Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Done with the six inch Barrister's blocks!

 Alrighty then!!  I am done with the Barrister's blocks...somehow I skipped a few, and did two of some...but here it is, folks!!  It was such great fun to do all these blocks throughout 2012.  A big thank you to Randy...please see her blog here!!  I know this was a lot of hard work to pull this all together, so good for you, Randy!
I am eliminating the purple block on the bottom row...too purple! I may eliminate the blue and red/tan one too.   The next four blocks on the bottom row may be a table runner.  But this one above?  I don't know what I did, but it is a full inch bigger than the rest of the blocks!!  It is my very favorite!  I guess I did some "creative" piecing and cutting with it, LOL!!!

Next up are nine patch cornerstones and sashing pieces.  I have most of that part next day off, that will be my mission!

**********The Lizard Whisperer...a nonsensical tale!****************************

I received a hurry-up call from my husband...big rains were on the way, and would I please scoot out and cover up his car that he is working on, so the inside would not get wet?  Of course I I got the cover from the shed, and unrolled it...and a little three inch long Texas gecko rolled out into the middle of the cover.  Now it is dang cold here, so the little buddy was pretty lethargic and a little upset about being awakened from his long winter's nap...I put my hand over him, and warmed him.  He perked up right away!  I then "commanded" him to get on my hand, and low and behold...he did!  I took him carefully over to the shed and put him back inside and instructed him to find another warm place to sleep.  These little buddies eat a lot of bugs, so I like them.  As far as the coincidence of him getting on my hand...I bet he enjoyed the warmth, LOL!!  Thus ends the tale!


Have a great day!!



Janet O. said...

Love the lizard tale, Julie! : )
Your blocks look wonderful! I can't wait to see your setting. I've been working on my setting today. I had to smile about your creative piecing. I did some of that myself, but not on that particular block.

Nancy said...

Maybe we should start calling you Dr. Dolittle and starting singing the tune, "Talk to the animals."

Your blocks are amazing and will make a wonderful quilt. Good job!

Angie said...

You really are a lizard whisperer, and a quilt whisperer too. :D Love it. :)

Vesuviusmama said...

Lovely lizard tale!

Randy D. said...

Julie, I can't wait to see what they look like together!!! BRAVO to you for getting them done!!! No small feat! And the one that's too big? I'd put it on the back!!

Quilter Kathy said...

I don't think I would be so happy to find a lizard on any given day! Of course I've never seen one, so I can't be sure! Love the block collection!

regan said...

Awesome blocks! And I loved your little lizard story! Sweet!

Helen in the UK said...

Great blocks and I like Randy's idea to put the creatively cut one on the back! Hope your lizard found somewhere else cozy in the shed to rest up :)

Debi said...

Your quick is lovely, I like all the variety. I am also enjoying this TX rain.

Lori said...

Funny how that block was a whole inch too big!! They look fantastic!!

Kathy's A Quilter said...

Love the lizard whisperer's tale. And congrats to you for having your Sow-a-long to its present state...they look great. I am patiently carving out time for get mine done..and done they shall be. Thanks for the lizard tale.

Browndirtcottage said...

Green Lizards 'Roc"!!!

Congrats on all your blocks!!

Simply FAB!

Leanne said...

What a wonderful finish and very cute gecko story.

Sue SA said...

Wow your close to a great flimsy finish! Those extra blocks will look great pieced into the back, even your favorite one that is too big!

Karen said...

Looks like you need another block or two to finish out. You made the blocks but I just collected the instructions.

Nicky said...

Wow that looks a lot of work Julie! Well done and good that you are getting to know your neighbours!

Annie said...

That is an amazing amount of work. Looks terrific!

cottonreel said...

Some very impressive patchwork here . Beautiful

Good morning!

Above are some bookmarks I created for friends.  I used a Free Spirit charm pack.  These were fast and fun to make. I am working on my moder...