Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Well, this is not where I was headed...but this is where I went!!

I was intending to work on the borders of the Alphabet quilt, in my previous post.  I am stuck on that...so I pulled out the string bin, and started piecing some string blocks.  I just ended it here...a table mat, for a candle and my little decorative pieces for Saint Patrick's day.  It will be fun to hand quilt this one!!!

When I am stuck on a phase or a decision surrounding a quilt, I hate to just dwell and dwell on it...it wastes my time, and I don't have that much time to waste.  Strings is something I just love, and so I turn to them for fun and inspiration, sometimes!!

Hope each of you is having a marvelous day!!



Tired Teacher said...

I love the title of this post and adore the table topper.

Libby in TN said...

It happens. I understand.

Nana said...

What a productive way to pass time while your mind continues to spin. You will get the border planned for the ABC and in the meantime you will certainly enjoy the string quilt. It is beautiful.

Quiltdivajulie said...

I like your system - I have multiple projects running so that I can work on whichever one calls the loudest, allowing the others to sit and wait their turn.

Chantal said...

No time wasted on this one. You must have whipped it up in your sleep too because it came together so fast, lol. It's lovely and it does speak Irish. ;^)

Janet O. said...

Well, I love what happens when you turn to strings. That will be a great little piece for St. Patrick's Day!

gayle said...

I keep lots of projects running at the same time for this very reason - some just need to marinate while others get my attention.
Love your little green strings! Those ABC's will happen when they happen. 8)

Karen said...

I see you went back to strings again. You must still have a ton of them.

Randy D. said...

Great little project and I'd include it in the 17!~!

Kyle said...

Those strings pulled you in a delightful direction.

Lori said...

That is very sweet and the green reminds me spring will be here soon!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

I like where it went!! nice

Mystery quilt and more

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