Tuesday, January 10, 2017

The Bear Paw center is together! Whoop!!

 The bear paw quilt middle is all together!!  These are 14 inch blocks, so it will be a pretty large quilt when borders are applied.
 My favorite wonky block!!!  Love that orange and lime green plaid!
The whole thing, photographed from a perch on top of a living room chair.  I  need to go and buy a border...for I have no piece of plaid big enough for the whole border.

Yahoo!!  ONWARD!!!

How are you doing on your 17 in 2017 challenge???

Have a great day,



Nann said...

The gray bars (would that be "b'ar" to use a regional pronunciation of "bear"?) add a great pop to your quilt design. I revisited my plaid stash several weeks ago and, after I finished assembling the flimsy, I realized yet again that homespun plaids are among my favorite fabric genres....Good luck with your 17 for 17!

gayle said...

Woohoo! And yes yes yes - more plaid!
A plaid border will be PERFECT!!

Cherie in St Louis said...

I love, love your plaid quilts and this one is wonderful. Basically I love your color choices and have spent some time pondering why I'm so drawn to your quilts. I think it's because you all colors, pink and red and blue and green and orange and brown and darks, mediums and lights :)

Donna Keating said...

Just love your bearpaws Julie.

Anne Ida said...

These are really great! Love the plaid bear's paws - and more plaid for the border will be wonderful, looking forward to seeing it done.
Happy stitching!

Sue SA said...

Love the bears paw, so beautifully pieced and the different plaids are just lovely.

Chantal said...

Thanks for showing a close up of the green Bear Paws as it is my favourite too. It is an adorable quilt and will be even more spectacular with a plaid border. I am not participating in the 17 for 17 but good luck to you. ;^)

Leeanne said...

Likey likey!

AnnieO said...

Wow, love it. You are so speedy! I've made 1/3 of one block for my UFO of the month so far, but plan to push more fabric under the needle this week!

Teresa said...

Love this tradition quilt. Nice job!

Thin Woman Inside said...

Would you share how large your pieces are for HSTs and others?

Tired Teacher said...

Way to go: I love bear claw blocks, and I love scrappy!

Needled Mom said...

That is really pretty. I love the plaids.

Teresa in Music City said...

Beautiful!!! You always blow me away with your creativity with plaids. Have you thought of doing a sawtooth border with narrow neutral border in between? Can't wait to see the finish!!!

Kyle said...

A fabulous finish. The green block adds a delightful "Sparkle." Have fun shopping.

Kyle said...

A fabulous finish. The green block adds a delightful "Sparkle." Have fun shopping.

Missy Shay said...

Good job, love it!

Sherrill said...

Oh good GRIEF!!! How can one person get so much accomplished AND work AND take care of a house, etc, etc?!!! I LOVE the top! So if the blocks are that big, what size are the 1/2 sq. tri's? Awesomeness!

Lilac Joan said...

Since you are a nurse I probably don't need to remind you of the danger of standing on chairs. However, I do feel the need to tell of my most recent incident of chair standing. I climbed on the chair, I then decided that it was too dangerous so I stepped on the table. The table started to tilt and down I slid. Everything on the table fell on top of me (it was a sewing table so it was loaded) and my leg scrapped down the adjoining piece of furniture. I am well now.

Elaine Adair said...

Such a handsome quilt! You ALWAYS use stunning colors -- you are gifted! Elaineadairpieces.blogspot.com

Nana said...

I love the traditional patterns and love to see everyone's rendition of them. I love the gray stripe that ties them all together. Great job!!!

Randy D. said...

Those bears paws blocks are just awesome!!! What are you doing for the border, outside the bears paw?
And 17 so far? Not by a long shot!!

Janet O. said...

Absolutely LOVE this, Julie!!

Kleine Vingers said...

What a lovely quilt. I have a big box of plaids, given to me years ago and wonder if I should make such a beautiful quilt. Greetings

Ada Plouvier-Kopitopoulou said...

Love the paws! The grey looks great with all the plaids.

Anonymous said...

Love it! Makes me wish I hadn't gotten rid of all my plaid shirts.......lol, decided to ditch them because I wasn't using the actual yardage that I'd paid an arm & a leg for. I think I still have some plaid yardage hanging around..you've inspired me to dig deep.Can't wait to see the border on it. Nicely done Julie.

Cathy said...

Love this quilt. Plaids are a favorite of mine. I'm trying to get 17 finishes. I'm finishing up the first one today. Hugs

Loris said...

Kewl! :-)

Vicki W said...

What a pretty quilt!

Lori said...

I LOVE it! You are a machine, girlfriend!

helen said...

Your quilt is gorgeous, Julie!! Congratulations!
And very motivating and tempting!!
Best wishes!

Kleine Vingers said...

Every day I look at your beautiful quilt and today I started making a bear paw blocks using plaids. Hope you do not mind.
Many greetings

Karen said...

I shared with you previously how much I liked the striped fabric in the blocks. And I am saying it again. Wonderful blocks and looks good all sewn together.

Libby in TN said...

Oh, Julie, I'm in love! If you need to find a home for it ... just sayin' ...

Nicky said...

Julie it is gorgeous. I love a bear paw and this is a beauty! Thanks for linking up to #scraptastictuesday!

Chookyblue...... said...

Love it...... Looks great....

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