Friday, December 29, 2017

Just some miscellaneous stuff!

 This froggie is well worn and loved, and probably twenty years old. All the seams are strained...and maybe I will fix him up! I found him today and he said he wanted up on the there you go.
 More frogs, from the same time frame.  These are dish towels, also froggies!!  These are made using fabric paints.
 The whole lot of them!!  I need to use these up...
 These are the finished stockings.  Rosie (the poodle) did not get her stocking completed, so I will do that for her before next year!
 There was a visitor of one of my patients in the hospital, and she was a needlepoint lady.  We all got to talking, and she found out I was a quilter...and the next day she brought me this!  It is the start of a needlepoint pillow and the design is hand painted.  She brought needles and scissors and yarn and the canvas!  I was blown away...she said I needed to do needlepoint too!  So I am learning.  What a nice thing to do!  I brought her friend, the patient, a quilt to help her heal faster.
 My friend Lyn from Australia sent a wonderful box of goodies!!  Just a sampling above; Lyn also sent a quilt, with all kinds of small quilted pieces to attach to form a beautiful crèche.  I did not get a picture of it, dang it!  Such fun and thank you so much!
This ornament was made by Marcie, of Patchalot quilt patterns fame.  I just love cute!!!  Thank you, Marcie!

I also received soap and chocolate from my friend Janet, but they are already in use and consumed, LOL!  Thank you, Janet!

I am working on that list of what quilts to work on in 2018...stay tuned!

Hugs to all!!



Dolores said...

Lovely gifts. Needlepoint is fun. I have some canvasses that should get done. They are cartoon characters so I should really do them before the grandchildren grow up.

Janet O. said...

So were you a frog collector in a former life? You have some cute ones there.
What a wonderful bunch of gifts you received. The needlepoint canvas and supplies are a lovely gesture.
Marcie's ornament is so cute.

Chantal said...

I love to do needlepoint, although I haven't done any in years. I still have the books and magazines. One day, I'll continue my lessons with it. Enjoy the lovely gifts. ;^)

Tired Teacher said...

I had a similar frog: I think he was filled with beans.

Needlepoint is fun. I completed two footstools, a pillow, and a chair cushion several years ago.

AnnieO said...

What sweet gifts! Oh my, another hobby. Yikes. Beautiful ornament by Marcie. Happy New Year!

Marly said...

I love your frog, just fun! Once someone gave me a needlepoint piece she’d given up on, when I spent a week in hospital. I found it really boring, but finished it anyhow (what else did I have to do?). Once I got home I tried to give it back so she could hang it on the wall, but she insisted I keep it. 35 years later and I still have it somewhere, nothing changed! Now you’ve reminded me, maybe I should incorporate it in a patchwork piece. Thanks for the idea.

Unknown said...

This is very nice post. I love your frog.

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Karen said...

I used to do a little needlepoint but I don't renenber ever actually having any stretched and framed. And I did not do it long. That was probably in the early 80's.

Little Penpen said...

You are so good to your patients!! I remember my grandma made frogs like that for all the grandkids one year. She used whatever fabric she had and we had some pretty wild print frogs that year. I wish I still had mine!

Kristie said...

I absolutely love the frogs. 😊 I have been sewing with my scraps. I love scrap quilting.

Kyle said...

What a lovely way to end the year. I also did some needlepoint back in the day. What sweet gifts. Have fun figuring out your 2018 plan of attack. Happy New Year.

Lori said...

What a sweet gift! I hope you squeeze that needlepoint project in between quilts.
Aren't quilters the best?? Such generosity!!

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...