Sunday, January 22, 2017

Slow Sunday Stitching.

 I have been spending 30 minutes each night, hand quilting...many of you may recognize this very long, long term project.  I almost have all the blocks quilted!  Yahoo!!
 Rosie likes it.
 My binding project for this week, 30 minutes a night, is this quilt...started in 2011.
And it is done!  I am so amazed at how much I can get done, in 30 minutes a night!

Linking to Kathy's blog...slow Sunday Stitching post!  She always has so many lovely people linking their slow stitching projects, and it is great fun to browse.  enjoy!!



Nancy said...

Julie, you are a master of borders! The curves on that first quilt's borders are magnificent! And, of course, the quilt is not less gorgeous! I know the commitment to hand quilting, too. But as you say, with a little time consistently give, we make progress.

Loris said...

Rosie has such good taste 😊
Both of these quilts are beautiful!

Janet O. said...

That top quilt is a stunner! You are a good example for me. I have a quilt in my hoop that I started hand quilting I think over a year ago--and there it sits. Haven't touched it in months. I should follow your lead with 30 minutes a day.
The Irish chain (double?) is a scrappy beauty! Congrats on that finish!

Tired Teacher said...

Gorgeous quilts. Congratulations on getting them finished 30 minutes at a time.

Hand tacking binding is tedious and not my favorite part of quilting.

Barb said...

Beautiful applique' top! love those pinks!! hooray for hand quilting

Lori said...

So lovely! I posted about hand quilting today! I'm going to try the 30 minutes every day and see how far i can get. My hand has been hurting so its harder to stick with. Even more of a reason for me to get it done!

Vicki W said...

It's nice to have some hand stitching projects. My applique project is at a point where I need to do some machine work before I can hand stitch again. It's really messing with my TV watching time!

Sherrill said...

So many pretties on your blog of late. AND a handquilted project, too. WOW! Amazeballs! HAHA

Kyle said...

You've been super sucessful with those 30 minutes! It's a positive suggestion for all of us.

Missy Shay said...

Good job on finishing your gorgeous quilt!

Little Penpen said...

Both are so pretty!!

audrey said...

Yay for the hand quilting! A little goes a long way.:)

Terri in Texas said...

You have a lot to show for your time set aside to quilt! its beautiful!

Karen said...

Your applique quilt is wonderful, Julie!

Jill said...

Amazing how much can be done consistent use of blocks of time. Quilt is beautiful.

CathieJ said...

I am always amazed at what just a few minutes a day can accomplish. I have used this method to get in some exercise also. Your quilts are very pretty.

Soile Kivinen said...

I love your DIC quilt. Would you like to see mine which I did last summer. I have also quilted it with Gammill.

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...