Tuesday, January 30, 2018

One of the quilts on the goal list for this year!

Cheri Payne had a basket quilt along last year, and I kind of went my own way and made this four basket quilt. All the applique is done for the blocks, and most of it for the vines and cornerstones.  Just a few pieces left to still applique down!

The setting is my invention, or rather, the quilt came up with it and I just followed suit.  I love it when the quilt decides what it wants to be!!

Have a super day, each of you!!


Binsa said...

lovely finish Julie, yes quilts do have a mind of there own grin

Little Penpen said...

I love it!!

Sherrill said...

Very cute! You keepin' that one?

Quilting Babcia said...

And this little quilt chose to be beautiful in a lovely primitive kind of way! Love it.

Rebecca in AK said...

Such a lovely, charming quilt! Just like its maker.

Anonymous said...

wow this is beautiful Julie,well done xx

Karen said...

Ooh lala! The vine border adds so much interest to the basket setting. Good choice.

Janet O. said...

Goodness gracious, Julie, you keep turning out such wonderful creations. The viny sashing on this really takes it up a notch.I love how you make everything your own.

AnnieO said...

Very perky and sweet—like you! Love it.

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Joyce Carter said...

Very pretty Julie. I love the addition of the vines.

LintLady said...

HEllo Julie,
Yes, I agree. I like it too when the quilt grows and I am kind of just watching.
This baskets look so nice. I think I need to make one like this too --- one of this days *lol*
Happy stitching and hugs from Germany, Doris :o)

Cathy said...

I really love this quilt. Great finish. Hugs

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Nice baskets! Yes, it's nice when the quilt tells us what to do.

Loris said...

How lovely and charming! I love your variations.
I keep thinking about Cheri. I hope she is doing well.

Kyle said...

Love the charming primitive style Of your basket quilt. The little cornerstones are so unique. Great job!

Rose Marie said...

Don't you just love bossy quilts! Sweet quilt!

Sharon said...

Love this one! Are you doing the C W churn swap?

Browndirtcottage said...

OH! OH! Deluxe Cuteness!!

Quilter Kathy said...

Oh yet I do love a quilt that knows her own mind :)

audrey said...

Never deny a quilt what it wants.:) So lovely!

Danice G said...

Very pretty Julie. Cheri's patterns are all so nice.

Lori said...

Very sweet!!

KaHolly said...

Julie, it’s precious!

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...