Thursday, January 3, 2013

Working on it!!

Hi Y'all!!  I have been working at the hospital, but could not resist taking a moment to put one of these blocks together, for the Quiltville Mystery quilt, "Easy Street".  I love that the block looks like a cross...pretty!!  I am using pink instead of lime greens, mainly because I did not have lime greens, and did have some pinks!  I am really trying to use up what I have in the stash.  I love this mystery, it is such great fun, and all the pieces fit together just like...they were meant to be together, LOL!!


Are you addicted to something sweet?  I suspect a lot of people in America are, and  I am!!  I am totally addicted to sugars, and carbs...but lets not mention quilting and fabrics,   LOL!!  About the first week of December, I was feeling so ridiculously tired, and just knew I had to make a real change in my diet for the better, and not wait for the New Year for a resolution.  Since then, I have been eating lean protein and veggies, and some fruits too.  I feel so much better!!  It is hard when I am stressed or busy not to grab those Cheetos, or chips, or a candy bar from the oh so present vending machine at the hospital...but it is so worth it. I have lost 10 pounds, and not deprived myself of food...just changed what I was eating.  So that is what is going on with my resolution...kind of a non resolution resolution...a life style change for the better. 

Have a great day, all!!



Nancy said...

Congratulations on the weight-loss success and lifestyle change.

The fabrics you selected for Easy Street are great and make an attractive block.

Andra Gayle said...

Congrats on the 10 pounds gone! I need to do the exact same thing! I love your pinks! Gorgeous block!

Libby said...

Congrats on the lifestyle change. We have done the same here. I don't weigh myself, but Hubby is down 25 lbs. The good news - we don't really feel deprived. Three meals, a snack or two, sometimes even a sweet (a mini Hershey bar, savored slowly can really fill that chocolate need without ruining nutrition balance) Keep up the good work!

Grit said...

Your block looks fantastic.
Liebe Grüße Grit

Mary said...

Love how your ES is coming along! I LOVE LOVE the pink! If I ever venture down Easy Street again, this is how I'll go!

I have 4 days off to work on mine! I'm determined to finish it! I have half of the big Triangles done, can't wait to start on the blocks!

Caryl @ cinnamon holiday workshop said...

Great ES block. I packed mine away and need to get it back out. I am glad I am using pink instead of green too. Super weight loss!

regan said...

Love your Easy Street! The pink is gorgeous! I want to try doing that sensible eating regime, too....but have no will power while there is so much yummy junk in the house! Maybe I'll send it all to hubby's work, and let all those 20 year old guys inhale it! They still have matabalisms! lol

Pokey said...

The Easy street has been a fun one to do, I'm already planning another color scheme. I sure like your pink, and the more subtle white tones you used. My honey looked at mine and the first thing he said was, wow, that's sure busy looking, lol!
Keep up your food choices, we would all feel better with those choices ~

Leeanne said...

Best easy street I have seen so far! Good for you on the food front.

*karendianne. said...

Wow! What a pretty block. Wow.

Janet O. said...

Great looking Easy Street block.
Congrats on the weight loss!

Cindy said...

You go girl. Standing up clapping for you

Lori said...

I tried to eliminate sugar form my diet a few months ago and did pretty good until Christmas. Now I'm going through withdrawals again!! Good for you!! All the studies show when we eat sweets it makes us crave more sweets. we are way better off having them out of our diet.

Love your little easy street block:)

Karen said...

I'm jealous - I haven't had a chance to work on my ES quilt. Yours is going to be beautiful.

joe tulips said...

I adore that pink in there. I had thought about pink too...but I didn't even have a fat quarter worth of pinks in the house.

AnnieO said...

Very pretty ES block! Glad that stash is coming in handy for the mystery.

I am totally with you on sugar and carbs sucking all my energy away. Time for sugar season to end around here too! I like Dr. Gott's No Flour, No Sugar eating plan for getting back to basics and avoiding complex carbs and extra calories while losing weight. Easy to follow!

Linda O said...

Your Easy Street is looking great, Julie! Such great colors.

Congrats on your lifestyle changes! Having such great results makes it easier to continue on.

Helen in the UK said...

Loving the look of your Easy Street block! My body has begun to crave healthy eating again too. Congrats on your weight loss :)

Deanna said...

Fabric has no calories and invigorates rather than fatigues.

Vic in NH said...

Good looking block there! I'm just finishing up my step 7 and haven't yet made a block from step 8, and I'm retired. I can't imagine how you keep up with working full time, but I admire it. You GO GIRL!!!

Cindy said...

Do you think you'll ever start a Nine-Patch group again?

Jan said...

You get so much done---I don't know how you do it. I like your block---the colors are great! I'm trying to leave the sweets alone, too, but not doing as well as you. Congrats on losing 10 pounds!

Good morning!

Above are some bookmarks I created for friends.  I used a Free Spirit charm pack.  These were fast and fun to make. I am working on my moder...