Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Pillows and borders!

Yahoo! The borders are on the Ukraine quilt!  It is ready to go to the quilters, for a fast turnaround. I am delighted!!!

Hearts are just my thing, and this one was a free quilt along by Bonnie Hunter, with my twist on setting the blocks together. This was sewn about 2 AM, so it is an insomnia quilt...LOL!

 Look at all these pretty patient pillows that Mary G sent! Thank you so much!  Mary sews the pillows, and sends them to me flat...I stuff them and sew the edge shut.  These have already been distributed to the hospital. I love all the pretty fabrics, don't you? It was hilarious...I had ordered poly fill to stuff the pillows with.  I took the big bag out of the box, and untied the top of the bag...and it started expanding...and growing and growing and growing!!!  I have a huge bag  of stuffing, now, after using all of this!

Have a great day, each of you!



Tired Teacher said...

Your quilt is gorgeous! The sashing sets the blocks off perfectly.

Janet O. said...

That Ukraine quilt really sings! Great job!
Funny story about your bag of stuffing, and those are very pretty pillows.

Nann said...

Lovely setting!

---"Love" said...

Your Ukraine quilt is beautiful! The little pillows are cute too. ---"Love"

WoolenSails said...

I love your Ukraine quilt, beautiful fabric choices and setting.
The pillows are a nice gift for patients and nice that your friend can help by sewing and. you can stuff them, makes shipping easier.


Angie S. said...

What are the pillow dimensions? I am interested in possibly making some of these to send to you for patients. Also, love the Ukraine quilt...those hearts are beautiful!

Shelley said...

Is there a specific way or reason patients use of need these pillows? Just curious as our guild is needing a new charity projectšŸ¤—

mangozz said...

Your Ukraine quilt turned out fantastic! I like your setting a lot better than the original one.

sue s said...

I really like your Ukraine quilt. I like it better than the upside-down version Bonnie has. I've had that poly expanding happen before with the same reaction! It seemed I had as much to store as before I opened it!

Anonymous said...

I like your version of Bonnie Hunter's quilt. Thanks for sharing and all that you do for others.

Robin said...

Love how your quilt turned out. It's terrific!

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

Very pretty quilt. I have always loved yellow and blue quilts. Hugs

Robert said...

Love your Heart Quilt variation. Just wondering about your patient pillows, are they for when a patient gets a port put in? What are the dimensions that you recommend and do they need a strap on them? Robert, from northern Iowa.

Good morning!

Above are some bookmarks I created for friends.  I used a Free Spirit charm pack.  These were fast and fun to make. I am working on my moder...