I am making some blocks for the Rainbow Challenge. This blogger is really a fun scrapper, using every color of the rainbow! I am making a few blocks along this year, just to enjoy the fun. Please see her blog at:
Is anyone interested in making string purses? Of course, you can make any color you want...I just wanted to know if there is enough interest in a tutorial. This one took about 90 minutes to make. Fun and fast!!
JO at Jo's Country Junction had the most wonderful giveaway this past week, and the prize is their BRAND NEW BOOK,
Country Girl Modern. If you click on the title, you will go right to Jo's blog, and be able to purchase this book for yourself!! By random number selection, Teresa in Music City, who blogs at
http://aquiltandaprayer.blogspot.com/ won the book! Congratulations, Teresa!! I will be sending you an e-mail notifying you, and Jo will send you your book!!
*******************Nurse's notes*********************************
I have had the privilege of taking care of the oldest of the old patients this past week. One lady was 109 years old!! The oldest patient I have ever taken care of by far. She was in great shape, but she was blind, so she needed just the slightest bit of help with meals and activities of daily living. She asked me to get her in the hall so she could walk, and used the side rail for walking up and down the hall. Her advice to me for longevity and health?? Don't smoke!! Stay Active!! And don't get FAT!! Very sternly I was told all of this... She was so darling, I loved her on sight! She went back to her assisted living, where she is apparently just happy as a clam.
I had a 98 year old lady yesterday. She was also blind, but other than that, in wonderful shape too. Maybe eyes just don't last that long! She walked four times in the hall yesterday, and she was most interesting. She said she could sense changes in the air when people or objects where near, and knew just how to zig and zag without running into anything, even though she could not see. She always knew when we came into the room, etc. All her other senses were heightened, due to her failed sight. Very interesting!! Have you had any experience with this?? I would love to know!! Her big wish was to not miss the Maverick's game on TV, so she could listen to it. She too was not fat, never smoked, and she was very active. THERE IS SOME WISDOM HERE FOR ME!!! SELF, PAY ATTENTION!
She would trace my hand each time I came in, carefully touching my skin and tracing my nails. I felt that she "saw" me more clearly than a lot of sighted people!!
I love my nursing job...really want to savor these moments of connection and shared wisdom.
Have a great day, everyone!!