Monday, January 7, 2013

I am off from work! Whooppp!!

 Good Morning!!  I am off at last from work...a day home to sew and catch up...I am so grateful!  In addition, I slept 6 hours last night...SIX!!  That does not seem like a big deal...but believe me, it is.  I have not slept that much in a row for months.  Insomnia is total yuckyness.  So, I thought I would show you my Barrister's blocks...I just completed 5 more this morning, and also cut out all the rest, in the basket below.  Yahoo!!
 The bright pink pieces of paper tell me what date and block it is...hopefully I can get these all together soon, and put them all together.  Thank you, Randy!!  I so appreciate your effort and time in creating these patterns.  Hey, this basket was headed for the is about 30 years old, and was so dirty and dusty!  I put it in the dishwasher...turned out just great!!
This month is PINK month!!  The Rainbow challenge is fun...use the prescribed color each month in something!  I want to make baskets in a rainbow of colors, and here are my first ones.  They are tiny ones, folks...2.5 inches finished.  I like 'em!!

Hope each of you are having a good day, and that you can finish all your must do items and have time to sew!!



regan said...

I love your Barrister's Blocks! Awesome! And those sweet little baskets are too darned cute!

I've had insomnia for most of my life, and it's awful! I used to go through times of 2-3 days without being able to sleep. Functioning was a joke by the 3rd day. I'm not that bad now, but it takes hours to fall asleep now, which makes me crazy! Especially since my hubby can lay his head on the pillow, take three breaths, and be snoring already! Cripes!

And I usually take all my baskets outside in the spring, and hose them all down, then hang them on the porch to dry. Works like a charm, especially the big ones.

Janet O. said...

Baskets in the dishwasher--who knew? : )
Love your Barrister Sow-Along blocks. Have you decided how you will set them?
Cute, cute, cute tiny baskets!!
Enjoy your day off!

Debra at HOMESPUN: said...

I have been looking over and enjoying your blog / I cannot believe how much you have going on! :)

Quilter Kathy said...

Your tiny baskets are adorable! I know you love pink, so I am happy you are making pink baskets! FUN!
Enjoy your day off!

AnnieO said...

Great news on the sleep! I've been playing the hot/cold game lately so haven't slept solid in awhile either :(

Your blocks look terrific! Those tiny baskets are too cute. Glad you are pumped about being off to sew :)

Sue SA said...

Love the pink baskets, very sweet, the size might be beyond me though when it comes to accuracy!
Would never have though to put cane through the dishwasher, thanks for the tip!

Queen of Scraps said...

Your little baskets are darling. I have been looking for a pattern for tiny baskets. Can you tell me what pattern you used.?
Love your blog.

Queen of Scraps said...

Your little baskets are darling. I have been looking for a pattern for tiny baskets. Can you tell me what pattern you used.?
Love your blog.

Leeanne said...

Sounds like a much deserved break! Happy 'you time'

Lori said...

Your blocks look so good together!! How many more are you planning on making?
Love the pink baskets!!

Nicky said...

These are fab Julie! And the cute pink mini baskets - a rainbow would be fabulous - great picnic blanket!

Vesuviusmama said...

The mini baskets are great! Insomnia, huh? Knock on wood that I never suffer from that. I like a solid 7-8 hours a night every night. It doesn't mean that I get it, but when I don't it is work that keeps me up.

antique quilter said...

love those blocks and the baskets are adorable!!!
you have been busy!

Good morning!

Above are some bookmarks I created for friends.  I used a Free Spirit charm pack.  These were fast and fun to make. I am working on my moder...