HI Y'all! Well, the last scrappy project just wasn't pleasing me (probably because I do not have enough variety of background fabrics)...so I carefully put the pieces and parts back into the appropriately sized bins, and pulled out this UFO!! Yessirree, this is a real UFO, as reported by the Association of International UFO sightings...or it could just be me reporting... I cut all this out about a year ago, and it has been carefully waiting for it's turn to become a quilt...not shouting loudly, but murmering every once in a while..."Is it my turn yet?" I have been chain piecing all the pieces together this and last week, in spare moments, and now the blocks are all done. I will cut sashing, and the cornerstones will come from the 2.5 inch bin. This is very representation of my fabrics...scrappy Christmas, brights, reproductions, 1930's, conversational prints, childrens, etc, etc! Anyone who has been kind enough to gift me scraps will recognize some of their fabrics in this one!!

This is the same quilt, made from the 2 inch bin...hand quilted, washed, and well used already. I also made one from the 1.5 inch bin! I cannot find it, though, so I must have given it away. So, I have made a quilt of this pattern in three sizes, and that is fun, as you can make the whole quilt from one width size scraps. By the way, this is a Bonnie Hunter pattern.

Rosie...it is so tough to get a good picture of you, dear doggie!! Here she is though, my constant little companion, I just love her!

The 2.5 inch scrap bin...I thought it might empty out some, but it appears as stuffed as ever!!! Does that happen to you??

The waste triangles from the connector corners became broken dishes blocks, as inspired by my friend Linda. I have no idea what I will do with these, but hey, at least the pieces are not in the land fill!!
***************************Other stuff*****************************
The funeral for Keaton went very well, and my dear sissie is doing as well as she can...I am glad to be back at work and home...life is so precious and fleeting, isn't it...I aim to enjoy and praise each moment I am granted!!!
Work is just different...I am mostly in charge these days, which takes me away from the patients...and they are my joy. That is hard, but by taking care of the nurses who take care of the patients, maybe I can have a positive impact. A guy coded most of the day yesterday...so sad...but we did wonderful work and got him back each time.
It is too hot! Way too hot here...records set every day...Melting, I am telling you!!!
Have a super good day! I hope you can have some quilting time....