Friday, January 20, 2017

Plugging along...2 of 17 in 2017

 I am still piecing the sashing and nine-patch cornerstones for this quilt...

And here is where I am!!  Still quite a bit of piecing to go, but all the pieces and parts are cut out, so I can just grab and go to the machine whenever I have some time. 

Pearl of Wisdom!!  Or maybe just my observation...:)

I really love the idea of using everything up, for my quilts.  I used an old lab coat for the blue in the sashing.  It is a little heavier fabric, and it is not 100% cotton.  I don't think I will do it again...because!!  My needle has had to be changed twice, and the fabric just does not handle or feel the same as 100% cotton.  Any thoughts?

  I am going to finish out this quilt with it, so it all matches, and I love the sentiment of the lab coat, wearing it last while helping in cardiac surgery, but maybe I will be more selective about 100% cotton in the future!!!

*****************Nurse's Notes******************

I have had the weirdest illness!  I just got a sudden, harsh, deep sniffles, no sore throat...just this horrible cough!  I then developed a heck of a fever...101.5 and above.  This lasted about 36 hours....then the fever was suddenly gone, and the cough much improved!  Just a lingering hack, once in a while.  What in the world hit me??  Nothing like I have ever had!!!  Have you ever "enjoyed" anything like that??

Have a great day, everyone!!



Sherrill said...

Guess I had it pounded into my head enough when I first started quilting that only 100% quilt shop quality fabric was good enough for quilts! You really do work fast. I'm currently putting borders on two UFO's that will wind up being QOV's. Have another two or 3 to finish up for that as well. I think I can, I think I can..... I have plenty of time but the stick to it-iveness not so much these days.

Janet O. said...

Great setting for these blocks, Julie! You work with such focus, I am always in awe of how quickly your quilts come together!
I have made quilts from combined fiber fabrics before, but I do find it works best if the fabrics are similar in weight and weave. I am currently cutting up my Dad's old shirts for some projects, and I will use cotton/poly blends along with the 100% cottons (otherwise I wouldn't have enough fabric), but I know the different fibers will not wear equally. I haven't had the needle problem, but I haven't used heavier fabrics, either.
Hmm, several years ago, just as I was getting ready to fly back east, I suddenly came down with a bad cough and fever. The fever only lasted one afternoon, but my cough hung on for a couple of weeks, at least. Made for a fun trip. : )

Binsa said...

Wish you a speedy recovery Julie love the sashings for the Ss quilt.Imhave been using 100%cotton for years I found other fabrics just don't cut it mayhap I am spoilt

Loris said...

Great progress on your quilt sashing. It is looking great! I have used some polyester from yesteryears but avoid that now because it smells kind of bad when ironed. Lucky for me, my uniform company used Hoffman cotton for a long while :-) I'm glad I didn't cut it all up yet though as I'm volunteering at a clinic and would be hard pressed to go out and by new uniforms. LOL
Sorry to hear of your cough and fever but glad it is passing. Hugs!

Chantal said...

Sorry to hear you were not feeling good. Hope that the worst of it is behind you. Can not say I had such a "flu" (shall we call it "Weird Weather Flu"?). Everything seems out of wack, even the flu virus! Great progress on the Splendid Sampler. Some of my earlier quilts were made with whatever I had. I mean what.e.ver! Jeans were not the only thing that went in; bottomweight, polyester, something we call gabardine, (not sure if it's the right name for it) and half and half of whatever else there is out there to make dresses. Now I stick to cotton and flannel. It might not be easy to work with the uniform fabric but don't give up. You are making a wonderful quilt and it will be all worth it in the end. ;^)

Randy D. said...

Your quilt is coming along beautifully. I can't say that I've ever used non-cotton fabrics and definitely not a lab coat! Bravo to you.
Hope you're feeling better!!

Lori said...

I hope you are feeling better! Could it have been the touch of the flu?
Love the lab coat- yes, I've used clothing in my quilts. Boxer shorts from my sons room! LOL

Karen said...

I like the sentiment of your fabric choice too. Worth the effort for a one time thing.

Lynn Dykstra said...

I don't use anything with polyester because the smell it makes when I iron it makes me sick. LOVE this quilt and the red border is perfect.

Kyle said...

Your quilt is looking delightful with that wonderful sashing. Sorry the lab coat has been giving you some fits, but it makes a great one time idea. Hope you're better!

Kyle said...

Your quilt is looking delightful with that wonderful sashing. Sorry the lab coat has been giving you some fits, but it makes a great one time idea. Hope you're better!

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...