Sunday, January 14, 2018

Something on the list!!

 So....are we running down the stairs???

Or, are we walking up the stairs?

This one is on the list to finish this year, by golly!!  Yahoo!  All the blocks are done. Will this be OK for a patient quilt?  The blocks are 7.5 inch finished...eight inch strips, 2 x 8 and 1 x 8 inch strips.




Janet O. said...

Running--definitely running!
Are you kidding? Did you just ask if this would be okay for a patient quilt? I would come be your patient if it meant getting the quilt. It is beautiful!!

Little Penpen said...

I agree with Janet... are you kidding? Any patient would be blessed to receive one of your beautiful quilts.

Cynthia Brunz Designs said...

I love this one! Who wouldn’t want this happy quilt :)

---"Love" said...

Yes! It will be perfect for a patient who is going to have rehab and practice on going up and down steps! Someone will love it! I do, for sure! ---"Love"

dq said...

Congratulations Julie! I really like it!

Karen said...

It will be a very cheery patient quilt. I have read that the older you get, the less able you are to see intensity of color. So bright is good.

KaHolly said...

Any patient would be delighted to receive such a beautiful quilt!

Lori said...

YES! I'm sure any of your patients would love this quilt!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

It will be absolutley perfect!! what a great thing to snuggle under!!!

Lilac Joan said...

I don't want to be sick but if I were I would sure like to be your patient! Would I qualify for that stair step quilt? I love it!

AnnieO said...

Gorgeous quilt! Anyone sick or well would be lucky to have this!

Barb said...

I don't do stairs....HA! Wonderful quilt!

Kyle said...

All the quilts you make and share are "happy" quilts and this one is too.

Chantal said...

I don't understand why you doubt if it's a quilt for a patient? Is there something wrong with the patient? Because there's nothing wrong with this quilt. Well, maybe it is a tad too cute but otherwise, yeah, it's all good. Love the red bits in there. Awesome, Julie. Do not, I repeat, do NOT doubt yourself. ;^)

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Fun and bright. That will cheer someone up.

Anonymous said...

Hi Julie beautiful work my friend,well done xx

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...