I took the majority opinion and laid out the quilt this way. This is about 1/2 of the center put together. Do you like the plaid sashing? At least it is not my dear husband's pajamas...I have been known to snatch them up and use them, as some of you know, LOL! No new fabric here, all this is from the little stash. Some of the fabric is 20 years old.

And how do you like this quilt? Hee, same one of course. I have determined to make another plaid quilt, as the book suggested, not my free form ideas...I just get sidetracked sometimes!!
*****************Nursing notes*****************************
I had a patient, may I call her Mrs B...she has had bypass surgery before, and many stents (9), and just has chronic angina now. She came in with chest pain and was to have another heart bypass surgery...but she did not have any veins left in her legs to use to bypass the clogged arteries in her heart. Sooooo...the surgeon told her she has very few options left...and that the cardiologist would have to place more stents. The poor cardiologist...she has such tiny vessels in her heart, he was worried to death, and said he could not sleep worrying about whether he could do it or not...well, he must have done great!! She is all better and went home today. She is an early widow, has three children who have not left her side, and they are such a blessing to me. She was just worried about getting home to cook Thanksgiving dinner for them all!!! What a sweetheart.
Hope all is well...and that you are doing great today!!!