And the Be kind block, again without an expression embroidered on.

And the Be positive block. Ok, want to hear a funny story? I am using a pair of my husband's old pajamas for the fabric in the letters. Of course, I have have cut large chunks out of the legs of the PJ's (hope I have enough fabric...). My dear husband was looking for clean PJ's, and grabbed these off the ironing board., instead of looking in his dresser drawer. You should have seen his expression when he put them on!!!! It was priceless. I never thought he would miss these, these had holes and were generally pretty old and worn out. He has several pairs of PJ's, but I got him a BRAND new pair to make up!!! He forgave me.... :)

This block is for a dear friend who shall remain un-named until she receives it. This will be a wonderful story when I can tell it!!
Ok, I have had my first bike wreck!! It was pretty funny, actually, and no, I am not a bit hurt. I was distracted and got too close to the curb, actually drove into the curb! The bike stopped, but I kept on flying, and went "arse over teakettle"! (please pardon my grandmother's old-time expression). A flip and roll, luckily landed in the soft grass, with nothing but my pride injured. Of course, someone drove by and saw me, and also my dear husband was with me. I actually wasn't a bit upset or embarassed, that is a good thing about growing a bit older, I think!! Hehe!!
**************patient update*******************
My precious patient is much, much, better, off the ventilator, up in a chair, and actually transferred to rehab this week. Yahoo!!!! I am so glad for her and her dear family. Now we have a whole 'nother crew of patients, sick and needing love and great care.
*****************A scary tale******************
We were out of town for a day or two, and stayed in a very nice hotel. Well, we were going out for dinner one night, and my dear husband opened the door, and stepped right over a rattle snake! I was right behind him, and could not talk, it frightened me so, to see him step inches by that snake. If he would have stepped on it, I am sure it would have struck him. When I could breath, I yelled "rattlesnake!", and he turned around and saw it. There were some pretty tense heartbeats there! I am so grateful he did not get bitten, and he was carrying our little poodle dog Rusty, too. I have pictures of the snake, does anyone want to see??
I have been hand-quilting the sampler quilt, and loving each moment of that, too.
Please make it a point to have a wonderful day!!! I am off today, so am getting busy cleaning, laundry, and cooking. Oh yeah, better go to the grocery to have something to cook!!! :)