Thursday, January 4, 2018

Days off! Yahoo!

 Whew!  I worked a LOT of hours in the four days around the first of the year, so I am delighted to have a couple days off.  GUESS WHAT???  Lori is having a quilt along!! It is a Cheri Payne inspired quilt...we are just all doing our own thing and making a quilt all our own, based on Cheri's quilt. I don't have the pattern, so I think it is great fun to design my own, pretty much based on her blocks.  Lori blogs at Humble Quilts, below...this just started and so you can start and be all caught up right now!!

 Bonnie Hunter, as you probably know, has designed a fabulous mystery quilt each year around Christmas and the holiday time frame.  I have not been QUITE  (snort) keeping up with all the clues, but the big reveal has already been done!  It is GORGEOUS!!  However, I have been playing in the pieces and parts I have I made this block.  I love to play in the pieces!!  Leftovers are lovely!
I think that every New year I am going to toss the socks that I just CANNOT find matches for.  Start the year fresh...or maybe I could just feed them to the dryer/washer system so the socks I have matches for will not be eaten, LOL!  I always save mismatches, hoping the sock will show up...but it is time to start fresh.

2017 exercise review:

My goal was to walk 2017 miles in the year 2017, and I walked 2156, so I did it!  Lots of those steps are taken at my work...but hey, they all count.  Onward for 2018 miles in 2018!


Just looking back, I started a whole bunch of quilts, and got quite a ways into making most of them.  I won't bore you with all my starts, but on the list this year is to finish quite a few, but also to continue to start things.  New ideas and fun quilt alongs make it just fresh and oh so fun for me.  So onward!! 

Have a super day, each of you!!



Libby in TN said...

I had two odd socks in Sunday's wash; miraculously I found the mates on my closet floor!

Quilting Babcia said...

Mismatched socks could become a fashion trend, just sayin' lol!

Sherrill said...

I figured you were working hard! That's a lotta steps and you did good getting them all in. I need to start going to the mall and walk around it once or twice to get started! You don't have any trouble either in the quilt dept. getting things done. I looked at Lori's QAL but I'm one that needs a pattern so I'm deferring. Got enough stuff here to do and get finished.

Janet O. said...

The thing about you is that you get more done in a random hour or day off than I can accomplish in two weeks. I seem to get stuck in the "what should I do now?" phase and you just dig in and "do" with marvelous results!
Love your idea about the socks. Was just sorting out the lone wolves in my sock drawer the other day. I didn't find mates, just more lone wolves. :)

Chantal said...

Love the basket you made for the SAL with Lori. If you put all those steps (miles) in a straight line, how far would you had traveled? Nashville, Tennessee? Hollywood? Chicago? (I'm funny that way. I always have more questions.)
You know that socks make very good dust catcher? Just slide your hand in and sweep the furnitures... until you find its match. ;^)

Nann said...

Happy new year to you, too, Julie. I didn't realize how much walking I did at work until I retired. Immediate weight gain! I try to walk several miles a week but with wind chills below zero I'm staying inside this week.....I am making On Ringo Lake and, boy, it's bright and busy! I look forward to seeing what you make of those bits and pieces in the coming months.

Karen said...

I am glad to see you are embracing the freedom to create blocks similar to Cheri's for Lori's sew-along. I look forward to seeing how you interpret the different designs.

Susan said...

Odd socks are always a problem......... Somewhere in the world someone has found one of your matches in their dryer........

I am trying to limit myself to fewer projects and more finishes........

Enjoy your days off...

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

When I sort the laundry, I don't add the socks until I have a full pair. I've never lost a pair of socks in the laundry since I started this. The socks are usually hiding BEHIND the laundry basket, in a closet, or somewhere. Now I only have to throw away socks when they get holes in them.

Lilac Joan said...

I knew you must be working a lot. I miss your posts, I look for you every day!

Tired Teacher said...

I wash my socks in a mesh bag - Hurray, no more lost socks!

Kaja said...

I like your basket block! I keep trying to think of a creative use for odd socks, but in the end I just wear them mismatched.

Lori said...

Thanks for blazing the trail and giving people the confidence they need to start their Liberty quilt!
I haven't seen the mystery reveal- I must go look right now!! Her quilts never disappoint.
I wear mismatched socks all the time!@!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

What a fun quilt you are making! and congrats on the mileage!! thats impressive!

Kyle said...

What a great start on your Liberty quilt. It's going to be truly a one of a kind. Wow! Congrats on all that walking! Hope you have a few days off to enjoy some down time.

Rebecca in AK said...

Great idea to design your own blocks! This will make it an extra special quilt. So glad you got some days off.

Chookyblue...... said...

Nice pink block.. Saw something similar this morning that I want to make......

swooze said...

The unmatched sock from the pair becomes an extra Tupperware lid!

Kim said...

wish we were neighbors so we could sew together....we seem to do the same sew alongs :0) Love your "Sweet Land of Liberty" blocks so far......isn't this fun?? Happy Sewing Nurse Julie :0)

beth s said...

What a great little quilt! Love your take on the pattern.

dq said...

I like how you did star blocks instead. I joined this group and am really enjoying visiting all of your blogs.

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...