Monday, January 14, 2013


 Well, I am about half way finished putting the Barrister's blocks together. I like black with colors...somehow the black makes the colors seem brighter.  I got a border fabric!!  Actually purchased it!!
 A simple applique block to blanket stitch...
And scraps!!!  Mary of Quilt Hollow chose to gift some of her scraps to me...I love them!!  Thank you so much, Mary!!

**********************Nurse's notes************************

I was in charge yesterday at the hospital, and something I do is round and speak to each patient, just to make sure all is going well for each patient.  We had 33 patients on the floor yesterday.  So very many of them stick out in my mind...

  • 88 years old, this feisty lady had a small MI, but has pneumonia on top of that.  She greeted me with "I am not senile!".  Of course she wasn't...she lives on her own and was right on top of everything!!  She told me she had never married, because she did not want to give up her personality to "some man"...or wait on him!  So she has been a career lady all her life...she was so fun to talk to!!  No sweet little old lady here...she was a force to be reckoned with!!
  • 97 years old!!  A darling man, who grew up and met his wife in the depression and married in the ninth grade.  He walked at that time from Austin to Fort Worth to find a job at "Monky Ward" you remember that name?  He too lives on his own, drives, and just does fine...he was a very nice fella...he said the only thing wrong with him is that he was old!!  He had never once been to a doctor before his current admission to the hospital...
  • 71 years old...cancer.  Angry!  But somehow, a little accepting that the years of smoking finally got to him...poor guy!!
  • A truck driver, just headin' through...until he had a PE!!  Worried about his load in his truck...

Each patient has a story, and I love to hear them.   So, that was just a tiny part of rounds yesterday...I love the patient interaction more than anything.  The administrative headaches?  You can have them!!

Have a great day, all!!



Sharon said...

Wow, does the sashing ever change this up. I looked back to the blocks edge to edge. I like the black. Tell the trucker not to worry about his freight, it's not life or death!(I work in trucking)

Anonymous said...

LOVE your Barrister!!!!

Kyle said...

Your sashing is really making your blocks shine. It looks like the perfect design and color to compliment all those blocks.

regan said...

Those blocks with that sashing look amazing!!! Love it!

Quilter Kathy said...

What a great setting for the Barrister's blocks!
Enjoyed reading the patient stories!

*karendianne. said...

Wow! Zap! Zing!!!

Angie said...

I love how you are sashing the Barristers blocks---that black and white really sets them off so beautifully. Love hearing your patient stories. :)

Leeanne said...

Such an interesting job even just for the fact that you meet some real characters!!
Loving the black too.

Janet O. said...

Oh, I LOVE your setting for your Barrister's Sow-Along blocks. I have always loved black with mixed colors, too. This is very eye-catching.
Lucky gal to get some of Mary's scraps. Another woman's scraps are always better (to paraphrase).
Always enjoy your nursing stories.

Nancy said...

I like the black, too.

The patient stories are amazing. Yes, I remember Monky Ward - we ordered a LOT of things from their catalogs when I lived on the farm.

Karen said...

Oh, how I wish I had done the Sow Along blocks with everyone else. Yours are looking very good.

Teri said...

Love the sashing that you chose. Now maybe I need to rethink my sashing for my FW blocks.

Lynn Dykstra said...

the blocks look great--love the sashings
I start with new students this week.
In this first class they work on therapeutic communications. I really encourage them to dig for stories.
As they go into practice I tell them they won't always have time to go deeply into conversation, but they need to approach each patient knowing there is a story.

Helen in the UK said...

Loving how your Barristers Blocks are coming together. Also how wonderful that although you had all the responsibilities of being in charge you didn't just sit in an office you went and spoke to your patients and had the interest to find out a little of their histories. Good on you :)

Cindy said...

Julie, I especially loved reading about your patients in this post. Thank you so very much for sharing. You put a smile on my face. What a special blessing you must be for patients.

Your Barrister is just beautiful!

cottonreel said...

I'm 79 tomorrow and can still hold my own with the best of em !! Retirement is wonderful
My friend Bluebell has been for coffee this morning , we went through a box of scraps .

AnnieO said...

That triple sashing always looks so great on your quilts, Julie! I agree, the black works nicely to contrast. Mary recently gifted me some fabric and leftovers too--she is so generous.

I always enjoy your nurse's notes!

Mary said...

Barrister Blocks are looking most very beautiful and I love how the sashing makes them pop!

I'm finishing up Easy Street! Woo Hoo! Half way to having all the big blocks sewn together! I LOVE LOVE how it came out now that I finally have seen how the top truly comes out. Think I'm going to put a turquoise borger and call it done! (Well, except for quilting and binding!) The 3 x 4 block quilt is the perfect size! It will fit my twin size bed, but could also be used for a full size if I ever decide to go full size again.

Lori said...

Your barristers blocks are coming together so nicely! No peak at the border fabric?
Love the applique block!!

Linda O said...

Wow, Julie, your sashings look wonderful and make the blocks really shine! Beautiful applique block too. What fun patient stories..and such a tiny glimpse into the many lives you touch. Have fun playing in all the new scraps!

Lois Arnold said...

Your blocks look even more wonderful with this setting! It will be a great quilt! Love the stories you post about your patients. What wonderful stories they have to tell! Who needs a novel to read when you can hear the read deal?

Merry Merry said...

Your quilt looks fantastic! Love your patient stories, too. I taught high school kids for decades. How I miss the kids! But: I just could not take one more year of teacher meetings, administrative duties, and the endless grading.

Binsa said...

Hello Julie, I enjoyed catching up with the quilt....and your patient stories...Hugs Lyn

Jo said...

Your sashing is exactly what your quilt needed. Love it!!

Good morning!

Above are some bookmarks I created for friends.  I used a Free Spirit charm pack.  These were fast and fun to make. I am working on my moder...