Saturday, March 27, 2021

Shireley's quilts

My BIL sent me a couple of quilts that my sister had made, as her illness progressed.  This is a paper pieced cardinal that she made.  
And this is the whole wall hanging.  You can see that this must have been an early quilt for her, but along in her illness, too. She loved to sew, and told me to sew, sew, sew, while I am still able too. Sage advice!
I made this for her, and it was sent back to me.  She loved hummingbirds.  It is faded and has been well loved.  
Shireley made this quilt.  Paper pieced.  I am glad to have some of her work.  
You cannot see this, but this is a little quilt I sent to her...hand quilted hummingbirds.  I wish you could see it...I believe is is pre blog work from me.

 And I made some more hats!  More and is fun to make a "garment!"

Just documenting the days...and you have a great day yourself!


Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Jared takes a wife: A Bonnie Hunter Quiltville quilt!

Good morning to you!!  I have been working on these blocks, thirty in all, when they are all completed.  This pattern is found here:  Quiltville's Quips & Snips!!: Jared Takes A Wife!   Just click on the word to get to the post.  I have all the purple pieces pieced.  Say: purple pieces pieced,  five times fast, LOL! It is a tongue twister!   Now, I am busy on the green sections.  This quilt has been cut out for a number of years; time to get it made and on to the new owner!

I do not have any of that terrific yellow that Bonnie used for the sashing...oh, poor me.  I may have to go FABRIC SHOPPING!!!  Hahaha!  

I have been melancholy and dysphoric since my sister passed away (died).  I found myself shying away from even typing the word is so abhorrent to me, to associate it with her.    I miss her so much.  Of all of us, she was the home body, loving to cook and keep house and sew and still have a wonderful career, too. She was the historian and the memories of the family.  I miss her so very much.  The above scrappy bear paw was used by her daily, for years.  I made it for her in 2010 (according to the label on the back of the quilt), which reads: 

 "May 2010:  For Shireley, with much love.  I hope you feel a hug each time you snuggle with this quilt.  Hand quilted, from my heart to yours, Julie"

I am very glad I dated and labeled it.  I am glad, that she had it all through her nursing home time.  I am kind of glad her husband returned it to me, but kind of sad too...I am not sure what to do with it.  It will always be hers, so I will just display it and not use it, I guess.  It is special to me.  Just too, too sad.  

 So guess what?  After our snow event, with deadly temps in the zero range?  I thought we had lost our outdoor kitties!! But here is the moustache cat, showing back up for supper!!  She is a feral cat...coax as I might, she will never let me pet her or touch her.  But...she survived the cold temps!  Hurrah!!  She is missing a tiny bit of left ear tip, now.  Frozen?  maybe. She has a perfect moustache of fur, if you can see.

Next time, I will show you the little quilts my BIL sent me that my sister made. A few pictures, too...but mostly everything is being tossed, because he has decided to move into assisted living, and sell the house they lived in.  So everything will be gone, as he only will have room for the essentials.  Not sure why he is doing this, as he is a big guy and independent in all ways...I don't know why.

***********************Heathy habits**********************************

So far we have been:

1.  strengthening those abs, to support our backs!

2.  Drinking our water.

3.  Taking our vitamins

4.  Adding a walk to our days

5. Some simple exercises, every day, every day, every day!

6.  Healthy eating.

How about this for a healthy habit?  I want you to take a good look at your medications.  I want you to know them inside and out.  PLEASE do not depend on a doctor to prescribe things for you and take them blindly!  Know what they are, what drug class they are, what they do, what are the side effects to look for, and what you need to do to monitor yourself.  Example:  blood pressure meds:  You need to be measuring your blood pressure before and after the drugs, to see how they are working.  I cannot tell you how many people come to the hospital and don't know what meds they are taking.  "I just take what the doctor says," or "my wife just gives me some pills every day."  Or "I take a blue one and a yellow one."  Makes it tough to make a med list for the doctor to continue meds, or make treatment decisions. 


I am continuing my reading about the 1930's era.  What a horrifying, fascinating time!!   I read in terrible fascination about what the people did to survive, and it was awful.  I am finished with "The Grapes of Wrath", and am now reading "The Worst Hard Time."  Thank you to everyone who recommended books to me.  

What are some foods that were made out of practically nothing, in the 1930's? 

 I have one...biscuits!  Lard and salt and flour and maybe some leavening...that was it!!  Anyone still make those??  Please share what foods made by your family, that came from the era....I know we all know some hard times, hard scrabble food!!

Have a great day, each of you!


Friday, March 12, 2021

Farmhouse Sampler progress

Good morning to you! I am off to work in a few moments, but wanted to show you my Farmhouse Sampler, that Karen and I worked on last year.  The applique is finished now, and I am sewing the quilt together.  In the original pattern, there are no sashing pieces, but you know me...I like to make quilts that are a  little bit different and original.  So here is my progress so far.
Fun blocks!  

A lovely lady at work is from Calcutta, India.  She wanted to give me some clothing to put in quilts.  Don't you think those elephants are so fun?  
Here is what she gave me.
Lovely detail on the cuffs of this long top.

 This is a sari.  Is that spelled correctly?  Anyway, it is large rectangle of hemmed cloth, designed to be draped into a beautiful dress. I just love it!  She has many silk ones that she would like to give away, as well.  

This is an example of what she looks like in her saris.  She draped me in one, and I felt like a princess!!!  Love it, and thank you, Manisha!!


Sunday, March 7, 2021

Plaids for hand stitching day!

Good morning, everyone!  I am working on strings.  I hand appliqued hearts,  on hearts,  on muslin, and here we are.  
And this is my progress so far.  I have more strings pieced together and I am enjoying that, as I have been saving (hoarding) those precious strings for far too long. Time is a wastin'!  As Daddy used to say.

On we go!  I am linking To Kathy, here:    Kathy's Quilts: March Slow Sunday Stitching

I hope each of you have a lovely day!


Wednesday, March 3, 2021

A finished top, and almost finished on another one!

Good morning, everyone!!!  I am off work today.  My husband told me he can certainly tell when I am home, because a lot gets done...that made me happy. Pretty high praise, I would say!   Above is my finished "Forgotten" quilt top.  I considered all kinds of fancy borders, but the pink won out.  Sometimes simply done is best. 
Flat?  What is a quilt top supposed to be flat?  LOL!!  I made these blocks long, long ago, pre blog, when I did not know about 1/4 inch seam allowances and such silly details as that.  I am glad I know now!!  It is bordered in pink, and I love it, and will hand quilt it.  There is not a machine quilter in the world who would touch it, LOL!!!  I am delighted in this quilt!!!

I am edging ever closer, putting the mystery quilt together from Quiltville. I am not caught up to the fast sewists, who had theirs together in a week!  

 The center is together,  I am pondering borders, and think those outside stars must be finished, so I will cut scraps for that.  It will be a big quilt for someone, I hope!!!  I have loved making this quilt!

I made a home made soup yesterday, and it was yummy!!!  
I have a number of these plastic containers.  Rice comes in them, and they are study and worthy of using for something.  I am thinking I will make homeless gifts from them?  Socks, and Band-Aids, and Annie suggested maybe toiletries.  Any thoughts of what to put into the containers??  I have now 14 of them (just recounted).  The lids screw on and are water tight.  Any other ideas for them??

Thank you, everyone for your sweet support on my news of my sister's passing.  I am just sad, and when my sis was sad, she sewed up a storm.  So that is what I am doing, keeping busy.  I appreciate you!


Monday, March 1, 2021

End of month applique update, and my monthly mini for February!!

Good morning, everyone!  February is in the rear view mirror, and here we are at March.  This year is flying by, in my opinion!!  Above is my applique block for Mrs. Lincoln's Sampler quilt, that I am making along with Cathy.  Cathy blogs here:  Big Lake Quilter: February Month End (  She is an amazing applique artist!!
Here is my pieced block for this month, too.  
I made this mini quilt for February.  This one was made of leftovers (the center portion).  The little flying geese were fun!! I really like this little quilt pattern, and have made three and given them away, so I made this one for me.   Please see Wendy, at the Constant Quilter, for more mini quilts! (our leader)
Is there anything better than plaids...and scraps....and hearts?  Oh be still MY heart!!!  I am making some quilted hearts, because it was February, and because I love them, and because my string quilt needs some hearts included in there.  

 I made more of these blocks...unsure of what they will become, but I like making them!!!

**************************A personal note*****************************

My dear sissie passed away 2-28-21 of Parkinsonian Dementia.  She had this 14 years...a lot of her life.  She was a brilliant woman, living on a farm, raised two lovely girls, and working as chief book keeper at our local bank.  As the chief repository of family history, she will be sorely missed, as well as for her sweet heart.   She was a seamstress, and quilter, and a wonderful cook.  My heart hurts a lot, and I know she is now at peace, free from the suffering she has endured for so long.  



Hand quilting on the plane!

Greetings!!  I have been on a journey!  I got to go visit my grand babies, and had a lovely time. I wanted to have something to sew on the p...