Once upon a time, (in 1995) there was a beautiful nurse, who was sewing bits of cloth together by hand, hexagon shaped, into quilt blocks, like these, while she was on her short lunch break at work. I was a very young nurse, and very intrigued with what she was doing, and went in to the breakroom and asked her what she was up to! She explained to me that this was English Paper Piecing. The next shift that we worked together, she brought me some papers and scraps of fabric. I was immediately smitten with the whole thing! Marilyn W. is now a retired nurse, but is still quilting, and 80 years old this year. She taught me to piece this way, with the tiniest stitches in the world!

Fast forward to 2019. I had all these blocks done, but was absolutely thinking I would never, ever finish this quilt, so I gave the quilt top to Marilyn, for a gift. I just knew she would finish the quilt and enjoy it for herself and her family, and was so glad to give it to her. She loved the gift and thanked me for it, and I was so happy, thinking she would love it, as she taught me how to do this type of quilting.
Move forward in time again to 2020, in the pandemic. Marilyn took my start, finished the top into a lap quilt, hand quilted it and called me that she had something for me. I had no idea, but went to her home, and lo and behold, she had finished the quilt and gave it back to me!!!!!!!!!! I said no, no! That is for you! She said she needed something to occupy her time while she was in quarantine at home, and she had hand quilted it, and she wanted me to have this quilt back. OH MY WORD! IT IS SO BEAUTIFUL! Not the dated fabrics, or the silly fabric choices I made with my limited fabrics, but her stitches, her time and effort. She said that she did not know how much longer on earth she would be, so she wanted me to have this back. Can you believe that???
So the gift of her teaching me, and my gift to her of the quilt top, and then her giving back to me a quilt...wow. I have been spoiled so much this year, it is incredible!!
Here is the way she finished it. She must have a bolt of that pink backing fabric, because she has certainly used it in every project she makes. She sewed the hexies like this on the edge, have you ever seen that technique??? It is so pretty!
And that is the story of the Hexie Quilt from 1995!!
I am making a bit of progress on the autumnal quilt. Lori at Humble quilts at one time told me to take an element of the center of a quilt and make a border for a quilt...so, following her advice, I looked at this block, and make the corner flowers and also the leaves and golden center circles motif.
So there you are! A bit of stitching done.
I made some caps like this one, for the young gals...they seem to like the "do-rag" style. They are super fast to make...
Have a great day, everyone!