Saturday, January 27, 2018

A Rainbow quilts giveaway!

 Hurrah!  This is last Saturday for the color BLUE, so I am linking up to Angela, at So Scrappy.  If you would like to be in a drawing for this book, please just leave me a comment, and there will be a random drawing this coming week for the book.  It is a good one!!

Please see Angela's blog below to see all the rainbow scrappy goodness going on.  So many lovely ideas!!

I am still working on blue scrappy blocks, so stay tuned!

 So?  Turns out I had a $75.00 credit at Amazon, for a reward program at work.  I had the most fun ever browsing all the quilting goodies!  I ended up choosing these bobbins above, because now I have a little bit of a lot of colors, for applique.  I really don't have much thread, so this really expands my variety.  Super fun!
 Some pretty fat quarters!!  from the quilt shop...I am in love!
 A few backgrounds...and these are Cherrywood fabrics that I received for Christmas.
 And a few little packages of precut fabrics and a jelly roll.
 My quilt buddies had these t-shirts made, so I got one of those too.
Hey, I made this quilt top some time ago...years.  I think now, that it is about 1/2 the size it should be...these are six inch squares.  I think  I just made this UFO...U F Older!  Because I really need to make it bigger!!!

So I rarely shop...and this was a rare treat.  I can't bring myself to actually unfold the fabrics and play yet...still admiring them. Do you do this too?  Hee!

Have a great day, everyone!!



Jennifer said...

what a bunch of goodies! better get busy sewing! ha!

Chantal said...

Wow! So many goodies on this post. Let's see. Yes, I would like a chance to win this book. Love the cover quilt. Then, kudos to you for the reward. I know you deserved it 100%. The fabrics look so goooooood. Oh! I'm all happy for you. :^D And yes, I do keep "freshly bought" fabric in the original bag for awhile, so I can admire it. I wait, sometimes for month, before washing it because I know it wouldn't be as nice no matter how long I iron it. So, what's the plan with the last quilt? More blocks or wonderful borders? ;^)

Quilting Babcia said...

What fun to have the new goodies. Seems like that always gives us a shot-in-the-arm so to speak, to get on to the next project. Yes, I also leave the new fabrics out for a bit, waiting to see where and who they want to play with. Even a new bag of someone else's old scraps is fun to go through and dream what quilt will be perfect to tuck them into.

scottylover said...

You got some nice goodies with your credit! We get some rewards for a wellness program and I always pick Amazon. It can be used for so many different things that way!

The book looks like so much fun! Would love to be in on the drawing.

Sandy A

Sherrill said...

Hey!! That last quilt you showed looks very similar to the one I recently posted here I finished it eons ago but finally it's bound and I LOVE it!! As always, you're too busy for words!

Joyce Carter said...

Wow! What an awesome bunch of goodies that you got---made even better coming from the rewards program. Of course, they must be handled and admired before cutting them. I usually wait at least a month. Sometimes even longer. LOL
I would love to have a chance at winning the book. Thank you so much.

Lisa England said...

I haven't seen that book before, but the title looks very interesting! Rainbow colors and scraps -- I love both! As for fabric, I generally don't buy with a specific project in mind so most of my fabric waits around a while before it gets used. More time to admire it!

Joyful Quilter said...

Isn't it nice to splurge on yourself every once in a while. Looks like you got lots of nice goodies and if you got all that for $75 then you got some good bargains also. Alas I tend to savor my fabric for years, not days. Thanks for the nice giveaway.

maggie fellow said...

yes, I hate to actually use my newest treasure. I would like to join the drawing too.

Glen QuiltSwissy said...

Oh, how exciting, a book I need! LOL. Thanks for the giveaway. And how exciting to have the credit at amazon......that would be a great surprise!

glen at Quilts and Dogs

swooze said...

Wow a shopping spree! How fun!

The Joyful Quilter said...

I adore rainbow quilts and would LOVE to win that book!! Looks like you enjoyed your Amazon dollars. Best of luck with finishing your UF-Older!! It's going to be QUITE lovely when completed.

BTW... I noticed that Joyful Quilter commented. FYI... I'm The Joyful Quilter, so not a duplicate comment. Thanks!!

Janet O. said...

Isn't it fun to just spend when it doesn't come out of your pocket? :)
Wow--you have lots of goodies here!
I love that quilt top. Are you enlarging it so it will be big enough for a patient quilt? How about just a few more rows and then borders?
Sometimes I have a hard time cutting into pretty, new fabrics, and other times I dig right in. Wonder why?

AnnieO said...

What a great use of your $75, you got so much! Laughing at your UFOlder!

Nancy said...

You have some beautiful new fabrics, Julie, and those spools of thread are a perfect size for a little applique. I have to say that I love the last quilt -- the one you want to make bigger. The colors are so rich and inviting.

GranChris said...

I love the quilts you have posted. The blue is outstanding. Rainbow quilts are for me.

Ivani said...

Nice goodies and good use of your credit. Beutiful fabrics and for sure you will have fun with them.
Thanks for a chance to win the Rainbow quilts book.

Dear Faye said...

A rainbow quilt is always eye candy. I have a pizza box full of Unfinished Goodness and really hope to attack them this year. Enjoy your blog.

Unknown said...

Love all your quilts that you do. Thanks for sharing them with us on your blog and also to the many patients that you touch with that healing hand and small quilts. Robert, from northern Iowa.

Anonymous said...

I love your quilts and thanks for the chance on the Rainbow quilts book.

moosecraft said...

Wow! $75 gift card for Amazon is fun stuff! You did good spending that one! :-) Love the U-F-Older quilt! Is it from a pattern?

Anonymous said...

I've been a fan of your blog for quite some time now and always get so much inspiration from the quilts you share. I make many quilts for donation for "Quilts for Kids" ~ kids who are in hospitals long term. Thanks for the chance to win the book as I'm sure it would provide lots of good ideas for those quilts! Ronda (

scraphappy said...

So many fun goodies to play with. Can’t wait to see what you decide to do with it all.

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Pretty fabrics, and a lot of goodies! Always nice to have plenty differents threads colors for applique, I buy a spool whenever I can!!

barbara woods said...

great buys! would enjpy this book, thanks for the chance

Deborah said...

I would love to be in the draw for the book. Your goodies are wonderful. It is fun to shop once in a while.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

It's fun to bring home new fabric goodies. Yes, I usually have to set the new stuff out somewhere, and just pet it for a while.

Janarama said...

I always have a hard time opening up packages of precuts. You have a great group of new goodies to play with.

Stoney said...

The book looks like lots of fun. Might help tame my scraps, but we know how that goes! I love your blog...

grammajudyb said...

I am finding so many new bloggers since joining this years RSC. I love your blue blocks and the Rainbow book looks like a great one to add to a library! I once had a fat quarter bundle that I did not unfold for 4 years! I finally made something for myself, cause I loved the fabric so!.

Ellen said...

Lots of fun goodies! As soon as I get my fabric home from the store I start petting it right away. lol

Nice to see a UFO getting some attention.

SallyC said...

I would love to win this rainbow book!

Unknown said...

I would love to win the Rainbow book.
I read your blog every day. The quilts you make and show gives me so much inspiration and drive to keep keeping on. Thank you so much for sharing with us.
Jayne in Utah

Marian said...

It's always nice to freshen up the stash! Have fun working with your new goodies.I enjoy your blog and would love an opportunity to win the rainbow quilt. Thank you for the chance!

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...