Monday, May 2, 2022

New projects to work on!!

Good morning!!!  I have been working on the Red Sampler, from Bee in my Bonnet.  This was from last year, I think...and goes through her books, using this pattern and that pattern.  I am drafting my own versions as I go.  Loving it!!!

 I started something brand new!!  If you can guess what the quilt is, from this start, I have a gift to send to you!!!    First correct answer wins!

Have a lovely day!



dortha said...

Looks like you are starting an economy square quilt. Love your red blocks.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Dortha has already stated my guess. I like your red blocks. Thanks for sharing.

Dorothy L. Wills said...


julieQ said...

Ok, here is another clue. These are just the cornerstones of the quilt. Guess again!!

Elaine Adair said...

I was also going to suggest PINEAPPLE. 8-)))

julieQ said...

Keep on guessing!!! NO one has it yet!!

Chookyblue...... said...

Loving the look of the red sampler so far......

gladiquilts said...

Storm at Sea? (

Anonymous said...

Yes! You are correct!!

julieQ said...

Gladi! You won!

Joyce Carter said...

Are you going to add Hourglass blocks to them to make a Star quilt?
Love your red sampler blocks!

Tired Teacher said...

Two-color quilts are striking. I like your red/white blocks

Nicole said...

I don't have too much more to go with my Red Sampler. I have gotten distracted with shiny new projects and set it aside. Must pull it out again!

Beth French said...

Patchwork Fun by Chris Jurd!

Beth French said...

actually it should be Lots of Dots by Chris Jurd. :-)

Janet O. said...

Your red sampler is looking good, Julie!
Before I read the comments I was going to guess Storm at Sea. I see Gladi got it right first. I am interested to see your blocks.

dq said...

OH how fun it is to work on a new project! Love it!

Good morning!

Above are some bookmarks I created for friends.  I used a Free Spirit charm pack.  These were fast and fun to make. I am working on my moder...