Friday, January 18, 2013

Barrister's blocks!

Well!! I got the barrister's blocks all together now!!!  That sashing took a bit more piecing than I remembered, whew!!  What a wonderfully fun project Randy made for all of us, and I am so glad this is one piece. The border looks gray in the picture, but it is really darker, and I like that it fades into the background a little bit.   Rosie the poodle will not pose for me today, I think the flash is quite bright for her eyes. 

What now?  On with the Quiltville Mystery Quilt finale!!!

Hope you all have a super great day!!



Litamora's Quilt & Design said...

WOW! Love your quilt, it's stunning!

Elyte said...

It looks fabulous, the blocks, the sashing, the border, just everything.

*karendianne. said...

Wow, Julie! Spectacular.

canuckquilter said...

Oh my! It may have been more work to do the sashing with the pieced cornerstones, but it makes an already beautiful quilt stunning!

Mary said...

It's fabulous!!! I adore it! LOL, I love Ms Rosie too! One of these days we'll have to let Babette and Rosie meet!

Loretta said...

Beautiful quilt! Love the border!

Karen said...

Your quilt looks perfect! I love it! Looking forward to seeing it all quilted up and bound. Beautiful top!

Nancy said...

I agree that the black sashing is perfect - the top is lovely.

regan said...

This is so beautiful!

Lois Arnold said...

Well done! I'm usually not a fan of sampler type quilts, but that sashing brings it all together! Love it!

Kathleen said...

So fabulous! The smashing is perfect.

Sharon said...

OMG, this one took my breath away. It's fabulous!!!!!

Nancy said...

It looks fabulous, Julie. I can see why the sashing took so long after looking at a close-up of the quilt. It's not just pieced cornerstones but borders on all the blocks to get the cornerstones! But I think it was really worth it. (I hope you do, too.)

Leeanne said...

Great job!!!! You amaze me at how much you achieve!!

Leeanne said...

Great job!!!! You amaze me at how much you achieve!!

Janet O. said...

I absolutely love these blocks with the triple sashing and 9-patch cornerstones! This quilt turned out so well. Excellent job!

Merilyn said...

What a fabulous quilt!!!! Just love it!!!!

Helen in the UK said...

That looks amazing! Any ideas on how you're going to quilt it yet? Fabulous :)

jofridsquilt said...

It looks fabulous. Hugs Jofrid

Unknown said...

Gorgeous Gorgeous Gorgeous!!! - I always love that style of sashing but am generally outfaced by the amount of work - however it always looks so good - maybe I should use it on something and just grit my teeth until I've stitched it all

Quilter Kathy said...

It's awesome Julie! Stunning!

Caron at Michigan Quilts said...

What a beautiful quilt! Love your choice of fabrics!

Cindy said...

This is a true beauty, Julie. It must have taken hours! And with you working, where on earth do you find such precious time to do such amazing work?

Terry said...

It's beautiful! Well done! :0)

Lori said...

Woop! Woop! Hooray! it is gorgeous!!

Vicky said...

Your quilt is an heirloom! What a beauty! Congrats on a fantastic finish!

Kathy's A Quilter said...

wow! that is a fabulous finish. Quilt On.

Randy D. said...

WOW!!! The quilt looks fantastic!! I love your setting! Congrats on getting it all done!!!

Anonymous said...

OMGosh!!! Loving your quilt!!!!

Angie said...

Your BBs quilt is absolutely spectacular, Julie. :) Hugs to sweet little Rosie.

Linda in NC said...

Your setting is fabulous; great job!

Charity said...

Love it!

Shari said...

The quilt looks magnificent. What a great feeling it must give you to have the top finished. It's been great watching you put it together.

Elaine Adair said...

Oh my - you sure have a way with color, settings, neatness - this Barrister's Blocks quilt is so absolutely splendid!!! That black makes each block better than the previous - GREAT job!

Carole said...

That turned out lovely! Thanks for sharing! Cheers!

Kim said...

Oh my your 6 inch blocks look fabulous in your setting! How large is the quilt top now?
Lovely, lovely work.

Happy Sewing

Good morning!

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