Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Making some progress!

 I have been sewing rainbow birds the last few months.  This month is blue!!  Some birdies have long legs...and some short legs...and some legs are straight and some all which-a-way!  I am in love with them!!
 Here are the blue birdies for this month.  I confess, I have to do the math again every month to make them, and that makes me hesitate...but this month!  I wrote all the pieces and parts sizes down!  SNORT!!  Yahoo!  Incidentally, I love math, and took every math class my high school and college offered, up to Calculus and mathematical analysis.  I find it amusing that the math of quilt making makes me a bit hesitant at times, LOL!!!
 I just love this grungy black plaid and green birdie...he might be my favorite!!
And this is another favorite...this little baby dog guards the door each time I shower or bath...right there is where she stays, and she woofs at me if anyone comes near.  I love her so dearly...precious little stray angel, with a forever home so I can spoil her rotten!!!

Have a super day!!  Have to go into work later for a mandatory class...new ventilators are coming.



Sherrill said...

I LOVE the birds, too. I keep thinking I need to start a few but don't do it. One day... And your pup reminds me of what my cat used to do when DH went into his bathroom. Fang would follow him and when he closed the door, Fang sat there until DH came out. I always called him 'the gatekeeper'! LOL

GO STARS! said...

I love the birds! Isn’t it funny how quilt math can shut us down at times. I too took all the advanced maths in my high school. I loved algebra (after algebra 1 with a bad teacher) and calculus was my all-time favorite. Normal addition and geometry are a total challenge. Go figure - the two most used in quilting.

Loris said...

I love these birds three :-)

Tired Teacher said...

Fantastic job on the birds! They have distinctive personalities.

Rosie is such a sweetie. I hope she has healed completely from the accident.

Susan said...

The birds are delightful........ That will be such a wonderful quilt...
I have a door guardian also.. Mine is a white Maltese named Wade Hamilton...........


Love those birds and that reminds me--I started a bird quilt last year in the Color of month challenge and got to the last 2 months--need to see where I am on them--???
Yours are so cute with all the different legs--how clever of you!!!

Kristie said...

Your birds are lovely! Is that your own pattern? Love those! How precious your little friend is.

dq said...

Your birds are wonderful!

Kyle said...

What a great idea for your rainbow challenge. Wonderful birds.

Marsha B said...

I have loved watching you create all of your beautiful birds! This will be an amazing quilt, can't wait to see how you put them all together!

Michele said...

these birds are talking to me, every time you post about them. I just love them! They make me so happy. I may need to get busy and build a few (or lots) for myself!

Carol said...

Oh the birds, the birds! I'm just drawn in to them every time you post about them. Must. try. one. I can see a throw or whole quilt of those precious creatures. I probably have a dozen feeders out now and love watching them come to feed or drink at the bird bath--no baths much now with the cold weather---and yes, I do have a a heating device in the bird bath so it will not freeze over. (I'm in Denton County.) My favs to watch are the Eastern bluebirds with the coppery colored breast. I'll see as many as 6 pair at once. And we have 2 bluebird houses up and usually will have as many as 20 new babies total during the nesting season. Okay......off to explore your bird blocks a bit closer. Well done, well done!

Lori said...

Rosie and you sure make a great pair!
Love your bird blocks! What a fun quilt.

Little Penpen said...

What a sweet doggie to protect its owner! Your birds are amazing and I do love all the happy colors. But math... not so much!

Wendy Caton Reed said...

Ha! I like math too, bu for some reason when I start cutting my precious fabric and putting it back together, my math skills go out the window! Love these birds!!

AnnieO said...

Love your birdies! I watched real birdies pecking away in the backyard between rain showers yesterday. So cute.

Lorraine said...

I love your bird quilt! Would love to do one but too much on my plate right now!!

moosecraft said...

These birdies are so cute with all their different legs! :-)

Quilter Kathy said...

Lovely flock of birds! I like the plaid one! So fun!

Karen said...

I enjoy seeing your bird population grow.

Kaja said...

These look so great all massed together! I never liked maths that much, so even the idea of quilt math makes my head hurt. :-)

Unknown said...

I love your birdie block! I just might have to make some.
Jayne in Utah

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...