimney and barked and barked. I thought there was no way this could happen again, because we had sealed off the chimney so it could not happen again.

Fast forward to today...the chimney cover was torn and pushed aside...and long story short, we are rescuing another coon from the chimney. I sure hope she or he is not hurt...we braid ropes together and last time the coon climbed right out. Funny that we live in a huge metroplex, yet have so many wildlife species right in our midst...bobcats, deer, coons, possums, and lots more. I will let you all know in the morning.....


The weekend is coming!

Hurrah for the Snail's Trail!! These blocks are really fun to make!! The pattern I am using is in the 2006 Quilt Almanac Magazine. The designer of the pattern is Elaine McGarry; do any of you know her? I have seen other patterns, but this one is the best I have found. I was not planning to make this quilt...but while I was just perusing my old magazines, culling out ones I would never use, I found this turned down page...I liked it then, and I like it now! There are 63 blocks altogether, and the blocks are nine inches finished.

Spring is coming, I have it on good authority! If you would like these lavender pretties that remind me of spring, please leave a comment about what your focus is for 2012, quilting wise, and I will draw a name on Sunday for these. Snuck that in on you, didn't I??

Why is this like pulling teeth? I am putting the rows together...and can always find something else to occupy myself...straighten a shelf, run change the laundry...anything but concentrate on putting these long rows together!! One brilliant lady said...why don't you do it in sections, instead of these long rows? I will!! Thank time, believe me, I will!!

Have a great day, everyone!!


Wednesday, January 25, 2012


I joined the "Just Take Two" quilt along! I have taken red and white and made these blocks...there are many more to come. I love this red! I took great pains to wash the fabric, twice, with color catchers, so I would not have bleeding's hoping for that!! I am really enjoying these blocks!

Here is the plaid quilt Jewel Box, just putting rows together...a sticking point for me, so I am taking it a step at a time. I love these plaids! Just truly love them so much!

In an old quilting magazine, I found the most fun Snail's trail I cut a block to see how the directions were...they were perfect! I can see a scrappy snail's trail in my future.

Aurofil threads is sponsoring a stitchery BOM...I did the first month. Now, I am famous for starting these and just doing the first I cut out all the background blocks in advance! Trying to trick myself...maybe it will work!

But mostly, I have been working on projects that are not really much fun to photograph.

* I cut out one billion tiny bow ties..., well, about 400 may be closer to the correct number

* I cut out a trillion 2.5 inch red strips for another quilt.. (maybe 100)

* I cut setting blocks for another quilt...about 50 of these.

I feel pretty good about all this progress!! But not so good in that I have the winter cold that is going around...I usually try to avoid this! Grrr!! So, I am making home made chicken soup for myself...yummy!

***********Nurse's notes*******************

Well, I went and got a needle stick...thank goodness it was a clean needle, but unfortunately it had insulin in it and I injected it into myself. A really big patient, and a swing of the arm at just the wrong time...sometimes no matter how careful a person is, things happen!! Just 3 units, but it did make me pretty hungry, LOL!! NO would have been quite different if it was a dirty needle!

I had a darling 95 year old lady patient...lives by herself, did her own laundry, and cooking and cleaning...and caring for her lawn!! I just am so very impressed with her, she is a true marvel!! NOW if that does not inspire us, nothing will!!


Another flat, same tire...I got new tires and hopefully that will take care of it once and for all!!

Have a great day, all!


Saturday, January 21, 2012

winners! And more to give away...

Please congratulate Leeanne and Angie...they both win a bundle of wool! I found another one in the stash...

I am cleaning out, inspiring by Mrs. Goodneedle! I love my scraps, so they won't be going, but other stuff? I will be giving more away! Stay tuned!!

Have a great day,


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Orca Bay top is finished!! Applique wall quilt top finished!

Donna, you were right! The borders do fit perfectly...and today was the day I took a deep breath, pinned the borders in place and went for it! Whoohoo...I am so glad this is all in one piece! Thank you, Bonnie, for a really fun mystery. I will never, ever again use paper to piece strings...I just do not have the patience to pick it all out...I am afraid there will be little pieces of paper in amongst the batting...sorry all you quilt police! I love the weight visually and physically of the pieced that part the very best, and the movement of the pieces.

If you ever have wanted to try wool applique? This is a very forgiving and fun quilt by Jo Morton...I so enjoyed hand blanket stitching the flowers. And the plaid...of course, I love that! Used what I had on hand...and don't have a piece left for binding! I will have to improvise...

Speaking of wool...I have a shoebox full. That is a lot, truly, although some people have tons more...that amount is all I will need for sure. I used very little in the quilt above, and have this bundle I bought at a quilt show last year. I want someone to have this bundle! Please leave a comment on this post and I will put you in the pot to win this bundle...and send the bundle out on Friday. Good luck to all!!

Have a super great day!


Saturday, January 14, 2012

A post again...truly amazing, isn't it?

Well, I had a few moments in order to make the rest of the blocks...I mean prep them, I have not stitched on these blocks at all. It is funny...I followed the patterns quite closely at first, then as a suggestion, and then at the end? I was cutting pieces not related to anything in the pattern! It was fun! So, I have some fun stitching, relaxing time ahead of me to enjoy. I cut the sashing and corner stones, and think I will cut the binding and label today. That way, I will have a head start on the finish. The last flower on the bottom right...that is my idea. A happy hippy flower! Not that I am one, but I was born in the 60's and was an interested observer the whole time I was growing up.

I started a BOM at my local quilt shop. This is the first installment...I know there will be lots more variety when the final quilt is done. The sample at the shop is just spectacular! The instructions said there was enough fabric for four of each block...well, I had enough to make eight of each block and fabric left over to play with too. Fun!

OK, I am changing laundry now, and cutting up some veggies and leftover steak for stew! Off I go!!

I hope each of you has a really good day today...


Friday, January 13, 2012

A day off...

Don't you just love Jo Morton? I do love her work...and above is my interpretation of one of her quilts...a work in progress, of course! I have prepared four blocks, cut out sashing and borders...just need to sew, sew, sew! I love that part...the prep? Not so much!

And the Orca Bay borders! Boy, they went really fast...under an hour to put them together. Now if the borders could teleport their way on to the quilt, that would be just peachy. This is the point that a quilt could become a UFO...I really don't enjoy putting all those long seams together. I will though, I will!

What are your sticking points?

Have a great day!


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Orca Bay Dreams!

HI Everyone!

Above is my Orca Bay progress. I have changed the pattern up a little bit...sounds like me huh? I really loved the red string blocks, but they were quite stretchy in the final product, and distorted...I think I stretched them when I removed the papers. So I did not cut them all, and will use them in another project. What I DID want to do was to use some of the fabulous reds that I won in the Christmas quilting party that I went to! So, I used whole pieces of red, not strings...and I like it! I think it showcased the pieces of red, and the blue brings movement diagonally to the quilt, which I just love. Here it is all laid out, but no blocks are sewn together yet...and I am really looking forward to the yummy border!! I like that so very much. Thank you, Bonnie, for this fabulous pattern...I know I would have been a bit intimidated to make this pattern...but the mystery? Makes it a piece of cake!!!

Thank you, Lyn!! Lyn sent me the most wonderful Christmas present...this quilt! Perfect for Valentines, and I already have it up on my wall.

Lyn also sent me these fabrics, which insist on not being photographed...but trust me, they are gorgeous!!!

This picture is for Jo, at Jo's Country Junction...she found her blocks like this and wanted to know what I did for the this one is for you, Jo!!

Have a great day, all!!


Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!!!

May each of you have a wonderful, creative new year!!! Did you see Bonnie's mystery quilt finale? I can't wait for sewing time!!!

Have a great day, all!!


Mystery quilt progress

It is pink month at Angela's blog!!!   soscrappy   This is her link.   I am playing with my pink scraps.  Pink is my favorite color, so ...