Saturday, January 5, 2013


Well, I am off on a tangent!!  I saw a really pretty quilt at church the other day, and it was pieced something like this.   Now why the quilt was on the stage at church was beyond me, but there were a whole bunch of vintage and antique quilts up there, so after the service, I just had to take a look.   There were strings pieced with quarter square plain pieces.  It was so pretty!  I am experimenting to see if I can make something like it.  The little round four patches are leftovers, so I just tossed them in the mix.  Nothing is actually sewn down, as far as the applique...I elected not to piece the blocks.  So we shall see where this one heads off to!

Hope you are having a really great day today!!



Kim said...

Oh nicely done....I love when something is inspirational and you just have to come home and try it!

Happy Sewing

Leeanne said...

Hey this something different! They look like donuts! Have fun!

Kyle said...

I love the fact that inspiration can show up in unexpected places. I'll be interested in what you plan to do.

Janet O. said...

This is so unique! What a wonderful new look, Julie!

Quilter Kathy said...

So fun to just start and see what emerges!
I could envision some cool circular stitching in varigated perle cotton in those plain spaces!

Shelia said...

I love when I see something in an unexpected place and then try to put it together in my head and on my design wall. Inspiration is all around us. Great thinking outside of the box Julie.

Monica said...

So how's this project coming along? I found templates today at Cabbage Rose that will work really well to make this quilt.

Good morning!

Above are some bookmarks I created for friends.  I used a Free Spirit charm pack.  These were fast and fun to make. I am working on my moder...