Monday, January 21, 2013

Working On Easy Street!

I have working on the Quiltville mystery, Easy Street.  I have three of the large blocks completed, and all of the corners and side triangles finished.  I am on a roll!!  So hopefully I can make some real progress, really soon. 

I love that a few flowers flourish in this cold weather...always a spot of pretty color, somewhere!!  Reminds of the purple in the Easy Street quilt...

Have a great day, everyone!!



Terry said...

Your Easy Street is looking good! Love the pansy! :0)

Janet O. said...

Look at you go on Easy Street! Beautiful!!
Oh, I wish there was a spot of color anywhere in my yard! Well, I guess I could count the red bucket DH left out that is now frozen in the snow. : )

Cindy said...

I like browsing while I'm on "your street" LOL

Mary said...

Easy Street is looking fabulous! I really love that pink!

Nancy said...

I must agree that your Easy Street is looking good!

McIrish Annie said...

I have seen quite a few of these in blogland as well as a couple here at home that friends are working on. It's a ginormous quilt but it is really pretty. good luck with the construction.

Sylvia said...

I love your color choices for this quilt!

Lois Arnold said...

Your Easy Street is off to a good start! Looking forward to seeing it progress.

Gayle said...

I'm still chugging away on these blocks too - I don't think I've ever made a quilt with 15" blocks before. Wow! Yours looks very nice.

AnnieO said...

Wonderful progress! Glad you're sewing up a storm on your street :)

Leeanne said...

Pansies always make me smile, they are cheerful wee flowers.
Your easy street rocks!!!

Rhonda said...

Your Easy Street is coming along. The pink is striking! Love the colors. The Pansies are so pretty.

Lisa said...

I like your interpretation of Easy Street, at first I thought it was just the color change that made it look unique then I realized you switched the placement of your blocks. It really does make the quilt look totally different. I am going to play around with this layout myself, the only thing that I can see as a potential problem is that I will have to make more units as the block parts are much less as the number of star blocks is nine and the main blocks are 16 so I will have to do some math and see if I have enough fabric for the changes. Thanks for the inspiration, or should I say for the extra work:)

Frances Meredith said...

Great to see the progress of another Easy Street - your colours are so fresh, I love it.

Sarah said...

Love your Easy Street! I think the different colour choice has made the pattern so much better. Your pansy is beautiful too. It's my favourite colour.

Anonymous said...

lovely color combo. My flowers are sleeping under snow...pansies are such happy looking flowers!

Good morning!

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