Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Sampler Supreme!

May I ask who is working on the Sampler Supreme, by Pat Sloan?  Here is where I am, which is woefully behind!!  My friend Lyn is almost caught up!!

Have a great day, everyone!!


Sunday, September 18, 2016

A wee little tutorial!

A few people wanted to know how I make my Plaid and Plain flying geese, so I am writing this tutorial for you!  Please be kind...I am not an expert at tutorial writing, LOL!  Above is a 3 1/2 inch strip from my plaid scraps, and a plain 2 inch strip.  These are not chosen for their beauty (LOL!), but for contrast, so you can see better.

First, cut the 3 1/2 inch strip into two triangle pieces, with your easy angle ruler.  
ZIP! There goes the second one!!
Then, from a neutral 3 1/2 inch strip  (I used muslin for mine, 'cause that is what I have most of), cut two triangles using the same method.

Then, cut (2) two inch squares.

Then off to the sewing machine!  Each 3x6 inch block takes five seams.  First, sew the plaid and neutral triangles together, as above.  

Then, layer the plain (blue in this case) square on the pieces and sew in a connector corner fashion.

Then, trim the excess.  You can keep these extra triangles if you want, but they are pretty I am not saving mine this time.

Then, press one to the dark side, and one to the light side.  This makes it easy for the seams to nest!!

Turn them this way, 

Then sew them together!  Press...trims your threads (like I obviously did NOT DO)...and Yahoo!!  You have one done already!!  

There are many ways to make any quilt block, but this is the one I used, this time...probably be different next time, LOL!!  I hope this helps those quilters who asked how I did mine.

A few more 2 inch finished bow ties, above

A few more basket blocks, four inches finished
Maybe I went on a little shopping spree at a local quilt show...everything on sale and it was great fun!!

A pretty little fabric sampler for $4.00...who could resist!!

This is a basket that one of the members made to sell, so I bought one for the cause.  It was very pretty!!

And that is all, folks!  I hope you are having a marvelous day!!!


Friday, September 16, 2016

Log Cabin Loonies!!

Happy Full Moon to all of you Log Cabin Loonies!!  This is an amazing quilt, a quilt of valor,
 shared on MyQuiltPlace by Lynn Welton Zimmerman. 

I love the differing sizes of the "logs" in this quilt...wonderful!  Lynn's fabric choices are so much fun, and thank you so much for allowing us to showcase your gorgeous quilt!!!

A penumbral lunar eclipse occurred at night on September 16, 2016 in Pekanbaru, Indonesia

Well, my moon pictures lacked a certain something.  Well...they lacked everything...focus, clarity and beauty.  So enjoy this picture of the full moon, instead!!  Please step out and try to see it yourself, is so pretty and there is an eclipse tonight, too!!!

Please link up below, to share your own Log Cabin quilts.  Piles of strips, old quilts, new quilts, quilts in progress...share with us, and let us enjoy your work!!

Have a super night,


Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Marching on!!

 If you have been hanging out with me for a while (a long while, LOL!), you may remember this quilt, that I have been working on.  It was a Summer block of the week, by Lisa Bongean of primitive gatherings.  Her original quilt was a wool one, of three inch blocks, and I have the top all complete.  But then....I thought!  What if I enlarge the blocks to six inches, and put sashing in between the blocks, of between the flowers???
 So I did.  The blocks and sashing have been staring at me, more and more accusingly...saying, "When can WE be a quilt?"  Today was the day!!  I finally have the top all in one piece.  I have a ton more leaves to applique, but this is a huge step forward for me, and the very step that I needed to move forward on some other projects, too.  So yahoo!  Lots more work to be done on this one...tons more leaves, and lots of quilting and of course those borders that I am always challenged with.  But I am to this point!  And so I am grateful!!!  This is not trimmed...just TOGETHER, which is a huge celebration to me!!
 Another woolly block was released, so I prepped it, and did a tiny bit of stitching on it.  Turns out that this quilt is wanting to be a bit bright, instead of muted primitive colors!  Never can tell what these quilts are going to ask for, LOL!
 So...I decided I had enough plaid and plain flying geese blocks for my quilt, and had these leftover. I sewed them into a little runner.  AND THEN!!! I decided to make my original quilt bigger, so I need twenty more blocks.  SNORT!!! Figures, huh?? I am back cutting more out, LOL!
This is hand appliqued and hand quilted, for a very special friend.  Just working on the binding and label, and it will be in the post.  I hope she likes it! I have made dozens of heart quilts through the years, and love each and every one!!

Have a super day, everyone!!!

Julie K

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Plaids and Plains: Flying geese update!

I have been working hard on these blocks; my "plaids and plains"  flying geese blocks.  They are fun, and when you get into a rhythm, they are fast.  Five seams each...and I thought I would put a little surprise into this quilt, thus the plain muslin pieces at the top of the quilt.  Just can't leave well enough alone, can I?  Hee!!!

Hope you all are have a wonderful day!!


Hand quilting on the plane!

Greetings!!  I have been on a journey!  I got to go visit my grand babies, and had a lovely time. I wanted to have something to sew on the p...