Sunday, March 31, 2019

Working on this and that

 I think I am just enamored with these scraps!!!  I am loving making these each day.
 The stars keep on shining, too...almost, almost, almost done with the stars for the challenge quilt!  Hurrah!!!
 I have also been working (not hard enough) on the Temecula Wednesday quilt along...these are fun and fast!!
 I pulled this EEP project out again...looked at it and cannot find the motivation to work on it. It is not big enough, but I am not willing to make more hexie blocks for it, at least not now.  What to do?  I think I will put it back and wait until I am ready to finish it.  When will that be???
 A favorite hexie block...these fabrics are getting dated, this UFO is so old!!  I bet  you may have seen these fabrics around!
 I finished this little is "quilted to death"...hand quilting rocks!!
 I found this set of coasters and finished them...also hand quilted.  The stall on these was I cut the binding one inch.  Silly girl!  It was tough to turn that small a seam I won't do that again!
And a bookmark.

And that is it, folks!!!

******************Nurse's Notes*********************

This little note is not really about the hospital, but kind of is, too.  I am finding myself just overwhelmed with all I have going on.  I feel I cannot do justice to any of it?  Any of you find yourself in that situation and what do I do about it, except keep on going as fast as I can??

I think I am down heartened a little bit because of a patient yesterday...I had been in the room 15 minutes, and he had called me every cuss word in the book, and screamed all day long at me.  ALERT and ORIENTED!!!  Not a confused patient...he just made me sad.  Nothing I did was fast or right enough...and yet?  the next door patient was a darling gentleman farmer who kept apologizing for the other guy's behavior!    I am so, so tired today...


So I called work and we made a plan about this guy.  Only male nurses are going to take care of him...he treats males a bit better...and we found out from his wife, who strangely enough, was not up there to visit (not strange at all, really...she needed a break) ...that he was a big time drinker.  He said on his history that he did not drink.  So, this was some DT's that I got to witness.  

It is really important to know that information before a major heart surgery!


Maybe I just need a break, or something?



Saturday, March 30, 2019

Dearest Boy!!

 Here is my latest Dearest Boy block.  The hand stitching was very enjoyable!!! We are edging ever closer to having all the blocks done.

I have made precious little progress on my greens, for Rainbow quilts, but here are some tiny log cabin blocks to add to the mix.

Please see all the above blogs to view their pretty blocks too!!

Have a super day!


Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Rosie's handiwork!

 Believe it or not, I have almost all the stars sewn for this quilt!  One a day, before really works!  Just about 13 minutes of sewing.  I went ahead and sewed the middle rows together, with the large center block.  It is just a matter of sewing some more diagonal edge blocks...and presto!!  It will be a quilt top!

A secret to share...this is one of five quilts made by my local quilting group.  I laid down a make a quilt from this pattern! Five intrepid ladies took up the sword, and went for it.  Almost all are to the top stage, except mine.  These will be shown in our local quilt show, as a group quilting project.  I cannot wait to see it actually hanging in a quilt show!  All our quilts are very different, such different fabric choices!

NOW, about that Rosie Poodle...she has gone poodle quilt block surfing through these blocks so many times...that I surmised that she just wants this arranged differently. What do you think of her design?

Little stinker...she had a pretty large tumor removed from her chest/neck area...the incision is about 3 inches long.  It was cancer, but he said the margins were clean, so that was good...I hope it does not re-occur.  She is having to wear a cone, and she hates it and gives me the biggest woeful eyed looks...but I did remove it, she promptly removed some of the stitches, necessitating a follow up vet visit.  $2000.00 later.....this was an expensive thing!  That is altogether.  Makes me think about pet you have that?

Have a great day, everyone!!


Friday, March 15, 2019

Dearest Boy update

This is the latest "Dearest Boy" update.  I love the wreath effect made by the bias vines!!!  On my pattern, the pattern acorns just would not fit into the space allowed very well, so I just made one acorn.  I need to do some embroidery still on this block.

On we go!  Please see the below bloggers...they are working on this quilt too!!  Are YOU working on this quilt, too, perhaps??

Hugs from Julie

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Moving forward, and musings

 I have been thinking about things...oh dang, watch out world, LOL!!  I really love hand is so soothing and delightful fun for me.  Above are some smaller hand quilted quilts, by me.
 I really love the soft texture and pretty the way, this was a quilt along by Lori, of Humble quilts.  She is having a Dollie quilt swap right now...better check her out!

 Every day, I make a star block, early in the morning before work.  It is working!  You can eat that elephant, a bite at a time!!!
 Also, I am making one of these blocks.  I am in love with these simple scrappy blocks.  Using scraps is a good thing, and it makes more scraps...hahaha!
 I put a border on two quilts, and this is one of them.  I like a pull border, because when my guy gets a tugging hold of this quilt to pull it up around his chin, I don't want him necessarily pulling on the patchwork.  It feel more finished to me, now...I will try to hand quilt this one too.
I like this silly block.  "Of thee I sing!"  Get the notes?  LOL!!  Her hair looks a bit like mine...hmmmmm.

Some thoughts:

I have been blogging about ten years or more now...I continue to absolutely love it!! I have made fast friends, and lovely people from all over connect with me, and I with them.  Blogging has spurred me on to more quilting!  That is fun and good therapy for me. Quilting took over my life when my kiddo flew the nest and I was pretty lonesome and bereft from missing him.  It is hard to be so involved with scouts and band and sports and hockey and school...and to go to nothing, all at once.  Some of you surely can relate!  So it has been wonderful and lovely!

I have a lot of projects to finish I have sent many quilt tops out to be quilted, and still have many more to get quilted.  I am hand quilting as much as time allows me to.  I am binding in the car, on trips...and piecing in the mornings, as moments allow.

What is the end goal of all this?  I think it is not the quilts, but the journey with fabric and thread and quiet moments and raucous laughter and love shared through so many of us.

So, I intend to keep on going full speed ahead, with a goal of finishing a lot up.

ALSO.... I will be selling some items, so please stay tuned if you are interested.

Just some silly thoughts from the girlie today!

Have a great one yourself!!



Saturday, March 9, 2019

Squeezing in a bit of sewing time!

 Well...I have working 13 hours each, for the last three day, at the hospital.  I usually don't sew much when I work...just too tired out.  But...I have decided to change my paradigm!!  Each evening, I laid out the pieces for a star, right by the sewing machine.  Instead of playing on the computer before I went to work each morning for ten minutes, as is my habit...I made a new habit of sewing a star!  So there you go.  Four stars down!

I also sewed one of these blocks each morning.  I have no idea where this is going....

Sneak in ten minutes every day...and you will land among the stars!  Hahaha!


Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Starry progress

I am working on stars, for this quilt.  I have no idea why each one is taking so long, or maybe collectively, they are taking a long time!!!  But it is fun, anyway!!!

Have a great day!


Monday, March 4, 2019

Projects and progress

 I am here, only a couple of weeks behind, on the Lori Holt of Bee in my Bonnet quilt along.  This one is a free one, folks...and great fun!  Please see can scroll through her posts and find all the patterns.  I am not sure how long they will be left up on her blog.  She writes very, very good instructions.  I love that part.  I am trying to duplicate her colors, but I don't have the fabrics from her line, so am just doing the best I can.

 These blocks are for the Meeting House quilt along on face book.  I have no idea where I am going with these...they have kind of morphed into a pink and red and blue plaid quilt.  Hmmm.  It will be OK, though...for me, as long as there is pink, life is good.
I am making more star blocks for my sampler quilt, for my quilting group.  The name of the quilt escapes me at the moment, but when it is done, you will recognize it!  LOL!!!

Hope each of you is having a great day!

Warning!  Don't read the nurse's notes if you don't want a touch of real is sad.

***********************Nurse's Notes************************

I had a person who had taken an overdose of illegal drugs, wanting to commit suicide, according to his family. He was found down after a long time.  Now he is on maximum life support and just in the worst shape ever.  His family wants us to do everything, everything, to keep him going.  It is kind of a dilemma...of course we do everything, but I wonder what he would say if he were conscious and able to convey his wishes?

Nursing is hard sometimes.



Sunday, March 3, 2019

Tiny Yellow blocks!!!

These are such darling little blocks, and are part of a quilt along at So Scrappy.  Please see is going on all year!!

Angela posts new blocks every Tuesday...Tiny Tuesday!  I am making two of each block.  Some are set on point, and others are straight set...and all are such fun to make!

A note for me...these tiny blocks take a bit of sliver trimming.  It makes them so much more accurate.

Have a super day, each of you!!


Friday, March 1, 2019

I am supposed to post on February 30th.

 Here is my Dearest Boy block for February 30th.  Due to calendar constraints of there being NO February 30th...I am posting it now, LOL!    I drafted it myself, made old fashioned templates out of a cereal box, like my mom and grandma did, and pieced it.  So there  you are!!!
Here are my blocks so far, for the Dearest Boy project.  Pretty, pretty, pretty!!!  I cannot wait to make the Cow block in the center!!

Please see these bloggers, who are working on the same quilt.

Have a super day, everyone!


Hand quilting on the plane!

Greetings!!  I have been on a journey!  I got to go visit my grand babies, and had a lovely time. I wanted to have something to sew on the p...