Thursday, February 2, 2017

Number 4/17...the wool applique cutie!

Jeni from the Willow posted the last of nine blocks for this cute little wool wall hanging.  The upper left basket was the latest block I completed, just today. I am now wondering if she will design a applique border, or is this the end??  I had such fun making these blocks!! 

Just for grins and maybe to help me learn a little bit...the pink flowered block is cut a 1/4 too small. 

So...the lesson is!  Measure twice!  cut once!! LOL!!

You can find the free files above, and hey, join the group!  It is super fun!!

I am linking to Pomegranate and Chinz, HERE...please go see what everyone is working on, for the 17 in 2017 challenge!!

Have a great day!



Missy Shay said...

I am always making mistakes with my cutting. I like your blocks.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

I've cut wrong before. What a pain. Hope you can do a work around.

Tired Teacher said...

Ah yes, I've cut things too small many times, especially when distracted or tired.

Janet O. said...

Such fun blocks!
Only 1/4" too small is fixable. Just shift the block so that it is 1/8" short on each end and take your 1/4" seam from the edge of the correctly cut piece next to it, whether that is sashing or another block. You will only catch 1/8" on each side of the block in the seam allowance, but for a wall hanging, that won't be a problem. But you probably already knew all of that! : )

audrey said...

Love how this looks! I know you'll get this figured out.:)

Chantal said...

Awesome appliques. You did beautiful work as always. Sorry about the cut too short. I would recut that block to make it even shorter in order to add a nice little border (maybe plaid?) and use it as the center block. Or cut it out in a circle and applique that onto a coloured fabric? Anywho! Just thinking out loud here. I'm sure you will find a solution that works well and nobody will be the wiser. ;^)

Anonymous said...

lovely blocks Julie.

Kyle said...

Super cute woolie. I was thinking like Janet that a smaller sa might be an easy fix.

Barb said...

what a charming pattern - Oh! I make mistakes all the time with measuring.

pandchintz said...

The blocks look lovely, Julie.

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