Sunday, January 7, 2018

Part of a day at work.

 Slow stitching.  Is there anything better?  I love it!  I usually do not have any time on Sundays for this, because I usually work the weekends at the hospital...but!  I was called off today...then I was called in 3 hours later.  BUT!  there were those three hours...wheeeeeeee!  I had coffee and worked on these blocks.  I now have four blue blocks.  The slow stitching part is the applique in the center of each block.  These blocks are ten inches, finished, so will make a pretty large quilt with 48 blocks planned.

Please see Kathy's blog here...I am linking to her, in celebration of slow stitching!

Now a question for you!  What color binding do I use for the above quilt?!  Majority wins!

Have a super day, each of you!!!



dq said...

Red or gold

regan said...

I vote for the red!

Rebecca in AK said...

Very pretty blocks! I would say red for the binding.

The Civil War Quilter said...

Yes, red, definitely!

GO STARS! said...


Libby in TN said...

Obviously I'm out-voted, but might you consider electric blue?

Kristie said...

I'm glad that you got some sewing in. Your blocks are very cute!

Peggy said...

Red or bright blue. Beautiful!

Unknown said...

Electric blue! Beautiful quilt!

Joyce Carter said...

Ooooh! So pretty! Definitely red.

Lori said...

Cute blocks! I say red for the binding.
Yay! For 3 "extra" hours!

Nancy said...

A dark binding that doesn't detract from the outer border.

Tired Teacher said...

Red binding would be my choice to set off that beauty.

Randy D. said...

Love the little heart blocks--and so productive in just 3 hrs!
I would go with a red bindings, to match your tiny inner border and the red points of the stars.
Looks great regardless!

Quilter Kathy said...

So glad you had some slow stitching time to enjoy!
I think your lovely quilt needs a scrappy binding!

KaHolly said...

I’m leaning toward red, too! Loving those heart blocks! Am eager to complete my two current projects so I can start playing with scraps again.

Binsa said...

Hi Julie my eye says red

Kathy said...

Scrappy blue with a bit of pale a la Provence!

Chantal said...

Love your Heart Blocks. Gorgeous!! As for the binding, I know that many said red but to me the red would look too fenced in. I would go with scrappy neutral to bring the middle out (if you know what I mean.) But I am funny that way. BTW, it is simply gorgeous. Good luck with the decision. ;^)

Kyle said...

I was thinking red at first, but then thought if you had more of your border fabric I might use that so a persons eye went to the center rather than the outer edge. Just a thought

Karen said...

I don't know if it was good or bad that you thought you had lots of time for quilt making but ended up with three hours before getting called in. You made good use of the time you had.

Rose Marie said...

I see red ..... love your quilt!

BB said...

This quilt would really look great with a double binding (you know, that faux piping binding) in turquoise and yellow or turquoise and red.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Red or the blue, or both (faux binding).

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...