Sunday, January 29, 2017

The mystery of the disappearing quilt blocks!

 In 2014, I made these alphabet quilt blocks, from a Temecula sew along.  Then?  I carefully pressed and wrapped them up in the remaining white background fabric, and put them away for safe keeping. I could not find them anywhere!! Because they were all wrapped up in the background fabric, they stayed safely anonymous...
 Until now!  This is project 3/17, for the 17 in 2017 finish along.  I am auditioning a vine border, but am undecided on it.  Since it is close to Valentine's day, hearts are involved!!  I will have to think about this one, and decide on a plan of action for that applique border.  At least the blocks are all together, which is great progress from where they were!
This is just a little heart quilt for February.  Hearts, hearts, hearts!  I love them!!

Have a great day, everyone!!!




I love hearts too--
and last night on Pinrest I found several ideas and patterns--
now to find time to make some up--
love the little heart quilt and love your red ABC quilt--
glad you were able to finally find it!!
enjoy the moments-di

Cynthia Brunz Designs said...

Adorable! I vote for the veins. They finish off the quilt so sweetly :)

Sue SA said...

I think the vine border with heart flowers is great, hope you decide to keep it!

Teresa said...

Can you come and find a table runner that I made for my sister-in-law for Christmas? I have looked everywhere. Her birthday is today and I was hoping that si ce I missed Christmas I would find it before today!

Sherrill said...

Oh so that's how that happens!!! I did my alphabet when Moda was doing their "Spell It" (?) quilt along and pretty sure it's done done (I know it got quilted). Now I gotta dig it out since I'm not sure where it is! HA Yours is looking good.

audrey said...

Very fun blocks! So glad you finally found them!

Randy D. said...

WOW! You must have been SO Relieved when you found those blocks!! I have been there and done that and I HATE it.
LOVE what you did!!~ Adorable!!

AnnieO said...

Too funny! Glad it turned up. Love the vine and hearts

Lynn Dykstra said...

so so so cute!!!

Tired Teacher said...

I'm glad the misplaced has been found. The vine looks great in the border.

Janet O. said...

Well, it is a good thing you found those cute alphabet blocks. I think they look sweet with the vine border. A nice, soft juxtaposition against the angular letters of the quilt body.
Your little heart quilts are so cute. I think you love hearts because you are a sweetheart! : )

Chantal said...

Yes, I too vote for the vine. Coming out of the red corners, it looks like the vine is growing out of a flower pot. Maybe add a few more hearts along the vine as flower buds? Just thinking out loud. Happy you found this quilt as it is very beautiful and so much work went into in already. Enjoy! ;^)

Kyle said...

So glad your mystery was solved. Those are sweet letters and the vine makes your eye flow around the quilt. You've been successful with the 17 in 2017 just by moving this quilt forward!

Anonymous said...

wow Julie your work is amazing,i love the vines,it is going to be a gorgeous quilt.

Lori said...

The red and white quilt is adorable! So glad you found it!

Roxanne said...

I love all alphabet quilts and yours is very pretty in reds! I did this Temecula sew along too--such fun! Keep up the good work on your 17 finishes!

Mystery quilt progress

It is pink month at Angela's blog!!!   soscrappy   This is her link.   I am playing with my pink scraps.  Pink is my favorite color, so ...