Saturday, January 7, 2017

Marching onward in this New Year!

 I have been faithfully been sewing on binding every night, for thirty minutes.  I am so delighted that with a small amount of time invested (but consistently!), I have finished binding these two quilts!
 Yahoo for a finish!!
 Pink, pink, PINK!
 All done and ready for a patient at the hospital.
This is just a wee little snowman, for January.  It is quite cold here...15 degrees F this morning, but thankfully the roads were OK to go to work at 5 AM.

I have also been hand quilting each night, 30 minutes.  Making good progress, but I really think it will take about 6 months to finish my project. Steady as she goes!!

Hope you are fairing well and keeping safe and warm, where ever you are...this winter weather in the U.S. can be nasty!!!  Of course you Australian folks are toasty warm, right now!



Sherrill said...

WHOA! You are getting a LOT done (think I say that every time I comment! HA)!! YIKES, it IS cold here and the are slick spots out there so be careful--COME ON MONDAY!!

ES said...

It's 82 degrees here, Sydney Australia:) I love it when you can chip away at some projects and it feels great to finish off a UFO :) today I've been working on a UFO, it's getting there, I only had to rip one seam !

Leeanne said...

You sure are Marching on! You are a sweet generous person, I am sure the recipients of your beautiful quilts are over joyed!

mereth said...

It's inspiring to see progress, even if it is a little bit at a time.Our temp has been has been 106 for the last two days, that's TOO toasty in my book!

Needled Mom said...

As they say, "slow and steady wins the race."

AnnieO said...

How energizing! I love that first quilt and think it's a great one for my 1.5" scrap bin that is full! Sweet snowman. Stay warm!

Janet O. said...

I am impressed with your "slow and steady" approach to your projects. I need to follow your example!
Very cute snowman.
Oh, you are a true angel of mercy to be going to work at 5 a.m.!

jude's page said...

Yep, it sure has been very toasty warm, no HOT down here in Australia.

Warm Quilts said...

That is fantastic that you are able to work on your projects for 30-minutes each day. Two impressive finishes this New Year!

liniecat said...

Stunning though by the sounds of it you clearly don't need quilts for warmth lol

Chantal said...

Congratulations on these gorgeous finishes. Bravo for keeping up with the sewing for 30 minutes commitment. (I wasn't that good at keeping it) There are both wonderful quilts and to my greatest surprise, I really like the pink one!!?? That means a lot coming from a girl who doesn't like pink. :^D Love the little snowman. So cute!
We hit -25C yesterday, Ottawa Canada, and they are calling for a little "warmer" today. Although -17C isn't warm at all, lol. ;^)

Lori said...

It is great what we can get done if we set a few minutes aside to do it. Love your quilts!

gayle said...

I love a good 'bit by bit' approach! It's amazing what all those little bits of time can accomplish together!
Lovely quilts, and an adorable snowman! (That's my favorite kind of snowman, by the way - made of fabric rather than that icky cold stuff!)

Tired Teacher said...

A lucky patient is going to be thrilled with the pink quilt.

It's bitter cold here, and guess what, I haven't had any power in my all-electric house since Saturday 11:30 PM, and it's predicted power may not be on until sometime on Monday. It didn't take me long this afternoon to throw some things in a bag and head for a hotel. It's Sunday 5PM and I am finally warm after a hot shower.

Missy Shay said...

Congrats on your finishes! I love the pink one and that snowman is cute.

Kyle said...

You're really taking advantage of those small blocks of time. Your two finishes are wonderful and will be a treasure to one of your patients. What a lovely gift.

Kristie said...

Again I'm amazed with what all that you get done. Lovely work

Rebecca in AK said...

Congratulations on your finishes! What a lovely lady you are to give your quilts to your patients!

Randy D. said...

What a great way to make progress, even at 30 minutes a night! Safe driving on those early morning roads.
You are awesome to make the quilts for your patients! I LOVE it!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

I'm currently in San Angelo, TX. Possible record high temps tomorrow, after that cold weekend we had. It was so nice to wear shorter sleeves today, with no jacket. MUCH better than Illinois temps.

Susan said...

Off to a good start......... You make such beautiful things..........

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...