Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Pillows and borders!

Yahoo! The borders are on the Ukraine quilt!  It is ready to go to the quilters, for a fast turnaround. I am delighted!!!

Hearts are just my thing, and this one was a free quilt along by Bonnie Hunter, with my twist on setting the blocks together. This was sewn about 2 AM, so it is an insomnia quilt...LOL!

 Look at all these pretty patient pillows that Mary G sent! Thank you so much!  Mary sews the pillows, and sends them to me flat...I stuff them and sew the edge shut.  These have already been distributed to the hospital. I love all the pretty fabrics, don't you? It was hilarious...I had ordered poly fill to stuff the pillows with.  I took the big bag out of the box, and untied the top of the bag...and it started expanding...and growing and growing and growing!!!  I have a huge bag  of stuffing, now, after using all of this!

Have a great day, each of you!


Tuesday, April 26, 2022

April Monthly Mini


Our dear friend Janet is a master of the miniature quilt.  The tiniest blocks and pieces are used in her masterpieces!  She inspired this mini quilt for the month for me.    Tiny churn dash blocks!  I tried a zillion different borders, and finally just did a string border.  Hurrah!

Please see Janet's blog here:  rogue quilter

Alos, please see Wendy's blog here!  She is our ring leader for our monthly mini quilts!!!  Another quilting master!

The Constant Quilter

Hope each of you is having a wonderful day!


Monday, April 25, 2022

Shelly's quilt

Hello to everyone! Shelly's quilt is almost complete!  A very gracious and kind blogger supplied the batting and quilted a marvelous design on this quilt.  All this time and love is plainly sewn into the quilt!  Thank you so much, and you know who you are!!!  It is quilted with very pretty blue that touch. 
A close is so pretty!  I am binding it now and will get it to her ASAP.  Shelly is undergoing chemotherapy for colon cancer with metastasis to the liver; she is my friend and co-worker...I see her each day, or did when she was well.
Just a border remains for my Ukraine quilt.  Hurrah!!!
I sewed some pink bowties, for April.  Fun, fun...they have five seams each, and hum right through the sewing machine.
The binding is on this quilt!  Just need buttons for the eyes of the bird and cat.
Annie sent me some string pieces from a spider web quilt.  I hand quilted it and will donate to our hospice, for a candle mat...electric candles for the sanctuary.  Thank you, Annie!!

I am all caught up with the Aunt Daisy quilt along.

Please click on the link to take you to her site...not too late to join in!


Do you make bread?  How do you make your bread, please??

 I mix my bread by hand.  I use water, about a cup and 1/2, very warm.  Mix a package of yeast in it and two heaping tablespoons of sugar (for the yeast) and let it sit in a warm place for ten minutes, until bubbles form on the top.  Then put 1 tsp salt, 3 tablespoons butter, and enough bread flour to form a soft dough.  I used to knead it, but I found out I don't need to knead, LOL!  I let it rise in a warm place until just double (more rising is not always better, the yeast runs out of energy), and then punch down and put it in my baking pan.  I just got a long baking pan, and boy it is nice...before I was just using my corning ware or glass loaf pans.  Then let it rise again, until just double the volume.  Bake at 400 degrees for 25-30 minutes...I covered the loaf lightly with foil the last bit of time, so it would not get so very brown.

Hope you all are doing great...what are you working on??


Monday, April 11, 2022

Working on it!

Good morning to you all!  I have been working on the string hearts.  I am loving them!  This setting seems best to me, and so I am working on that.

I have thirty blocks in total.

I have been making homemade bread for the several months.  Only six ingredients, and at least I can know what is in the bread, and it only cost maybe 50 cents to make a loaf.  Hurrah!  Maybe a little more than that, for the yeast.

I am busy working on the hand quilting of this quilt.  See above!

I got the binding on!  Yahoo!

 All the tiny leaves are out now...spring is truly here.

Hope you are doing wonderfully, each of you!


Monday, April 4, 2022

String blocks are simply the best!

 Good afternoon!  I have been busy making string heart blocks, following along with Bonnie Hunter at Quiltville.  They are tiny, but mighty.  I love making them!  Many quilters are making these blocks, to help Ukraine.  

Please see Bonnie's free sew along, here:

Quiltville's Quips & Snips!!: Hearts of Hope Sew-Along!

Thank you so much to everyone who has bought something from me to help with donating to Ukraine.  Yesterday's items were snapped up, and I thank you so very much.

Have a lovely day!


Sunday, April 3, 2022

Selling to benefit Ukraine!

I am really feeling like I need to help in Ukraine.  Hospitals are being bombed there now, and that strikes close to home for this nurse.  All proceeds from everything I am selling goes straight to benefit the Ukrainian people. Thank you so very much, everyone who has helped me with this project...I am edging closer to my goal.

I have these cowboy prints, above, and fabrics that go along with the theme.  $20.00 and they are yours...just email me and I will send them to you!  Postage included!!  The bottom piece is a large piece and a couple more smaller pieces of the same print.


My 1930's prints.  Oh, how I love these!!  $30.00 and they are yours, and I will pay shipping to you!


 Some folks wanted reproduction prints.  I have some, and these are on the Jo Morton spectrum of colors!  $30.00 and they are yours...I will pay shipping.

More to come...I have a day off.  Watch out, LOL!!!

Hope each of you has an amazing day!  

Just email me at if you would like to purchase something or need something...maybe I have something that would help you with a current project you are working on!!


Thank you, 

Julie K

Yellow for March, recap! and books for sale for Ukraine!

Good morning!  The scrappy color for March was yellow.  Here are my bowties for the month of March!  These are 4 inches, finished.

 I have these books for sale, for Ukraine!  Some are out of print...all are good books!  Take all of these for 35 dollars, including shipping to you!  

I am looking through things...what would you be interested in buying, if I have it?  I am striving to meet my goal of $700 dollars for Ukraine!  Would anyone like a stuffed FULL box of my strings?  They are my favorite thing!  Or what are you into right now, that you would like to have more of?

my email is:


Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...