Sunday, July 28, 2019

Dear Jane!

 One Dear Jane block (at least), every Sunday.  I am making a bit of progress!  Yippee!!!
 Here is my construction of this block.  I used an applique version to make it.  Teeny pieces!!!  And of course I will trim and press it, before adding it to the "mother ship";  the larger quilt piece.

Jane, how did you do this with no modern tools, poor light, and few tools!?  You were a genius!!!
 This shelf was thrown out in the trash by my neighbor.  I rescued it.  I think someone might have passed away in the home, because they are just throwing out everything in the house, out to the trash to haul away.  Lots of children's toys, still in boxes, lots of furniture.  Should I paint it, or finish it another way?  It is small, just the right size for my angel collection, and some nick-knack things...or fat quarters!
I am on my way with my Cheddar back quilt!  I am truly loving this quilt!!!
More of these little popcorn, they are impossible to stop making!

Lcrrkhs:   Kathleen

Please see the above bloggers...they are working on their Dear Jane quilts too!!  You can join us at any time...any stage of construction of this quilt.  We are having fun and supporting our collective efforts!

Hope you have an amazing day!



Thin Woman Inside said...

Why is that called a cheddar back quilt? Will the backing be cheddar??

julieQ said...

Yes, you are exactly right, thin woman!!!

Lizzy D said...

Lovely projects!~ Your Cheddarback is great! A also love the little ''Lifesavers" at the end. Prob I d paint the shelf unit but it s a great find and good as is, too. Supposedly milk paint adheres w/out pre-sanding, if you decide to paint. [double-check]. It's a shame the neighbors are trashing useful items instead of donating, esp toys in boxes, wow.


Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

You are doing so good Julie! I am still in the "thinking" stage. If I start DJ then I will do it full time so I can get it done this year (what a joke!)

Have a wonderful week! Hugs

Chantal said...

Cute little shelf. I love when I can pick up something off the side walk. :^D I like the color of wood so I would go with a light stain, but that's me. Love your DJ piece. They all look so complicated and small that I would applique them all, lol. I love 365 Challenge because there is not triangles inside a different angle triangle, you know I mean? Yep! applique sounds good. Enjoy! ;^)

Tired Teacher said...

No matter what you do with the shelf unit, it will look great, especially for the uses you suggested. It's sad when people just toss useful items. However, sometimes time restrictions control those decisions. Your Dear Jane blocks look fabulous.

Randy D. said...

So very impressed that you're doing a block every week in the Dear Jame project.
VERY nice job.
And the cheddarback? Where are the July blocks?? That last one just about did me in (the 12" block). I pieced it differently!

Binsa said...

Gorgeous little shelf I would leave it as is.loved seeing your progress with dear jane

Kaja said...

I often wonder about quilts like DJ and the conditions they were made in. I couldn't work without good light and my specs, but I don't suppose she had either! Your blocks are looking good.

Lori said...

Good job on the DJ blocks!
I dropped Cheddarback dead in the water. Eventually I'll get back to it.
Cute shelf, I think I'd paint it.

Loris said...

Your Dear Jane blocks are magnificent! I'm going to pull out my Linda Franz diamond blocks and get hand piecing on those....right after I finish this huge Bonnie quilt :-) I finished all the triangles and I'm halfway through sewing them onto to the other squares. Then I get to sew the blocks together to build the bigger blocks. I'm loving it :-)
I love seeing all you are working on. Just the idea of Cheddarback is making me smile. The blocks will be even more wonderful with cheddar on the back!
Happy Monday!

Kyle said...

Your plan for DJ is working. Good find on the shelf. I think I'd paint

KaHolly said...

Jane must have just loved the process. Quite obviously, she’d have to take her time constructing each block. Wonder how long it took her to complete her quilt? Neat shelf! Good score.

Karen said...

The Janes look good, Julie. I know there are lots of small pieces and odd shapes.

Paint the book case! Lori Holt has a line of chalk paint available through Fat Quarter Shop. People seem to love it. But then I don't know what your decorating style is.

Teresa said...

Good luck with your DJ quilts - your beginning blocks look great. I recently finished mine and need to post a picture. Started in 2001 and finished in 2019. But I took a break from working on it from 2006 to 2019.

Barb said...

good luck with DJ. My friend Jill made one and she too the book to staples and had them spiral it, which I thought was a great idea. Cute shelf rescue looks perfect for painting a fun color ala Mary Englebreit

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Good save on that cabinet. I found the Dear Jane book at a thrift store today for fifty cents. Not sure if I'll ever make any of the blocks, but if I want to, I can now.

QuiltGranma said...

What a wonderful free find of that shelving unit! Are you going to show us how you are using it, and the finished project?

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