Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Days off!

 Yahoo!  For some silly reason, I was scheduled for five twelve hour days in a row...wheew!  It is over!  I was just messing around with some little pinwheel blocks, and made this candle mat.
 I have also been busy sewing and cutting Churn dash blocks for Barb's swap!  I noticed that many of the swappers are sewing with cool fabrics, so I choose a warmer color for this bunch.

 At last!  This one is all sewn together.  I took a picture on the back patio...and I am so glad all the blocks are sewn together. This is a patient quilt.

Many sewing and quilting peeps save all their little pieces and tiny unusable stuff to make dog beds.  I thought I would never have enough to save so I tossed those little pieces away, until now.  The last year, I have been putting everything into here that I absolutely could not use...and lookee!  I have almost a pillowcase full, and that will be sewn shut and donated for a dog bed.  I guess you never know until you try something!

Have a great day, all of you!!




Humm--maybe I should do that with my scraps in stead of throwing them out--I hate getting rid of them, but just didn't know what else to do with them--I should of thought of pet beds!!
Love your blocks and that quilt--keep stitching--
enjoy, di

Sherrill said...

GOOD GRIEF!! Five 12 hour shifts?! That's a nightmare! Love the patient quilt you finished up. Our church quilt group used to collect the little snippets but now I just throw them away. Maybe I should try the pillowcase trick.

Little Penpen said...

I had heard of the doggie bed thing before and need to start saving mine. Your little candle mat is pretty and you are gonna make some patient very happy with that pretty quilt. 60 hours straight????? Now if you could 60 to recover!!!!

Tired Teacher said...

The lady who always took my small strings moved, so I need to find a new home for them. I'll try the pillowcase idea. The patient quilt is wonderful. I hope your patients know how blessed they are to receive one.

Janet O. said...

Such a sweet little candle mat--in Valentine colors for the coming month, it appears. :)
That patient quilt is stunning! Love the bold graphics.
Anyone else probably would have complained about those 5 days of 12 hour shifts. I am not surprised that you just did them!

Stephanie D said...

Holy Cow! Five 12s? Who has it in for you? I'd need a full 24 hours of sleep to recover from that! Bless your everlovin' heart! I hope they appreciate you.

Great idea about the snippets and tiny scraps! I should start a pillowcase for that. It may take a while, but hey, one by one, we get it done, right?

Lori said...

Woo-Hoo for days off!! And stitching!!

Karen said...

Some patient is going to have a happy quilt.
You surely are going to have some time off after that long stretch of 12 hour days. Sew, baby, sew.

naomiwalton said...
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Kyle said...

Glad you've been able to sew and relax alittle. Love what you've choosen for your churn dash block. Your newest patient quilt will be a bright spot for someone who is recovering. You have such a kind heart.

Chookyblue...... said...

love the churn dash blocks.........

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Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...