Sunday, July 14, 2019

Dear Jane update!!

 "Dear Jane:  You certainly were an imaginative lady!!  I am so delighted to be emulating you; sewing your quilt.  However, what do you think of this block?  I made a itty bitty change in it!!  In almost every Dear Jane quilt I have seen, these petals are crowded to the point of almost being cut off.  So I hope it agreeable with you if I added circles instead of petals!!"  Those little red areas in the corners will be hidden in the seam allowance.  So it is all good!
 So much for my letter to Jane.  Here is her original block.  I love them both!!

Chantal had a great question about why I was sewing my blocks together as I go.  Well, I have been making this quilt for a number of years.  It was suggested to me that I sew them together as I go, way back then.  Since the colors are those of the original, and basically a subtle trip around the world, I thought this was a good idea, because I wouldn't have to worry about spreading out colors. least I have not lost any blocks on the way, LOL!!

Some brave and intrepid quilters are joining in on our Dear Jane journey.  My goal is just make one block a week.  Anytime is fine, there are no rules, just fun, fun, fun, and the goal of eventually get this quilt to the finished pile!!

Here are the participants so far:

Lcrrkhs:    What is your first name darling lady?

and me!!  I hope if you have ever started this, or even are thinking about it...maybe you have the book...just join in!!  I will link to these blogs every week, so you can enjoy their progress.

 Here are some of these....
And here are some of these!!  Just adding a few here and there....samplers are super fun!!

I am linking to Kathy, for some slow dear Jane block is all stitched by hand.

Hugs to all from Julie


---"Love" said...

I would think Jane would be very pleased with your block. Through patience and perseverance, you will get all the blocks made, and you will have a beautiful quilt! (And always remember, it will be YOUR quilt, not Jane's!) ---"Love"

Libby in TN said...

I started Dear Jane in 1989. I have two blocks. It's a long story ...

Little Penpen said...

Jane would say "why didn't I think of that???" lol

Binsa said...

Thank you for the motivation I made my second block yesterday and have stitched my rows together

Kathy said...

I think Jane would be surprised by the number of people emulating her quilt, and I don't think she would have expected anyone to slavishly copy hers. Your block is delightful. I love looking at everyone's Dear Janes although I will probably never make one myself.

Sherrill said...

I did one and started a second (in red, white and blue). Have a bunch of blocks for the 2nd but if I ever do anything with them, will just sew the ones together that are already done. No desire to work on those tiny things anymore!

Tired Teacher said...

You're wise to sew the blocks together as you finish them. Doing that eliminates the chance of loss AND provides incentive to keep working on the quilt.

KaHolly said...

Sewing your Dear Jane blocks together as you go is such a good idea. You know, as a scrap Quilter, sometimes it can be so overwhelming to place blocks. Sometimes, I make myself crazy, switching one for another, this one for that one, and in the end I just give up and sew them together with that 'It is what it is' attitude. You’re definitely avoiding that trap! I didn’t realize you were sewing them all by hand. Nice! I like the slow and steady approach you take with all your sewing.

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

I like your block changes! Great challenge for all!

Quilter Kathy said...

I am very sure that Jane would be delighted with any changes you'd like to make :)
And she'd be so thrilled that so many people are captivated by her amazing quilt all these years later!
Enjoy your slow stitching!

Karen said...

I think making changes to any of the Dear Jane blocks makes it more yours. Whatever pleases your eyes and the ease of making it. Good for you setting goals for not "losing" your blocks made a long time ago

Janet O. said...

I think Jane would applaud you doing what works for you. I have wondered if she was following anyone's instructions on any of the blocks and departed from them to do her own thing.

Chantal said...

Your Aster is just BEEEAUUUUTIFUL! what a difference the circles make. It's just too bad the little snippet of red has to disappear in the seam when sewn to others as I like it very much. Off to see the others Dear Jane quilters. Thanks for the links. Enjoy! ;^)

Lori said...

Nice job on that block!!

Lcrrkhs said...

Oh dear now I need to get my act together! Never fear, I shall do so!

The Quilting CPA is my blog and my name is Kathleen, out here in Normal, IL.

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