Sunday, January 22, 2017

Ok, last pictures of this one...I promise!!

 My splendid sampler (American Sampler!) is complete, at least the top is complete.
 Red, red, red...a lot of it!!  In the pictures, it looks rather overpowering, but I like it, in real life!!
I may rethink this border, but for now, I am leaving it.  I am just glad it is in one piece!!

The blue lab coat, that is used in the sashing?  I used every inch of it!!!  Sleeves, pockets, everything...just barely the right amount of fabric.  Hurrah!!

Thank you for hanging with me, for this one!!!



mkhquilts said...

Loved watching this one develope! It is gorgeous!

Sherrill said...

VERY pretty--I LOVE the red, too. LOVE red! HAHA Don't think you can every have too much! Turned out gorgeous.

Karen said...

Very patriotic in style. Oh so good.

Lori said...

I love it, especially that red border!!

Binsa said...

Love the red border Julie

Tired Teacher said...

Fabulous job! Don't even consider rethinking the red border: it's perfect. Well done

The Civil War Quilter said...

Just beautiful! I love it!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

We'll need a few more pictures of that quilt (quilted, and bound), at least. Great quilt!

Teresa said...

Congratulations! Always an accomplishment to get one to this point. It's a great Americana quilt.

Nana said...

This is beautiful. Never thought of doing a sampler in red/white/blue. Waiting to see the backing and the quilting. Don't forget to share.

---"Love" said...

R/W/B quilts are favorites of mine! Yours is truly beautiful! Keep the red border! ---"Love"

Janet O. said...

Even though it was challenging, I think it is great that you were able to use up the lab coat in this way. It looks grand!!

Smiley Quilter said...

I really like the red border, it makes all the red within the quilt pop. Congrats on your finishes.

Kyle said...

Love,love, love that red border!

Kyle said...

Love,love, love that red border!

Missy Shay said...

I love the red! Will you do blue binding?

Chookyblue...... said...

catching up on lots of posts......American sampler looks great......

Mystery quilt and more

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